Not the Evening you were Expecting

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   Exiting the dining car, you entered the next car, which happened to have two bedroom cabins on it. Peeking into the first door, you saw Fade fast asleep on a full sized bed with silver and gold sheets. You moved onto the next cabin and saw that it had two twin sized beds. However, you wanted a full sized bed like Fade. Thus you moved onto the next train car and looked into the first cabin. Once again you saw two twin sized beds. It wasn't until you reached the last car on the train that you found a cabin with a full sized bed.

Sliding open the cabin door, you entered the room before closing the door behind you. The cabin was decent sized. It had a bedroom area with a wooden door leading to a small bathroom. Wooden walls surrounded the entirety of the bedroom space. On these walls were two pictures, one featuring the scene of an ocean while the other portrayed an old steam engine. Furthermore, two windows with wooden blinds lay on the right hand side wall. However, since it was dark outside two flower shaped light fixtures illuminated the room. There was even a telephone in the room, though you doubted that it would work. On the floor of the bedroom was a full sized bed with dark green, red and gold floral patterned sheets. In front of the bed was a red, green and gold striped chair, which had a towel on the top of it.

Seeing a silver hook on the wall over the bed, you hung up your backpack and headed into the bathroom for your night routine. Coming back out of the small bathroom in some purple flannel pajamas, you made for the bed. Sitting on the bed, you finally realized that there was a working television in your room. The remote control sat on a small shelf over the bed. Taking hold of the remote, you turned on the television. One of the first channels that came on was a cartoon channel. In fact all the channels on the television were cartoons. You always heard about certain cartoons when you were younger, but you were never allowed to watch them when you moved in with your Aunt and Uncle. They found the shows obnoxious and forbid you from watching them.

Thus you curiously flipped through the cartoons, stopping on one that looked entertaining. The humor in the show was childish and sometimes gross, but nevertheless you found two of the characters in the show interesting. Their personalities made the show hilarious and you found you couldn't get enough of them. From the small girl, who remained unemotional and wanted to become an all powerful ruler. She kind of reminded you of the sunhat girl, but without all the smiling and giggling. Moreover, you found her personality amusing while the sunhat girl's annoying. As for the second character, he was the grim reaper. He at times acted like an entity of death, but at others like a human.

At the time there seemed to be a marathon for the show on. Thus you got to experience the entertaining nature of the cartoon. However, your alone time was soon interrupted by a figure appearing in your doorway.

"My dear lady, I could hear your laughter from the next cabin over. I came in to see what you found so amusing".

"So you're staying in the cabin next to me; just great. However, I won your game, so you should leave".

"You're so cruel, my dear lady. Though, we never mentioned in the game that we couldn't visit you if we didn't win. Thus I am merely seeing how you are doing" he stated, closing the door behind him.

He sat on the edge of the bed and glanced at the television. You tried not to laugh while he was in the room, but at times you couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"So where is your brother?".

"Do you prefer him over me, my dear lady?".

"I don't prefer either of you. I was just curious".

"I see. Well he is currently in the shower. I'm waiting for him to finish, so I can get mine. Would you like to join me?".

"No!" you yelled a little too loudly with your cheeks growing in color.

Heart laughed at your reaction before lying down on your bed. You observed him closely, making sure he wouldn't try anything. His blue eyes seemed to go out of focus, as if he was in deep thought.

"My dear lady, can you smile more for my brother and me".

"Why should I?".

"Because I just asked you to" he stated before sitting up on the bed.

Ignoring him, you turned your attention back to the show on the television. However, your view was soon blocked. Heart had pinned you to the bed. He kept his grip on you, preventing you from struggling.

"Now smile".


Sighing, he released his grip on you before snapping his fingers. Your hands were soon tied together. In that moment, Heart grabbed your face with his hands. He placed his thumbs on the sides of your mouth, trying to make you smile.

"Stop it" you managed to mutter.

Stopping his attempts at making you smile, Heart retreated back to the edge of the bed after releasing you from your restraints.

"So what did you think of me cuddling my brother accidentally?".

"What kind of question is that? I'm not answering that".

However, you remembered the scene and a light smile came to you face. You were reminded of how adorable the brothers looked, as well as the hilariousness of the scene.

