Night's Feast and End

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   Heart took you down the stairs and exited the door, entering the entrance hall once again. Your eyes fell on the severed throne with the sword. You began to wonder why the brothers never fixed the throne, and added another chair, since they now owned the castle. However, the throne vanished from your eyes, as Heart opened another door on the left side of the entrance hall.

The two of you began to walk down a long dark stone hallway, but in the distance you could see a light fixture, which held two taper candles. You could hear dishes being placed on the table, as well as a familiar tapping sound. Diamond must have reached the dining room before the two of you. Thus as you neared the light, you saw a stone arch, which most likely led to the dining room. Heart reached the arch and turned to enter the lit room.

Right under the arch was a single wooden chair with a crème and orange cushion while a matching pillow rested on top. As for the rest of the room it was quite grand. A well polished table with porcelain plates, crystal goblets, red roses, and candles on top sat in the middle of the room. Wooden chairs with blue floral pattern cushions outlined the table. A simple gold chandelier hung above the table, illuminating the yellow-gold walls and highlighting the grand fireplace, which had a fantastical scene painted on it. Rich red drapes hung over the multiple lace curtains that covered the windows. Two elaborate china cupboards held detailed painted plates, which appeared ancient and mystical.

Placing you in the chair at the head of the table, Heart pushed your chair in and went to take a seat on your left side. Diamond was already sitting in the chair on your right side. Furthermore, you saw Woodlily flying about the table, placing dishes here and there despite there only being three of you. She finished by lighting the two maroon candles, which smelled of cinnamon and crisp red apples. Hovering in front of Diamond, she grinned ear to ear.

"Your food will be out in a moment Woodlily" Diamond muttered with a slightly irritated tone.

Beaming, she flew up to the chandelier and sat upon it, waiting for her meal. As soon as she sat on the chandelier a wooden door swung open. Out came a three foot tall frog, who had a bottle of what looked like some sparkling drink. The frog had a chef's outfit on, which fit its body perfectly. You thought it strange, but adorable at the same time; you weren't expecting a frog chef. Passing the two brothers, the frog came up to you and stared up at you.

"Your glass, my lady".

At first you just stared completely amazed at the talking frog. You could hear Heart laughing and even Diamond smiled slightly at your reaction.

"Its rude to stare my dear lady unless you want to stare at me; I'm always fine with that".

Rolling your eyes at Heart, you grabbed your goblet and handed it to the frog. He filled it with sparkling apple cider. Handing the glass back to you, the frog turned to Heart. Once Heart's glass was filled with the drink, the frog disappeared back behind the door. However, the frog soon returned with a crystal teacup and saucer, which held tea in it. Diamond took the teacup and saucer from the frog, who nodded in return.

"Salads will be out in just a few minutes".

"Thank you Aberrous" Diamond stated.

Woodlily flew down from the chandelier and waved her arms in front of the frog. Motioning her with his finger, Woodlily followed the frog back into the kitchen.

"I didn't know that the two of you had your own personal chef".

"Indeed, we do, but usually my brother does all the cooking. He's the one, who made your breakfast this morning" Diamond mentioned.

You couldn't help but stare at Heart in amazement. You weren't expecting him to be good at cooking.

"I see" was all you managed to say.

"Is it that shocking? My dear lady, I hope you didn't think we only played games. We have hobbies of our own you know".

Looking at the bubbling drink in your glass, you felt suddenly embarrassed. Due to the brothers' nature you never actually expected them to have much in the way of hobbies. Then again they probably had to do something before you were sucked into this world.

Taking a sip of your drink, you heard the kitchen door opening once again. Out came Aberrous with three salads. Woodlily was nowhere in sight, which meant she had found her food already. Besides the abundant amount of greens in the salad, you saw that the salads had chopped up carrots, radishes, croutons, and apples while a light Italian dressing sat on top. After setting the salads on the table, Aberrous once again vanished into the room filled with the smell of cooking food. Poking at your salad with the fork, you looked at Diamond ,who was sipping his tea.

"Do you not like apple cider?".

"I don't like any sweet drink" the red-headed twin said.

