Remember the Rose

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  Your small bare feet ran through the field of flowers, as water dripped from you. The two boys playing were now very close. Not being able to remain quiet anymore, you called out to the two of them. For some reason, you had their names on the tip of your tongue, yet you couldn't remember them. Now standing only a few inches from them, they turned their attention over to you. Blue and orangish-red eyes stared at you. Their eyes examined you before they glanced at each other.

"Who do you think she is, Diamond?".

"I don't know, but I think we should keep her".

"That sounds fun, she is cute".

"Agreed, but what should we play first?".

At this point you were getting frustrated with the two. They were acting like you weren't there. Furthermore, they made you sound like some possession.

"You know I can hear you!" you yelled at them with your fists clenched.

The blue-haired boy merely smirked while the red-haired boy smiled. However, they gave no reply to you; they just continued to look amused by your outburst.

"You know I came over here to greet you two, yet you act like I'm not here. I was even going to bring you cookies, but they got ruined. However, I'm glad they got ruined" you stated, turning away from the brothers.

"Don't go. We do want to play with you" the blue-haired male voiced.

"Yes, we haven't had someone to play with in awhile" the red-haired male mentioned.

"Diamond and Heart, you two are frustrating" you said, surprised that you suddenly remembered their names.

Brother's and Fade's Perspective:

The scythe barely missed Diamond, as Skull swung the weapon at the brothers. They had been at the fight for five minutes already. So far they only managed a single cut on his left cheek and a slash across his right arm, though Skull held the weapon in his left hand. Though, he had not landed a single hit on them. Both brothers were growing impatient with the fight. They wanted the fight to end soon. Thus Heart grabbed a handful of the orange drapes and tore them off. He waited for Skull to approach him. Just before the scythe could fatally wound him, he dodged the attack and landed behind Skull. Taking the sheet, he wrapped it around Skull's head. With their opponent blinded, Diamond took the opportunity presented to him.

Skull swung the scythe's blade around furiously, trying to see once again. Though before he could take off the fabric over his eyes, Diamond severed the man's head from his body. As the head rolled across the golden tile, the body fell to the ground, allowing a pool of blood to form around it.

While the brother's were fighting the sunhat girl's servant, Fade was fighting her sister. The odds were not in favor of Fade. Only a few minutes had passed, which was enough to leave Fade battered and bruised. Her sister only had a few scrapes on her. At the moment, Fade could only dodge her sister's attacks. She had barely any energy left, but she decided to conserve that last amount of energy for one successful attack; she just had to time it right.

Chroma laughed uncontrollably, as she threw attack after attack at her sister. Her golden blonde hair shined while she ran at Fade with a golden knife. Fade barely dodged the attack in time, as strands of her hair were separated from her. Continuing her attack, the sunhat girl brought her blade down time after time. On the fifth time she was successful, landing the blade in her sister's right hand. However, Fade grabbed at the blade stuck in her hand and pulled it. This caused Chroma to fall forward onto Fade. Resting the palm of her left hand over her sister's heart, Fade released the remainder of her energy into Chroma. The action sent the sunhat girl flying towards her throne chair. She impacted the chair with a loud thud, as the chair wobbled back and forth. Blood seeped down Chroma's head, as her eyes fell shut. Having used the last ounce of her energy on her sister, Fade fell to the floor unable to move.

However, the brothers were only concerned with you. They ran over to you and were relieved to find you still unharmed. Though, your body was unnaturally cold. Diamond and Heart called out your name, trying to wake you up. A light chuckle came from the throne chair. The two brothers instantly cast their gaze on the chair. Chroma giggled, as a grin painted her face.

"She's trapped in a dream world. Even with my servant dead, the only way she can escape is if I die. She will die at the first hour this evening and I will travel to her world to conquer it".

Fade looked beyond despair at seeing her sister still alive. Heart stood up and walked over to the sunhat girl. He brought his saber down on her, but the blade was repelled by an invisible wall. The sunhat girl continued to laugh while Heart tried to destroy the shield protecting the sunhat girl. Diamond stayed by your side and rested his head on your right shoulder, whispering in your ear for you to wake up. He pulled your body closer to him, as if the action would wake you up somehow. Though, nothing seemed to work, as you remained motionless.

Back to you:

"She said our names, Diamond".

"Yes, I guess it's time she left then".

"What do you mean, I just got here. I don't even know how I know your names".

The two twins shook their heads at you before standing at your side, Diamond on your right, Heart on your left. They each gave you a quick kiss on your cheeks and you felt your face grow in color.

"Hey, you can't just do that".

They didn't answer you, as they backed away from you. Suddenly the field began to disappear around you. As the ground crumbled around you, the two brothers waved at you before they vanished as well. Scared at what was happening, you covered your eyes and waited for the earth to suck you in. However, nothing of the sort happened. Instead you still felt grass at your feet. Hesitantly, you uncovered your eyes and found yourself back on the grey grassland.

With the clouds rolling by overhead, you heard the sound of wheels turning. In the distance, you saw the wheelbarrow of flowers once more. This time you would claim the purple rose. Running up to it, it stopped its movement. The same teddy bear came around the wheelbarrow to greet you. However, you wouldn't listen to it. Your hand reached for the purple rose.

"Young miss; you should get a different flower".

"No, I decide my own fate. You're not my friend and you do not bring happiness. I will pick the flower that I want".

The bear looked angered by your comment and grabbed for your wrist. However, you had already reached the purple rose. Clasping it, you felt a thin trickle of blood run down your hand. It hurt, but you kept the rose firm in your grip. Pulling the rose from the wheelbarrow, you watched as the wheelbarrow and the teddy bear vanished from the grey world. You brought the rose to your lips, letting it glide over them. Its soft petals tickled your lips.

"Do you remember now?".

"Yeah" you stated, now gazing at the two twins, who reappeared before you.

"Good, because your ours".

You rolled your eyes and watched as the world vanished once more, as darkness claimed you. Suddenly a gush of wind rushed through you and you opened your eyes. There was something warm next to you, as you shivered lightly. Your (e/c) eyes fell on a familiar man with red hair. Diamond hadn't yet realized that you were awake. You could hear him muttering your name, as his head rested on your shoulder.

"Only ten minutes left now. It's so much fun watching you all suffer. You know I never would've thought that you two would become so attached with one of your playthings. Then again I guess I fueled your obsession with her. It's funny how I'm the one who brought her to you, yet I'll be the one to take her away".

"Be quiet child! Open your mouth for me and I will slice off that tongue of yours" Heart exclaimed, as he continued to slash at the shield with an insane smile on his face.

You could hear him breathing heavily and could tell that he was exhausted. Diamond's grip on you loosened while he turned his gaze to the sunhat girl.

"You're the foolish one, if you think that you'll take her away from us".

An ominous presence hung around Diamond and you could feel his grip on you tighten once again.

"No you're the foolish one. Your calls for your plaything do you no good. She can't hear you. She's trapped in a dream world where you two do not exist".

"Actually you're wrong on both those points. I can hear them quite fine and even in that dream world of yours I couldn't get rid of them" you stated, deciding it was time to talk.

Everything in the room went silent, as everyone's gaze turned towards you. You smiled inwardly at seeing the brothers' shocked faces. However, you smirked at the sunhat girl, as you saw anger flare up in her brown eyes. Her dream world couldn't make you forget the past and present, for you remembered every detail of it.

A Dimensional Tune (Yandere Twins x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now