Sun or Light

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  "What ... how? What do you mean that the brothers were still in the dream world; that's impossible".

"Obviously it wasn't. However, they were just kids in the dream world, as was I. Though, word of advice, don't put a rotting teddy bear in a dream world. It was a little disturbing".

The sunhat girl fumed, getting out of her throne chair while droplets of blood fell from her head. You went to grab your daggers, but they were gone. Cursing, you saw the sunhat girl smirk slightly.

"Can't find your weapons, my doll? I still have four minutes in which to make the sacrifice. That should be plenty of time".

As the sunhat girl walked towards you with a knife in hand, you looked for something to defend yourself with. In the process you saw Fade breathing heavily on the tile a ways away from you. Seeing Fade's condition and the sunhat girl's injury, you put two and two together. Turning your attention back to the sunhat girl, you noticed that she was gone. However, she soon appeared only a few inches from you. Before her attack could hit you, two sabers blocked it.

"So we were even in your dreams? I'm flattered, my dear lady".

"Indeed, I'm always pleased to be in your dreams, Miss _____".

You rolled your eyes, knowing that they would torment you with this fact for quite some time. However, the sunhat girl had disappeared once more. The brothers formed a protective shield around you and waited for her next attack. Though, you saw a flash of orange above you. Your eyes widened and you quickly shouted at the brothers to move. They looked confused, but soon saw the child descending on them. Running forward in order to dodge her attack, you watched as the brothers blocked her attacks. Whirls of blue, red and orange went by in front of you.

However, soon the orange went by faster than the blue and red. In that instant, both brothers went flying in opposite directions. They collided with the golden walls and were knocked unconscious. The sunhat girl's eyes turned to you, as only madness lay in them. She approached you slowly, as she threw the knife away. You were puzzled by her action until you saw two daggers appear in hands. Upon seeing them, you instantly recognized them as yours.

"I thought it fitting to kill you with your own weapons _____. I really want to see your blood drip from your own blades. Now stay still for you're only a doll".

At that moment you ran for the brothers, the closest being Heart. The sunhat girl chased after you laughing. Reaching Heart, you picked up the saber that lay by his side. You turned just in time to see the sunhat girl, bringing your own daggers down upon you. Blocking her attack with the saber, you kicked her in the gut and sent her sliding across the room. However, you were wondering why the sunhat girl wasn't using more powerful attacks against you. Back at the castle she defeated the brothers with the mere snapping of her fingers. As the sunhat girl got back on her feet, she let out a scream of pure hatred.

Turning to look at you, she glared intensely, "I can no longer make the sacrifice, for its one minute past the first hour of the evening. No matter I will still kill you. I will find a new sacrifice in time. If only my sister hadn't hit me with that attack of hers, I could've killed you by now. My powers wouldn't have been drained so much. I hate her, I hate her, and I hate you all. I want to kill you, kill you, but first you shall suffer".

She seemed to be addressing no one in the room, as an insane laughter left her lips. Standing up, the sunhat girl made her way over to Diamond with your daggers in her hands. Immediately you knew what she was about to do. Your feet pounded against the golden tiled floor, as you ran towards the two of them. As she raised the dagger above Diamond's chest, you ran at the sunhat girl. You brought the saber down on her, but she blocked your attack. However, you had stopped her from killing Diamond. She sent the saber flying before bringing the daggers upon you. Grabbing her wrists, you prevented the daggers from plunging into you. Though, the blades were mere inches from you.

Attempting to kick the sunhat girl in the gut again, you instead lost your balance, causing both the sunhat girl and you to fall. The daggers fell out of the child's hands. Seeing the opportunity presented to you, your hands seized up your daggers. Before you could stab the sunhat girl, she disappeared and reappeared next to her discarded knife. She ran at you once more, but you dodged her. However, she managed to trip you in process, which sent you flying into the throne chair. Upon impact, the chair crashed to the tile with you in it. With you on the ground, the sunhat girl came at you again. You quickly utilized the chair as a shield and heard the knife tear at the fabric of the chair.

Running out from behind the chair, you saw the sunhat girl turning around to meet you. When you went to stab her, you missed and ended up knocking off her hat. Instead of the hat landing on the floor softly, it made a loud metallic sound when it hit the floor. You watched as the sunhat transformed into a golden crown, which had orange gemstones worked into the metal of the crown. The sunhat girl brought her left hand up to her head, as if in shock that her crown no longer laid upon her head. She let out another scream of hatred and charged at you. Seeing the crown on the ground, something told you to connect your two daggers together.

When you touched the handles of the daggers together, a bright purple light shined throughout the room. Once the light died down, you found a completely different weapon in your hands. The handle of the weapon was black and silver. Though, the most interesting part of the weapon was the twin blades on the weapon. On both sides were glowing purple blades divided into three parts. Each part seemed to hover over the handle, or rather was attached by an invisible string. It was the weapon of a queen. The sunhat girl's eyes widened in surprise, as the purple weapon illuminated the room further.

"So you think you can summon a queen's weapon merely because you knocked the crown from my head. You will never outshine me doll! Let your eyes witness a true queen's weapon".

