Song of the Servant

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  "It seems brother that she is continuing to come towards my piece. Your attempts to reach her are failing marvelously" Heart stated arrogantly.

"Ah, you think so brother. Just wait, I have a plan that will work quite splendidly".

The brothers watched your moving form, which was advancing towards Heart's blue knight. Heart's eyes gleamed in delight, as he saw you nearing his piece while Diamond watched the scene, his eyes etched with frustration.

However, the brothers did not know that you were quite not yourself. In fact your body was only a servant to the poison that was within your veins and mind. You were currently separate from your body and were being held prisoner in your mind. Thus your body was no longer yours, but the poison's. Your body now followed the orders of the poison; the current order being to kill. The notion to kill kept racing through your body and nothing else concerned your body. As a matter of fact your body's first victim would be Heart's piece.

Thus your body pressed on through the maze, so far not encountering any obstacles.

"One more move and I'll reach her" Heart annouced.

"You forget brother that she is approaching the Keeper of Spades. If you want her, you'll have to get through the Keeper first. Can you accomplish that before I reach her?".

Heart only shook his head in response before a grin spread across his face.

"Of course brother, she'll be mine" he stated as his mad smile stayed plastered on his face.

Before Heart could make his next move you did indeed encounter the Keeper of Spades. He was well over six feet and didn't appear to have any skin. In place of skin was a sort of shadowy substance. His arms and long legs swayed with his movement, making him seem drunk with madness. There was no face on the Keeper only a large spade stuck to the front of his face. Furthermore, the full set of spade cards were stabbed into his arms. At each stab point, red blood oozed out of the wounds, dripping onto the ground below.

At first the creature did not see you, but when it did, it swayed back and forth. No sound came from the creature, only the distant sound of Diamond's piece dealing with a trap echoed down the maze. As the Keeper neared you, it became Heart's turn. His blue knight now stood behind the Keeper. The knight drew his sword while you stared emotionless at the two forms in front of you, as the poison demanded bloodshed. However, before your body could act, the blue knight charged at the Keeper while the Keeper drew a card from his arm. When the Keeper withdrew the card, it transformed into a dagger with the handle being the shape of a spade.

Though the Keeper's weapon was formidable it stood no chance against the sword of the blue knight. Thus in one attack the Keeper now lay on the ground, as blood formed a pool underneath the keeper. The poison seeing the fresh blood celebrated at the bloodshed.

"It would seem that I have won brother" Heart stated triumphantly.

As his knight advanced on you, Heart's smile began to fade. Your body was now approaching the fallen Keeper, staring down at the blood. Reaching the blood, your body swirled its finger around in the crimson liquid, enjoying every moment of it. Heart seeing this ordered his knight to stop, as he became concerned.

"What is our plaything doing Diamond?".

"I do not know Heart, but something is definitely off".

To further support Diamond's claim your poison filled body withdrew one of the cards from the Keeper, allowing the card to transform into a dagger. Before Heart's blue knight could react, your body charged at the knight. Your green eyes gleamed in delight, as your body brought the blade down on the knight's face. Upon contact, the blade slashed through the knight's face, causing the knight piece to fall to the ground.

At the same moment Heart let out a deafening scream, as he fell over in his chair. Diamond immediately got out of his chair and ran over to his brother, shock and concern written all over his face. Heart had one hand over his face while the other supported him in his kneeling position. Blood ran down Heart's visage, as curse words resonated throughout the room. Crouching next to his brother, Diamond took Heart's hand away from his face. A large slash mark was on his visage.
"What happened? Something's wrong; that's not supposed to happen!" Heart yelled, as blood painted the floor below.

"Yes, it would appear so. Heart you need to take care of your wound and I will attend to the problem. We will have to postpone our game till this complication is solved".

Before Heart could stand though, he let out another yell of pain as a new wound appeared on his left arm. His once blue coat arm was now turning red, as blood soaked the fabric. With no further hesitation Diamond ran back to the game board and saw your body about to bring the dagger down once more on the blue knight's body.

