The Blue Heart

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  Looking between the two doors, you first examined the blue door. It was painted in a bluish-grey hue and the paint was starting to peel away, giving the door an antique feel. The door knob was composed of a blue circular crystal with a blue butterfly frozen within the door knob. On the other hand the red door was painted in a rich crimson, looking brand new, as though it had been painted yesterday; the new paint almost resembling fresh blood. Its door knob was made entirely out of brass, shining brightly in the strange room.
Backing away from the two doors, you finally decided to enter through the blue door. Resting your hand on the door knob, you slowly turned it, as the door creaked in response. The room behind you began to fade, as you entered into a new realm.

Brothers' POV:
"Seems she chose your door Heart; I'm quite jealous".
"Yes, I must greet our new plaything. I wonder what she tastes like?"
"Don't spill too much blood brother".
"Don't worry, I won't Diamond. Till we meet again brother".

Heart vanished from his brother's sight, leaving him alone in the strange room. Diamond couldn't wait till you reached the next checkpoint where you would meet him. It had been a long time since they had a visitor, so he grinned in anticipation at meeting you. Pulling his pointed red, blue and gold hat down a little, he continued grinning before vanishing from the room.

Back to you:
Once through the door, it slammed behind you and disappeared, forever preventing you from going backwards, from now on you could only go forward, wandering deeper into this mysterious world. Knowing you could not go backwards, you focused your gaze on what was in front of you. Before you was an enchanting but eerie forest. Trees twisted their dark branches, blocking out any light from above, as delicate lanterns hung from some branches, illuminating a quiet stream with purple light. Fireflies hovered in the air, glowing like specks of light. However, spider webs were nestled in the trees while in one of them a spider slowly consumed its prey; the moth struggling to get away, but failing horribly. Birds that made strange noises, watched from the trees, some hidden while others made themselves apparent. Small creatures hid within the tree bases, only their glowing eyes revealed themselves to you. They seemed to follow your every move and you dared not go any closer to them.

Though what terrified you the most was the purple mist that crept around the forest floor, bringing shadowy figures along with it. The shadows did not seem to notice you and wandered aimlessly in the forest, as if they were lost souls, who had no purpose in the world.

Not seeing a path of any form, you decided to follow the stream, letting it guide you through the forest. Many times it broke off in several ways, but you kept choosing the way that had no shadows. Despite them not noticing you, you didn't want to risk getting too close to them. You had no concept of time as you walked through the forest, you only knew that you must keep going forward and find your way out of here. You wondered how this world could even fit within the music box that probably lay broken in your room, but then again you did manage to wish yourself into the music box, so you figured anything could happen at this point.

The image of the sunhat girl's smiling face kept filling your mind. Why was she grinning like that when she locked you in the house and when you became unconscious? You wanted to know, but at the sametime you thought it best to keep your distance from her because who knew what lay behind that smile of hers. From your experiecne with your aunt, you knew that a smile didn't necessarily mean a good thing; too many intentions could lie behind that simple facial expression and the sunhat girl further proved that point.

Focusing your attention back on the road in front of you, you heard something rustling in the trees above. 'Its probably just one of those weird birds' you thought to yourself, not bothering to look up into the trees. However soon a slight chuckle sounded from above you. You knew that birds made weird sounds, but none of them chuckled before. Hesitantly you peered upwards into the trees, seeing a person sitting among the tree branches. From where he was sitting you couldn't see too many of his features, but you could tell his clothes did not look of the normal, but of a jester. You narrowed your eyes, trying to get a better view of the male. He only chuckled at your curiosity before jumping down from the tree. Startled you jumped back a little, waiting to see what he would do.

However, now that he was in front of you, you could see that he was indeed wearing jester's clothes. A sort of crown hat with red and blue triangles outlined a black and white checkered round center while gold embroidery and small crystals decorated the hat. The hat sat on a head of light blue hair with lime green highlights. Stunning bright blue eyes shone through his blue bangs while a painted red heart decorated his right eye and another strange design highlighted his left eye. His clothes were even more elaborate dyed in rich blues, reds ,golds, etc. Furthermore, a saber with a gold handle rested at his side.

The strange man began to approach you, a gorgeous smile gracing his lips. Reaching you, he bowed before you, continuing to smile at your confused expression. He grabbed one of your hands and brought it to his lips, kissing it in the process. "A pleasure to meet you my lady. You may call me Heart" he said smoothly, rising to his full height, which reached about 5'9. Blushing at his gentlemanly introduction, you stood frozen not knowing what to do. You tried to bring words to your mouth, but only stuttered in the process. "I see I left you speechless my dear lady. Well that makes my job all the more easier".

