Applaud of Misfortune

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   The smoke vanished, as bright lights blinded you. Squinting, you saw rows and rows of red cushioned chairs. Some were very close to you while others were almost out of sight. Above you the ceiling was in a dome shape, which was decorated with midnight blue paint and red stars. Lights hung all around you, as a ball cage hung to your right. People began whispering, as the smoke dispersed.

You could hear, 'I wonder how long she'll last', repeated over and over. However, you blocked those words from your mind, trying to view the crowd. So far there was no one you recognized. None of the crowd mattered to you, they just reminded you of faceless beings. You would never see their faces again, never would you hear their words again. They didn't matter.

Though, your (e/c) eyes soon landed on two men in the far back. You could barely make them out, yet you had no doubt in who they were. Their elaborate attire and hair gave them away. However, there was something strange about them. There were no hats on their red and blue hair, which was quite odd. Furthermore, you could make out that they had masks on. You couldn't decipher the details of the masks, but there was no doubt in the masks' presence.

Turning away from the brothers, you heard a voice over the speakers. You couldn't find the speaker, but you did recognize their voice. You were sure that it was them.

"Now for that special treat I promised you. I present to you all the Painted Crown. Now before you is a girl, who single handily killed a shadow with her bare hands. Moreover, she conquered poison that invaded her mind and body before destroying the poison completely".

It was her. There was no one else who knew all the events of this world. The sunhat girl had once again pulled your strings. However, you refused to let her win. Instead you were now determined to destroy anything in your path. You still had questions for her and she would answer them. You noticed that the crowd stared at you with eager eyes. They were ready to witness some more entertainment.

"Now let the show begin".

At last the restraints on you vanished, leaving you in your chair unrestrained. All around monsters made themselves apparent, each of the same identical in appearance. Every monster had the body of a mannequin and crawled on all fours. However, it had no feet, but only hands. In place of a head was a flower in the shape of a purple pansy.

With no hesitation one of the monsters launched itself at you, making you jump out of the chair. Impacting the chair, the monster fell onto the ground below with the chair on top of it. Not having any other weapon, you grabbed the chair, which was surprisingly light, and swung it down on the monster, crushing its head in the process.

"Ah, she has defeated one, but forgot about the poison".

Cursing, you saw purple smoke coming out of the damaged flower head. Backing away with your hand over your nose and mouth, another one of the monsters came at you. This time you didn't have enough time to dodge and were tackled to the floor. You were pinned to the ground, as the flower head approached your face. It opened up its mouth, revealing a long purple tongue. The tongue dripped an acidic substance with one of the drops landing on your cheek. It seered your skin, but you endured the pain.

Before the monster dripped more acid on you, you brought your knee up into its torso, sending the thing off you. Picking yourself up, you immediately jumped out of the way of another one. The creature went flying into the other one. Your eyes went over to the chair and you saw that it was now covered in a purple paste. However, you still ran over to the chair and seized it. One of your only weapons may have been damaged, but it was still usable.

The paste burned your hands, which only made you grip the chair harder. Running at the two creatures still on the ground, you brought the chair back down on them, crushing them as well. Once their heads were crushed, you ran away not wanting to breathe in the poisonous fumes. In the process you ran into the fourth and last monster. Before you could act, the monster gripped both of your arms and tossed you in the opposite direction.

You hit the small wall that surrounded the stage, groaning in pain. Your arms were draped over the wall, as your body resembled a puppet, who had lost its strings. Charging at you, the monster jumped into the air. You rolled over just missing the attack. Upon doing so, you saw an observer, who had a sturdy looking cane. A smile crossed your lips, as you took hold of the cane. The observer gasped in surprise, but his cane was already in your hands before he could do anything.

Turning just in time, the cane met the face of the monster. Crashing to the floor, you brought the cane down onto its face, breaking its face in two. Backing away, you saw the fumes of poison ascend out of its ruined flower face. Supporting yourself on the cane, you started to catch your breath.

"Ah, it looks like the Crown has won, but that was only round one. Let's test her survival skills again shall we. Please give her your applause".

Clapping resonated throughout the domed room, as you felt your heart sink within your chest. There was a round two and you were already exhausted. Gazing upwards, you tried to locate the sunhat girl. Where was she? You were broken from your concentration, as a force hit you in the gut. A warm sensation shot up through your throat, as blood came up into your mouth. In response your mouth opened, sending blood and spit onto the stage floor, as you hit the ground below. Sliding across the floor, the two bodies of the creatures stopped you. Thankfully, you still had the cane clutched in your hands.

Coughing up more blood, you saw a figure approaching you. Were your eyes deceiving you? There was no way that he could be in the circus with you unless ...

"It looks like the manager took the first hit".

That confirmed it, you were in the circus tent that was in the carnival. Once again you were battling the manager. His glass eyes stared at you hungrily, as his head popped and twitched with his limbs following the motion. Clutching at your mid-section, you stared up at him. That's when you saw her. She was sitting in one of the red stars, her golden hair shining in the bright lights. Her sunhat resting delicately on her head. The manager was no longer in your field of vision, it was only the sunhat girl and you.