"Heart, retract your piece from the game board now!".

Following his brother's command Heart summoned his blue knight out of the game, leaving your bloodthirsty body quite confused, as the poison lost its prey.

Heart now standing, stared down at the game board. Fury and puzzlement flashed in his blue eyes.

"Diamond you should withdraw your piece as well. It would seem our plaything is a little out of control".

"Yes, I suppose you're right. Just tend to your wound Heart; you're spilling too much blood for your own good".

Heart nodded and walked through a silver door before vanishing from the room, leaving Diamond behind. Narrowing his orangish-red eyes, Diamond instantly summoned his piece out of the game. Upon this action, he watched as your body walked on through the maze, looking for a new victim. He knew that something occurred after you ran into the chain trap. At first he thought that you were immune to the poison in the trap, but seeing your new behavior, he knew something was wrong. Snapping his fingers, he summoned a book into his hands. Opening to the desired page, he began to read everything about the chain trap, attempting to find anything that could explain your new behavior.

Meanwhile in your mind:

After reading all the messages, you glanced back at the table before returning your attention to the cups. Looking at the blue message, you said the words in your head, analyzing the phrase. The title must be referring to the title on the chair, which means it has to be 'Jester'. Furthermore, there is only one e in Heart's name. Thus Heart is the 'Jester', leaving Diamond as the 'Joker'. Besides the riddle says that the red teacup reflects the other, meaning the blue teacup's message. Thus there is only one e in 'Joker'. However, there is no e's in Diamond's name, which counters the reverse message. Though, maybe the clue still fits 'Joker' because it did say 'backwards', so it might mean that the red message doesn't necessarily follow the blue's message. That had to be it. Having confidence in your decision, you placed the red teacup in the Joker's place and the blue in the Jester's place.

Now you only had four titles left to work with. Your eyes landed on the green teacup's message and you read it over, as the alligator watched you closely. He only hoped that you would get the puzzle wrong, for he didn't want to let you go. He may have had a smile on his face, but his eyes showed only a look of concern.

You knew the green did not match 'Shadow', so there were only three titles left. However, you already got rid of 'Puppeteer', since the title did not fit Woodlily. Though both 'Queen' and 'Observer' had three vowels in the name. The second part of the clue stated that they cannot be purple, meaning that the two titles fit the purple and green teacups. Thus you could not be 'Puppeteer', but you had to be 'Queen' or 'Observer'. Reading the purple teacup's message again, the word 'conquer' echoed in your head. Could your title really be 'Queen'? The clue certainly didn't fit the title of 'Observer'. Thus you decided that you had to be 'Queen', which still shocked you. With the green and purple teacups in hand, you placed the purple in the Queen chair and the green in the Observer chair.

Two titles were left and worry was only increasing in the alligator's eyes. However, he kept his grin on his face, giving you no hint as to whether you so far right or wrong. Thus you now examined the remaining four teacups. Yellow or orange belonged to the sunhat girl, but which one? The first part to the yellow and orange clues fit the sunhat girl, so you needed to examine the second part more closely. Between the two, the orange clue described a puppeteer's actions the best. Thus you placed the orange teacup in the 'Puppeteer' place. That left the white and black teacup, one of them describing the shadow. Reading the last two clues, you knew instantly that it was the white teacup due to the second part of the clue. Like the 'Observer' the 'Shadow' also watches. Grabbing the cup, you placed it in front of the alligator.

The moment the teacup touched the table, the chairs and table vanished, as the teacups crashed against the ground, shattering into multiple pieces. At first you worried that you got the combination wrong, but soon a black and white door appeared on the wall facing you.

"It would seem that you solved the puzzle correctly. You're free to go" stated the alligator, as he stepped aside, allowing you to pass.

When you reached the door, you turned the crystal doorknob, as a bright light greeted your eyes. 

A/N: Music credits go to Adrian von Ziegler. Also I wanted to say thank you for the 590 reads as well as the 59 favorites; it means a lot, so thank you^-^. 

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