Before you could react he removed the saber from his side and swiped it across your face in a quick movement. You could feel a slight cut in your cheek, bringing your hand up to your face, you felt warm blood falling down your face. Removing your hand, you stared at the crimson substance before returning your gaze towards the male in front of you. His eyes glowed, as he came closer to you with you backing away. However, you couldn't get away fast enough and soon Heart had his hand gripped around your wrist, keeping you in place. "Just let me have one taste my lady". You watched as brought his tongue across the wound, licking the blood away. Pulling away, he licked his lips, looking satisfied. 

"You taste quite good my dear lady. I shall have fun playing with you".

Staring in shock, you soon heard movement all around you, as the entire forest took on an utterly terrifying atmosphere; the enchantment was completely gone. As the movement around you increased Heart raised his arms into the air in a grand manner."Now let the show begin. Do well to entertain me my lady, or else the next time we meet face to face; well you'll see if it comes to that. Till we meet face to face again my dear lady".

With another bow, he vanished, but you knew he was watching you from a distance. What did he even mean by 'entertain me'? However, you figured that you would know soon, as the movement around you increased. Suddenly you felt a cold presence on your arm. Terrified you slowly turned your head, seeing a shadowy hand on your arm. It was one of the shadows from before. You pulled your arm back and started to walk away from it, only to see yourself surrounded. Why were they attracted to you all of a sudden. Was it because of your blood, that must have been the cause.

You looked for a way to escape and when you found an opening you headed straight for it. Once your feet propelled you forward, an earsplitting scream swept across the forest. Curiousity grabbing hold of you, you looked over your shoulder to see the shadows suddenly on all fours, their once human like hands were now sharp claws made for tearing open flesh. Panick and fear washed over you, as you began to dart through the trees not looking back once. You heard many shadows chasing after you, their knife like hands scraping across the ground and splashing through the small stream.

Birds shrieked above you, seeming to laugh at your current predicament. Among those horrible shrieks, you heard the chuckling of a certain male high above in the trees. You wished you never encountered him, but you knew that this world was not in your hands. Your wish may have granted you access to this twisted world, but now this world controlled you, sending you further into its nightmarish grasp.

As you ran away from the shadows, you avoided the stream as much as possible, so that you would not slip. However, a shadow jumped in front of your current course, sending you into the water. Upon contact you slid down the stream, as water and mud began to cover your figure. You could feel the mud sticking to your (h/c) hair and you had to close your (e/c) eyes in order to avoid getting anything in them.

You tried to get up, but slipped back down as you felt the cold hands grasp you. The knife like hands cut into your arms and legs, as tears threatened to come out of your eyes. Glowing eyes in the tree bases stared at you, seeming to mock your pathetic state, as they watched from their mysterious homes. You had to get up or you would die and that was the last thing you wanted. Using all your strength you pried the shadows off of you, receiving some cuts upon your hands in the process. With the shadows off of you, you quickly picked yourself up and made a run for it. Blood ran down your arms and legs, as you proceeded through the forest.

Soon you would need to find a place to rest and tend to your wounds, or you would potentially die from blood loss. As your feet pounded against the forest floor, you began to feel a little dizzy. "Don't die on me now my dear lady, although your blood looks quite beautiful against the forest background. Anyway your time is ticking away, do hurry". So he was still watching your every move. However, he was right, your time of consciousness was fading and you needed to find a way out of this forest. Taking a quick look behind you, you saw the shadows closing in on you, their shrieks increasing in intensity. You hurriedly looked for a way out and soon as if another wish of yours was granted, a wooden door lay straight ahead of you.

The door being your life line, you pushed yourself harder, your breathing increasing. Ten more steps, eight more steps, six, four, two, zero left. Your hand gripped the door knob and you turned it in a panic. Opening slowly, the door creaked, as its ancient hinges protested against being used. Safety waiting past the threshold, you made your through the doorframe, only to have your ankles grabbed, pulling you to the ground. Shadow hands gripped around your ankles, trying to pull you back. Gripping the doorframe, you pulled yourself into the other room. Somehow you managed to free your ankles from the shadows grasp and in an instant you slammed the door shut, seeing the amused smile of Heart before he vanished into the trees.

Exhausted you lay on your back, breathing heavily, catching your breath from the chase. Glancing around the new room, you looked for anything that could bandage your wounds, but nothing of the sort stood out. Turning back over on your stomach, you were about to close your eyes, before seeing a hand with long fingernails painted in red, black and gold extended out towards you. Too tired to refuse the hand, you clasped it, hoping that the owner of the hand would help you and give you insight into this strange world.

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