Nighttime Playground

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  As you fell, you felt water splash against your face and wind rush past you. Every second made you feel like you were going to fall off the boat, but you kept your eyes closed not wanting to witness the fall. The brothers' grip on you tightened, as gravity tried to knock you off the platform. It seemed like the descent lasted forever, but soon you heard a loud splashing sound around you.

Hesitantly opening your eyes, you saw that day had turned to night, as a full moon and a sky full of stars gazed down at you and the brothers. The water was now quiet and nothing stirred in the water below. No longer was the boat transparent, but now it looked like any solid wooden ship. In fact it reminded you of a ghost ship due to the sails being torn, as they swayed in the nonexistent breeze. All around you was an atmosphere that screamed mysterious and deadly.

The brothers released their grip on you while the platform disappeared. Standing on the wooden deck, you rushed to the side of the boat, looking down into the water below. In the waters below, you noticed sickly green grass, which remained completely still. There was nothing else that you could see in the water. However, you noticed that the water was not very deep unless the grass itself was just very tall.

While you were observing your surroundings, the two brothers walked onto the quarter deck. Heart sat on the railing while Diamond leaned against it.

"So Diamond what game do you have planned; I'm quite curious".

"It's simple, we're going to put our plaything in the playground that is just up ahead. Her goal is to find a way to escape. Depending on how she escapes will determine which one of us wins her".

"And what if she doesn't find a way to escape?" Heart said, as an amused smirk played at his lips.

Diamond didn't answer, but just glanced down at your form.

"Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see" he stated, his gaze still on you.

Heart chuckled a little before jumping off the railing and back onto the deck, peering down at you.

"My dear lady we're approaching our destination soon. I suggest you prepare yourself for our next game" he called down to you.

Ignoring him, you walked over and onto the forecastle deck. Out ahead of you lay a deserted playground on a circular island. As you neared it, you saw a fence surrounding the island while a lifeless tree with a tire swing stood tall in the moonlight. In front of the tree were two slides with one being higher than the other. However, both slides looked old, as the paint was faded and peeling.

A sense of utter dread washed over, as you gazed at the island. However, you wondered what game they were planning. Surely the deserted playground was too small for the brothers to plan one of their sick games. Though, you knew that there was something strange about the playground. Sighing, you climbed onto the edge of the boat, sitting down, as you awaited to reach your terrible destination.

Upon arriving at the island, you heard the brothers approaching your figure. Before they could reach you, you jumped off the boat onto the island below. You didn't feel like talking to them. In fact you felt like sliding down one of the slides a couple of times just to clear your head. Thus once your feet hit the dirt ground below, you went over to the fence, opened it and went inside the tiny playground.

Brothers Perspective:

"Don't you want to hear the details of the game, my dear lady" Heart called out.

He watched your form continuing to walk away from him and knew that you were ignoring him. He couldn't decide whether to be frustrated or amused, maybe both. Leaning on the edge of the ship, he hung his head down before covering his uncovered eye with his left hand. Letting out a bitter laugh, he heard his brother nearing him.

"It would seem that our plaything has chosen to ignore us from now on. You know how much I hate being ignored by our plaything" Heart stated still letting out a chuckle every now and then.

"What a shame, even after I was quite kind to her last night".

Diamond narrowed his eyes, as he watched you opening the gate to the playground. Tapping his long nails against the boat's edge, a small smile graced his mouth.

"Heart I believe we need to give our plaything some space".

"What do you mean Diamond?".

"Simple, the next time she is near death we'll leave her like that for awhile. I'm sure that will change her mind".

"Interesting, as long as she doesn't die I'm fine with that plan".

"Of course, I would never dream of letting her fully die on us".

Both brothers nodded at each other, their wicked grins highlighted by the beams of light from the moon.

Back to you:

The dried leaves on the playground floor crunched under your feet, as you approached the higher slide. Its metal stairs were rusted and creaked under your ascending form. At one point you thought one of the stairs would collapse under you, but thankfully it didn't. Reaching the top of the slide, you sat down and just stared out at the still sea. You wanted waves to splash up against the edge of the playground, but no such thing happened. Instead everything remained quiet. Deciding not to go down the slide, you began to count the stars not really knowing what else to do.

It wasn't the most exciting thing, but it cleared your head for a little while. You could feel your eyes starting to close on you. Without caring, you rested your right arm on one of the rusty railings before placing your head on top of your arm. Maybe if you just slept through the night, the game would end and the brothers would leave you alone. However, you had great doubts about such things happening.

Before you could let sleep greet you, you felt something push you forward, which sent you down the slide. You tried to look back, but only saw nothing. Within seconds you reached the bottom of the slide, but when you looked around you the scenery in the playground changed. It wasn't a huge change, but enough so that you would notice it.

There was no slide behind you, the higher slide had completely vanished. Only the lower slide remained. Furthermore, the ship that you came on was now absent. The tire swing rocked back and forth despite there being no wind. Hesitantly, you got down and approached the tire swing.

Grabbing it, you halted its movement. Examining it, you attempted to find something that was causing its movement, but there was nothing. You were beginning to get freaked out and glanced around you. To your horror, you saw two yellow eyes staring at you. They hovered in midair, as they began to near you. Not really having anywhere to run, you hid behind the tree, but a sudden strong gust of wind knocked you over.

On your back, you gazed out in front of you, seeing no more floating eyes. Moreover, the higher slide had returned to its proper place, but now the tire swing was gone. Picking yourself up, you decided it was time to find a way out of the playground before anything else happened. Running over to the playground entrance, you tried to open the fence, but to your disappointment it was now locked.

This left you no choice, but to climb the fence. However, as soon as you placed your foot on the fence, you were thrown backward, hitting the lower slide. Recovering yourself, you rubbed your back, as you checked to see if your surrounding changed again. Annoyingly, they did.

Now in the playground there was only the lower slide, everything else had vanished . However, a few feet away from you lay a piece of yellowed paper. Walking over to it, you picked it up, gazing down at it. Across the old paper was a single written line:

Let's eat together.

You didn't know whether this was a good thing, or a bad thing. In your experience with this world, it probably meant a bad thing. Besides what could one even eat here unless they liked a healthy supply of dead leaves. Holding the note in your hands, you looked around you to see if there was anyone around you. Once again there was nothing. However, you could soon feel someone breathing down your neck. Jumping, you turned around and came face to face with another shadow being. Unlike the one from the forest, this one had four arms. It rubbed its knife like hands together, as it moved closer to your backing away form.

Nearing the fence behind you, you stood still, waiting for it to attack. When it raised two of its arms toward you, you made a run for it. There was no way out and not knowing what you were doing, you climbed up the slide. Just as you reached the top of the slide, the shadow swung two more of its arms at you. Luckily for you, you had just slid down the small slide.

Checking behind you, the shadow was now gone as was the lower slide. Sitting on the leaf covered ground, you noticed that the higher slide was back as was the tree and tire swing. However, there were now two more figures in the playground. You could only see their feet, since a table with a lace tablecloth blocked your view of the rest of them. The two figures whispered, as you remained in place. If you moved, the leaves on the ground would betray your presence. However, the whispering stopped, as leaves crunched. One of the two figures walked around the table. You couldn't do anything except wait for the form to approach.  

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