"Finally, a smile graces your face. So I take it that you enjoyed the sight of us".

"I just thought it was funny; that's all there is to it".

Glancing at his hands, Heart snapped his fingers again. From your view, you could see that something blue appeared in his hands. When he turned around, you could see that the blue object was a blue teddy bear with a crown on its head.

"Take it. I do not feel comfortable leaving you alone with that child on board. I agreed to allow you your own room, and I will not break that agreement. However, this way I'm still watching over you in a way".

"I'm fine really".

"My dear lady, I'm offering you a gift; accept it, or I will visit you for the whole evening".

Knowing he was serious, you took the blue teddy bear. Examining it, you had to admit that it was cute. Its black eyes stared back at you. Moreover, it was extremely soft.

"Thanks I guess" you stated.

Heart nodded in reply before pulling you over to him. He gave you a quick kiss on the lips before he disappeared from your cabin.

Diamond soon replaced his absence. When Diamond had come in, you had already set the teddy bear on the pillow next to you. His eyes glanced at it before he shook his head lightly. Taking the remote from you, Diamond turned off the television before sitting in the striped chair. You were about to protest, but you saw the serious expression on Diamond's face. Though, you quickly averted your gaze due to Diamond just having a red bathrobe wrapped around him.

"Miss ____, why do you trust Fade?" he questioned, pushing his wet hair back.

"I trust her because I know that she will not attempt to kill me anymore. Furthermore, her goal in stopping her sister is pure and she intends to see it through. Unlike her sister, Fade doesn't wish control others and make them her entertainment. You should treat her better. Besides didn't she save your second plaything from dying after the two of you sent her into Fade's forest".

"Yes, she did save our second plaything. However, my brother and I are not happy about that incident. We don't like relying on her".

"Why do I get the feeling that there is more to the story? Are you two jealous?".

"Is it wrong for my brother and me to be jealous?".

"No, I don't control your emotions. You can feel however you want to feel. Just don't expect me to stop talking to Fade. Though, I promised the two of you that I wouldn't ignore either of you".

A small smile graced Diamond's lips, as your last statement left your mouth.

"Miss _____, would you like to have some evening tea with me? It would give me great pleasure if you did".

Before you could answer, Diamond had already got up and left your cabin. A few minutes passed before he came back with two red and black checkered teacups in his hands. He handed you one and you could smell the scent of peppermint. Taking a sip of the tea, you instantly felt a wave of calm wash over you. Diamond could tell that you enjoyed the tea and smiled lightly in response. Leaning against the window, you couldn't help but notice three burn marks across Diamond's chest.

"When did you get those?".

At first Diamond seemed confused by your question before he saw you glancing at his chest.

"Ah, it would seem that I forgot to hide them. I received them from one of the monsters back when we were escaping the carnival. I'm sorry that you had to see them. You must find them hideous".

"I don't find them hideous" you mumbled.

He merely glanced at you, as his eyes softened. The rest of the time the two of you sat in silence. Once you finished your tea, you had noticed that Diamond had set his teacup on the floor by his feet. Furthermore, his eyes were closed and you could tell that he had fallen asleep. Setting down your own cup, you went over to him. At first you thought he was merely messing with you, but he was truly asleep. Sighing, you left your cabin and went to get Heart.

As soon as you opened the cabin door, you shut it instantly. You could feel your face heating up. However, the door soon opened once again.

"So did you change your mind on my previous offer, my dear lady?".

"No, I came to tell you that your brother fell asleep in my room" you stated, looking away from Heart, who only had a towel wrapped around him.

"Did he now? Maybe I should have tried that tactic. Well I guess I'll go retrieve him from your room".

"At least put some clothes on first" you mumbled.

Heart just smirked at you, his face now having no bandages on it. However, he still listened to you and went back into his cabin, closing the door behind him. He came back out in a blue bathrobe, following you into your room. Seeing his brother in the chair, he went over to him and lifted his brother's left arm over his shoulder. Dragging Diamond out of your room, Heart closed the door behind him. Now left alone, you finally climbed under the sheets and went to sleep. Tomorrow the four of you would arrive at the Land of Amusement.  

A Dimensional Tune (Yandere Twins x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now