Mirror Image

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  One of the kelpies was now only a few inches from you. There was nothing you could do but jump and hope for the best. Carefully standing up on the carousel horse, using the pole as support, you glanced at the next horse over, which the sunhat girl was previously sitting on. Gripping the pole hard, you began to place your right leg onto the other horse. Once your foot was secure on the horse, you reached your right hand out and grabbed the pole attached to the grey horse. Luckily for you the two horses were going up and down in the same rhythm. This made the switching of horses slightly easier.

With your right arm and leg now on the grey horse, you managed to pull the rest of your body onto the grey horse. Just as you did so the kelpie behind you lunged at the cream colored horse. Now the last step was to jump off the carousel. No matter how much you tried to work out a perfect landing, no such solution was possible. You had no more time to think, as the kelpie behind you now lunged at the grey horse. Thus you threw yourself off the horse and landed flat on the pavement below, hearing multiple parts of your dress tearing.

Raising yourself up, your limbs cried out in protest, but thankfully none of your wounds reopened. Now standing, you quickly made way for the fence, which was still open. Passing through the entrance to the carousel, you looked behind you to see the carousel returned back to its original state. The kelpies that were once alive were now completely gone and only normal carousel horses remained. Glancing down at your dress, you found the sleeves torn in multiple places, but no other part of the dress was torn to your great relief. However, you knew never to ride that carousel again.

Leaving the carousel behind, you felt even more worried than you were before, knowing that the sunhat girl was watching your every move. Somehow you felt that she had other reasons for watching you rather than just for her entertainment.

With the carousel behind you, you continued further into the carnival, searching game stands and rides, but not daring to actually go on the rides. Still finding nothing, you pressed onwards, arriving at a house of mirrors. However, looking at the building you at first saw no mirrors, just a plain cement structure with 'House of Mirrors' etched sloppily into the wall. There was a doorway with no door, but only a bright hallway leading further into the building. You really had no desire to enter the structure, but there was a chance that one of the keys could be inside. Thus mustering up your courage, you went down the well lit hallway.

The hallway didn't last long, but soon you were met with a descending staircase. Seeing that you had to go downwards gave you an overwhelming sense of dread. However, you continued down the stairs, each step bringing you further underground. When you reached the bottom of the steps, you saw countless white rimed mirrors in front of you. The carpeted floor had the pattern of repeating triangles while the ceiling had the same triangle pattern, but instead of carpet the ceiling was all lights.

You always did enjoy mirror houses, but this one terrified you; you only hoped that the key was on the other side of these mirrors. Sighing, you began to wander among the many mirrors, each reflecting your image countless times. As you made your way through the maze of mirrors, you only shot quick glances at the mirrors, refusing to peer into them for too long; afraid to see something else looking back at you. At one point though, you almost ran into one of the mirrors and ended up staring into it.

Looking into the mirror, you blinked a couple of times. There was now another figure in the mirrors besides your own. That figure was none other than the statue of the manager. He had his green umbrella opened, seeming to just stare back at you. You moved a step forward and so did he. His blank glass watched your every move.

You wanted to move, but were afraid to, knowing that the statue would move as well. Standing still, you waited to see if it would do anything. A minute of eternity passed before the statue started to twitch, its limbs contorting and popping until the statue was now on all fours. Its umbrella lying on the floor, it cocked its head to the side before returning its head back to its original position. That's when you knew to run, as the thing started to run at you.

However, you could only move so fast due to all the mirrors. You couldn't run into a mirror, or you would meet death at the hands of that statue. Though, if you took too long trying to find the right path, the same fate might still occur. 'Why did the next room have to be a carnival' you thought to yourself, running to the best of your ability.

To your disappointment, the mirrors kept showing the disturbing statue. You knew the thing was following you, but you didn't need a constant reminder of its appearance. To your utter annoyance, one of the brothers' keys was looking pretty nice at the moment.

"I hate carnivals" you kept muttering to yourself, wanting to be rid of this mirror house and the rest of the carnival.

When you made the next turn, you saw the statue now on the ceiling, crawling rapidly towards you.

"Why can't you run like a normal person!" you screamed at the statue, as if it was actually listening to you.

The rows of mirrors continued and all you could do was keep running.Making another turn, you finally saw the exit up ahead. You wanted to shout in glee, finally seeing the exit in front of you. However, you had no idea how long that statue was going to chase you.