"It's true, my dear lady. One time I put just one cube of sugar in his coffee and he nearly vomited in disgust".

You really didn't need to know that last detail, so you just nodded your head. Stabbing an apple and carrot at the same time, you placed the food in your mouth. As you continued to eat your salad, the two brothers ate as well with no one talking. It felt somewhat awkward. Though, soon the silence was broken.

"So Heart did you find anything on the sunhat girl?" Diamond questioned.

"No, I didn't. I looked through all of the letters, but nothing pertaining to the child's plan revealed itself. Were you able to find anything?".

"No, that child has kept her plan quite secretive. I doubt we'll ever be able to find anything on it. I'm afraid that she might make the next move before we get a chance to act".

"Isn't there some way to get information on her?" you asked.

"Most likely, but where we look is the current question at hand, Miss _____?".

"Great" you muttered, stabbing another apple.

Before you could bite into the apple, Heart snatched the piece of apple from you. He grinned at you, swallowing the stolen food.

"I must say you're salad tastes better than mine, my dear lady".

Just as you were about to say something, you saw a fork other than yours stab the last carrot in your salad. Diamond took the carrot from your salad, biting into it.

"I must agree with you Heart, it does taste better".

Pushing the almost finished salad away from you, you glared at the two brothers. Heart merely smirked while Diamond smiled. They were completely unbelievable. Taking another sip of your drink, Aberrous came back out, figuring that you three had finished with the salad. As he took the almost finished salads away, you thanked him. He nodded in response, as he went to retrieve the main course. Your eyes soon landed on salt and sugar shakers. An idea popped into your head, as you saw Aberrous bring the next dish out. While both brothers were distracted by Aberrous, you quickly grabbed the two shakers. Not waiting a second, you tested which was which. Knowing what was sugar and what was salt, you carried out your plan.

Heart and Diamond were still looking the other way and so you tapped the salt into Heart's apple cider while putting the sugar into Diamond's tea. You tried to keep your face straight, as you awaited for your plan to work. Aberrous set down the beef and vegetable stew. Bringing the spoon up to your lips, you watched as Heart took a sip of his apple cider while Diamond went to drink his tea. The results of your revenge were quite delightful. Both brothers reacted in quite amusing ways. Diamond covered his mouth with his right hand, looking as though he might puke. Heart on the other hand was coughing into a napkin, obviously disgusted by the new taste of his drink. Eating your stew, you watched in amusement. When both had recovered, they stared at you, their expressions dark. You looked at them innocently and continued to eat your food.

"Dear brother it would seem that my drink tastes dreadful" Heart muttered.

"Indeed my drink is quite intolerable" Diamond added.

With no warning, Diamond picked up his tea and dumped it into your half eaten stew with Heart following soon after. You gazed at your now ruined stew, greatly annoyed.

"Miss ____, you haven't eaten all of your dinner, you should finish it before it gets cold".

"I think I'm full" you stated simply.

"That's a shame. It's a pity that we don't care" Heart said and in one swift movement took your spoon, filled it with the stew and held your mouth open.

Before you could knock his hand away, he shoved the stew into your mouth. You had no choice, but to chew, since Heart held your mouth shut. the stew tasted disgusting, but you kept a straight face. Heart released his hand from your face and awaited your reaction.

"It tastes delicious" you said lying, swallowing the disgusting mixture of flavors.

"Then do continue eating it".

"Fine it tastes disgusting" you admitted.

"I see, then please do not put sugar in my drink again, or salt in my brother's drink. I'm sure we could think of a suitable punishment if you so try again".

"Whatever" you mumbled irritated before continuing, "Anyway what do you two plan to do after tomorrow?".

"I think it would be best to stay here at least till we find something on the sunhat girl" Diamond said.

"We would like to play another game, but there is too much risk at the moment, my dear lady".

Nodding, you suddenly heard something land in the chair across from you.

"You know this food is quite good" came an all too familiar voice from across the table.

All three of you turned your heads and found the sunhat girl sitting at the table. She had food in front of her while a huge wicked grin had plastered itself on her face. Smiling, she observed all of you.  

A Dimensional Tune (Yandere Twins x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now