Sandwiches with a side of Bandages

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  When you awoke the next morning, you found neither of the brothers in your room. Diamond was probably attending to Heart, since he knew that you were in no immediate danger. You had agreed to meet the sunhat girl in the Land of Amusement and you intended to keep your promise, for if you broke it, the results would be horrendous. If there was one way to beat her, it would be to stay on her good side and strike when she least expected it. You had decided to make the journey tomorrow.

Sitting up in bed, you draped your legs over the side of the bed. Setting them on the floor below, you hesitantly stood up. To your relief, you could now stand without any support. However, it still hurt to walk, but at least you wouldn't need to move around in a chair anymore. Thus you made your way over to the bathroom and wardrobe, starting your morning routine.

After finishing everything, you walked out of the bathroom. A black tank top rested over your torso while black and purple checkered skinny jeans covered your legs. You managed to find a pair of simple purple slippers, which gave your feet extra warmth. Covering your arms and shoulders was a black velvet military jacket with silver and gold buttons.

With your clothes on, you began to carry out your plan for the day. Your first goal was to check up on Heart. Even though you kept telling yourself that you had no interest in his well being, you decided it best to at least see how he was doing. Moreover, you needed to discuss your plan with Diamond. Personally, you desired nothing more than to just leave without telling the brothers. However, you saw Diamond angry once and you didn't want to relive that experience. You knew that if you just left, both brothers would be more than furious.

While going over the rest of your plans for the day, you soon found yourself lost. You had no idea where Heart's room was. He never had the opportunity to show you his room, which was probably a good thing in your case. Thus you stood in the stone hallway, wondering where to go. To your luck, you soon saw Woodlily racing down the passageway towards you with a piece of meat dangling from her mouth. Her eyes widened in happiness, as she saw your form.

She waved her arms in various directions, as she hovered in front of you. You just stared at her, trying to decipher what she wanted. Eventually she gave up and started to tug on your jacket sleeve. Not knowing what else to do, you allowed her to guide you down the hallway. Passing the various doors, the two of you arrived at the door right before the hallway turned. Woodlily pushed open the antique door, revealing a rather large bright blue room, which had white trim around the blue paint.

There were four paned rectangular windows in the room, each with their own set of blue and silver curtains. Two silver wall decorations along with an elaborate silver mirror hung upon the walls. Chairs of various shapes, which all followed the color pattern of blue and silver, filled the huge room. Three dressers covered in mirrors lined the wall opposite of the bed; each had a glass lamp sitting on top. The lamp shades themselves were a pure white while blue feathers fell from the end of the shades. However, the lamp shade farthest from you had silver feathers hanging from its shade. On the left side of the bed were a silver vanity and a white writing desk. Next to the bed rested two nightstands covered in mirrors. Lamps sat on top of the stands, but had blue shades with small crystals on the end of the shades. A white and crystal chandelier hung over the king sized bed. The bed itself had a vibrant blue mattress and silver sheets while various blue pillows were stacked upon the sheets.

Diamond was nowhere to be seen in the room. However, one of the many chairs in the room had been pulled up to the right side of the bed. Heart lay under the silver sheets, his head propped up onto one of the vibrant blue pillows. New bandages covered his right eye. So far no new blood soaked through the bandages, but you could hear Heart breathing heavily.

At that moment the door next to the nightstand opened, revealing Diamond. He had a wet washcloth in his hands. He merely nodded his head at you, as you allowed him to pass. He sat down in the chair, placing the washcloth on his brother's head. You heard the door close behind you and noticed that Woodlily was gone. Diamond leaned back in the chair and turned around to face you.

"Woodlily said you sent for me" you stated.

"Indeed, I wanted to know when you plan to leave for the Land of Amusement" he replied.

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