Your legs pounding, you sprinted towards the exit and upon reaching it, you saw an object glimmering in the distance. To your amazement, it was one of the keys. When you reached it, you snatched it up into your hands, holding it tightly in your grip. Though, you could still hear the statue chasing you. Not looking behind you, you hauled up the stairs, leading out of the mirror house. You needed to catch your breath, but the statue was still chasing after you. Thus you exerted your body more, and kept your legs moving.

When you exited the mirror house, you quickly glanced around you, looking for the exit door that the key would open. Ahead of you, you could see a castle door that was painted red and blue. Recognizing the colors, you assumed that was the door you needed. Thus you ran for it still hearing the statue's popping limbs. However to your astonishment the terrible sound stopped. The silence only made your nerves go on alert and that's when you heard footsteps coming near you.

The wet pavement reflected your scared face. You wanted to keep running for the door, but you found you could not move, you were frozen in place. The door lay right in front of you and you could not reach it. In fact looking back down at the pavement, you saw two shadowy hands holding your ankles in place. Turning your head you saw the statue nearing you. It was standing upright once more while the carnival lights spread the statue's shadow across the pavement; the very same shadow that was holding you in place. Blank glass eyes gazed into yours, as a green umbrella rested against the statue's shoulders. Somehow the statue called the umbrella back to it, which only made the statue more horrifying.

Two sets of eyes looked upon the situation from above, one set blue and the other orangish-red. Red and blue rose bushes surrounded the two brothers while soft grass lay at their feet. A glass round table with matching glass chairs sat in the middle of the rose bushes. A stainless steel tea pot rested on top of the table, holding fresh brewed coffee inside. A crimson red teacup held coffee with only cream while a blue teacup contained coffee with no cream, but five cubes of sugar.

Sitting in their garden room, Heart and Diamond looked down upon your panicking form, as the statue neared you. One brother tapped his foot against the grassy floor, excitement wild in his eyes, yet a hint of displeasure was also present. The other drank his coffee calmly, but his eyes narrowed at the statue.

Both brothers were at first enjoying their twisted entertainment. However, they were quickly becoming displeased with the situation. You were right in front of the door that would lead to another one of their rooms, yet the statue was holding you in place, keeping you from the door, their door. The statue was no longer a form of amusement for them, but rather an obstacle in their way. The brothers glanced at eachother, nodding their heads in unison.

As the garden slowly disappeared around them, a glass staircase appeared. Each brother setting their coffee down on the table, began their descent down the stairs. The sound of their heeled shoes hitting the glass echoed throughout the carnival, causing the statue to fix its gaze on them while its shadow still held you in place.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, the brothers drew their sabers. Metal glinted in the light of the carnival. The two brothers wore unamused expressions, as they narrowed their eyes at the statue. As for the statue it seemed unfazed by their stare and regarded them as easy prey.

With the shadow of the statue continuing to hold you in place, the statue walked towards the brothers, tapping the umbrella against its shoulder.
Stuck, you watched the brothers remain motionless, as the statue approached them. When the statue finally reached them both brothers disappeared from sight while the statue swung the umbrella down where they were previously standing. An earsplitting sound like that of nails on a chalkboard screeched across the carnival when the umbrella hit the pavement. However, the statue missing its targets turned around confused. As it turned two sabers pierced the statue, as the blades ran right through the statue's body. Both brothers retracted their blades, but the statue still stood standing. The statue's jaw dropped open, emitting the same sound that the umbrella made.

Covering your ears, you continued to watch the fight, as both brothers appeared unfazed by the terrible scream. In one swift movement the two sliced their blades through the statue's neck, severing the head from the body. The head tumbled across the floor, but the eyes still seemed present with life, as the body crashed to the ground. Both brothers now faced you, as the shadow disappeared, releasing you from its tight hold.

Your legs gave way under you, and you now sat on the wet pavement. The brothers were now standing over you, smiles having returned to their faces. They looked at you expectantly. You were confused by their action still in shock from the previous situation.

Heart kept glancing behind him, looking over at the statue until he held your gaze once again.

"Well I assume you found one of the keys, my dear lady".

"May we see it, Miss ____".

Realizing that you had the key still clutched tightly in your hand, you opened the palm of your hand, revealing the key that you found, as one of the brothers smiled in delight.  

A Dimensional Tune (Yandere Twins x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now