Picking yourself up, using the cane as support, you ran for the ball cage while the manager pursued you. You dropped the cane, now only focused on the golden head of hair. Lifting yourself into the air, you gripped onto the metal cage, beginning to climb up. None of the voices in the crowd mattered. Not even the brothers' stare concerned you. The last time you saw the sunhat girl she had sent Kelpies at you and left you with more questions. You wouldn't let her escape.

Reaching the top of the cage, you looked for something else to grab. The manager was now climbing the cage, his glass eyes never leaving you. Right above you was a string of heavy fabric. Not waiting another moment, you leaped up, grabbing it. No announcements were made, as the sunhat girl peered down at you. Her childish smile painted her face, delight beaming in her eyes.

Pulling yourself up the fabric put a strain on your exhausted form, causing you to cough up more blood. However, you kept going and didn't look back. She was almost in your grasp. Now at the top of the fabric, you were face to face with her. Smiling at you, she dropped the microphone.

"Hello, _____. How are you? I believe someone is trying to kill you" she giggled.

Her warning didn't matter to you and you reached out to grab her. Your fingertips brushed against her before you were pulled back forcefully. In that moment everything went from bad to worse. The sunhat girl disappeared and the manager now had you in his grasp. Your goal seemed to vanish, as you were thrown against the ball cage.

Your form collided with the metal and you found that you couldn't move. The statue now jumped on top of you, as its head started to pop until its mouth burst open. Inside you could see a sharp blade. You peered to the side of you, seeing the audience now gone. Only the brothers remained. As soon as you spotted them, they vanished. Gazing back at the statue, you watched as the blade came at your face. Though, it never came. Instead you heard a loud crunching sound, as you saw a fist and arm fly past you into the statue's face.

The color blue filled your vision, as the statue flew onto the ground below.

"Hello my dear lady. You performed quite well, but your act is now up. Honestly, what were you thinking?".

Letting out a laugh, you thought about his question. Wasn't it obvious, you wanted to get away from them, but apparently that would never happen. With your body bruised, you didn't protest when Heart picked you up in his arms.

Diamond stood next to the fallen statue, his saber hovering over its head. Bringing his blade down, the statue's head was severed from its body for the third time. When Diamond finished his work, he smiled up at you. You couldn't find the energy to even glare. Thus you just stared back, feeling like a helpless doll.

"Well Diamond where should we go next? Our previous plans were ruined, so any ideas?".

"Yes, I think the one house will do nicely".

"I see" Heart said a grin appearing on his face.

You didn't seem to hear the brothers. All you could think about was how close you were to the sunhat girl. Why was she so reluctant to answer your questions?

Without realizing, you muttered, "So close, I was so close".

Heart looked down at you, whispering in your ear, "So close to what my dear lady".

Looking up at him, you searched his blue eyes, as a distinct popping sound was heard.

"The sunhat girl" you stated bluntly, deciding you had no reason to hide your desire to reach the sunhat girl.

Heart glanced at his brother, checking to see if he heard you. Diamond nodded his head while keeping his right foot on the chest of the statue, who had his head attached to his body once again.

"Right now, I wouldn't worry about the sunhat girl. You have something else to worry about".

Before you could act, Heart tossed you into the air. You felt like a rag-doll in a hot potato game, as Diamond caught you in his arms. He dropped you to the floor, grabbing your shirt collar in his left hand. There was no kindness in his reddish-orange eyes. Narrowing his eyes at you, he raised you up, as though to examine you better.

"Now Miss _____, you have a choice. From now on you will not ignore us, or try to escape; you will play our games according to our plans. If you do not comply, I will let the manager have another go at you".

"I just talked to your brother didn't I? I wouldn't call that ignoring" you stated not letting his threatening gaze frighten you.

Not a second later, you were thrown onto the ground with the manager's blade inches from your face. Diamond glared down at you, as Heart walked up beside him.

"My dear lady, I suggest you make your decision. You put my brother in quite a bad mood, which is not an easy thing to accomplish, so I congratulate you on that".

"You wouldn't kill me".

The blade came closer and had broke your skin just a little, letting a small stream of blood trickle down your face. Sighing, you glared at the brothers.

"Fine" you mumbled.

"I didn't hear you, Miss ____" Diamond said, his voice filled with venom.

"Fine!" you yelled.

Throwing the manager against the back wall of the stage, Diamond picked you up the collar once more before tossing you over his right shoulder. Heart smiled at you before patting you on the head. Proceeding to walk at his brother's side, you witnessed the circus stage getting further from you. However, before the brothers exited the domed tent, you saw the sunhat girl standing in the center of the stage. Her golden hair was the last thing you saw, before the flap of the circus tent entrance blocked your view of her.  

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