The knife in her hand morphed into a giant scythe, as the knife blade curved while the handle elongated itself. As the weapon glowed in an orange light, she seemed to fly at you. Your weapon seemed to direct you in what to do, as you blocked her attack and then slashed at the child. The sunhat girl managed to block part of your attack, but it sent her flying across the room. As your weapon guided you and felt natural in your hands, you came down on the child once more. Twisting the blades in your hands, you brought the weapon down on the sunhat girl.

Her scythe blade scraped across your sword blade, sending the sound of metal against metal throughout the room. Twisting the handle once more in your hands, you managed to knock the scythe out of the child's hands. You quickly stabbed her in each arm and leg, preventing her from moving. There was just one question left that you wanted answered.

"Tell me why you came into my music box. I must know".

She laughed insanely before saying, "Isn't it obvious doll? It's because I sensed your potential to become a queen in this land. Yes, I needed someone from your world to enter it completely, but I also needed someone with the capability to become queen in this world. However, you're no queen in my eyes. Only I hold power, only I control all, only me, you're nothing, you're a doll, and you're my puppet".

More laughter burst from her lips, as you brought your sword down upon her heart. Blood burst from her chest, as she faded into nonexistence. Upon her death, your sword changed back into your two daggers. However, three sets of eyes had gazed upon the last moment of your fight and had seen the queen's weapon. You heard heels clicking against the ground behind you. Turning just in time, you saw the brothers kneeling in front of you. Heart had his left hand over his heart while Diamond had his right placed over his.

You looked at them shocked. Were they actually bowing in front of you? Placing your daggers in their sheaths, you glanced between the two brothers. Your cheeks became slightly tinted with a dash of pink, as you suddenly felt awkward.

"To think that you would become a queen, it's truly remarkable. It's a good thing I regained consciousness in time to see you destroy that child".

"We are honored to have you as our queen".

Words couldn't leave your lips, as you were still in shock at their behavior. Both brothers stood up, each taking one of your hands in theirs. Each kissed the top of the hand that they held before releasing their grip on you. The brothers glanced at each other before turning their attention back on you.

"____, surely you understand that your still ours though right?" Diamond questioned.

No answer left your lips, as you stood frozen in place. He just called you by your first name. Just hearing your name leave his lips left you frozen in place. It sounded odd coming from him, yet at the same time you liked it.

"I think you left our queen speechless brother. Am I right, ____?" Heart asked.

Now even Diamond was calling you just by just your first name, since he didn't add a miss to it.

"However, I don't want to spoil you too much, my dear lady. I'll only call you by your first name when I think you deserve it" he stated with a smirk on his face.

"I must agree with my brother, Miss ____".

Before you could say anything, the ground beneath you started to shake, as pieces of the ceiling began to fall onto the golden tiled floor. Your eyes landed on Fade, who was hunched over on the floor. You could tell that she couldn't move at the moment. Thus you quickly darted over to her and called the brothers over.

"Can one of you take, Fade?".

Both brothers looked equally displeased with the request, but Diamond eventually tossed her over his shoulder. Fade gave you a look of gratitude while glaring at Diamond for handling her so harshly.

"Fade do you know what's happening here?" you asked, glancing at the shaking floor.

"With my sister gone, this place can no longer hold itself up, so it's collapsing as we speak. We must hurry out of here".

As soon as the words left Fade's mouth, the four of you ran out of the throne room through the golden double doors that stood at the head of the room with the brothers retrieving their weapons before you all left. Upon opening the doors, a path led over the amusement park, leading straight to the entrance. Running across the path, the four of you could hear the castle crumbling and falling apart behind you. Even the path behind you was starting to vanish from thin air, as though the place never existed. Everyone's feet pounded against the blue stone pathway until you all reached the entrance doors. You went to open the doors, but they had already vanished. This revealed the ocean of water that surrounded the Land of Amusement. However, no train lay in the distance, only water and the glittery mist.

"How are we supposed to get out of here? When will the train arrive?".

"We'll have to wait another hour. It won't arrive till two this morning" Fade responded.

Looking back out at the water, you searched it for the mermaids that lived beneath its surface and saw none to your relief. You may now be considered a queen in this world, but you still hadn't gained any magic capabilities except for the queen's weapon, since you were from another world. Sighing in frustration, you looked at the brothers to see if they had any ideas. Sadly they looked as troubled as you. Not knowing what else to do, you unsheathed your daggers and formed the queen's weapon. You had no idea what you were doing, but once again the weapon guided you. Plunging the blade into the pink stone walkway, which still had some blood left on it from the bunny, a light surrounded the four of you. As the Land of Amusement faded into nothingness, the ground underneath you four stayed present.

"Well this seems to be working" you stated, as an ocean of water surrounded the four of you from all angles.

"Miss ____, it does look like it's working, but will you be alright holding it up for an hour?".

"We have no choice right? It's either this, or be eaten by mermaids".

Diamond merely nodded his head in reply and set down Fade. As time ticked away, you could feel yourself growing weaker. By the time the train reappeared, you were exhausted. After sheathing your daggers, you saw only a glimpse of the train before you blacked out. However, you wanted nothing more than to sleep and so you welcomed it.  

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