Tea for Three

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   The first thing you could see of the figure was their shoes and socks, which were black pull ons and white stockings. From what you could see the figure had an s-shaped spiked neon pink tail, which swung back and forth behind her. When her whole figure emerged, you could see that she had huge light purple eyes where the pupil took up most of the eye. Her blonde frizzy hair with pink highlights went down to her mid-back. The pink highlights matched wonderfully with her lolita pink lace dress, which had a purple lace bow on the side. However, her height only reached that to the top of the table.

Seeing you, a wide grin spread on her face, as her tail swung back and forth more quickly, indicating that she was getting excited at your presence.

"Woodlily it would seem we have a guest. Make the seating for three! Anyway who're you?".

You just stared at the short girl, confused by the current situation. Previously, you were just about to get killed by a shadow and now you were being asked to some sort of eating arrangement. However, she did mention Woodlily, so perhaps you could trust her. That's when you remembered the piece of paper you found. Holding it up to the the girl, you showed the writing to her.

"Were you the one who left this?".

"Wow, you even have a formal invitation to the party! This is so exciting" she stated now jumping up and down.

She seemed to have forgotten that she had asked you questions previously, as she quickly grabbed your left arm and pulled you up. Before you knew what had happened, you found yourself sitting in a mahogany chair, which was covered in antique lace.

In front of you lay multiple teacups, some in perfect condition while others were completely broken and shattered. A bone china teapot, which didn't match any of the teacups with its odd neon orange color and blue bows that were painted on it, sat in the middle of the table. Dried leaves covered the surface of the table while empty trays surrounded the teapot.

Looking up, you saw Woodlily flying around her tiny chair before she started to bounce in it. She started to sing a strange tune. The only words you could make out were, 'Food' and 'Meat', as her sharp teeth glinted in the moonlight. Glancing back at the other girl, you now saw her by the higher slide. What you saw under the stairs of the slide surprised you. Underneath lay a tiny oven, which reminded you a little of a children's pretend oven. Out of it, she pulled out a tray with tiny strawberry and chocolate cakes. As she came back to the table, you watched her place the cakes on the three tier tray.

"Umm, who are you exactly?".

"The name's Hyperactive Navi, Hyper for short. Who are you?".

"Wait, you invited me to tea without even knowing who I am?".

"Yep! Now you need to the answer the question" she stated, as she set down the empty baking tray before bouncing into her chair.

"_____. Anyway I have another question Hyper".

She appeared to have not heard you because she was soon placing a chocolate cake in front of Woodlily. After closer inspection you saw that the cake had a red substance exiting it from the top. Upon a second glance, you noticed that chunks of raw meat were in the cake while blood from the meat poured out of the spongy cake. You instantly looked away from the cake not wanting to vomit. Hyper turned her attention back to you, as her eyes grew wide.

"Why haven't you eaten yet, or taken a sip of some tea?".

You were about to answer before she shoved a strawberry cake in your mouth and began pouring tea into your bone china teacup, which had a delicate flower print on it. Thus instead of words leaving your mouth, only weird sounds left it. To your surprise the cake tasted delicious; it almost made you forget that you were in a strange abandoned playground. After taking a sip of the tea, which was also delicious, you began to ask a question, but were once again interuppted.

"So you wanted to ask me another question right? Let me guess its about the playground".

You nodded, grabbing another cake from the tray.

"Well, I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet. Like the rest of this world, its rules are constantly changing. Thus the playground constantly changes depending on where you go within the area. Its an infinite loop in essence".

Halfway through your second cake, your face turned to one of despair. How were you supposed to get out of the playground if it went on in an infinite loop. You already tried climbing over the gate and that didn't work out quite so well. However, you could stay here for while. Hyper seemed nice enough and Woodlily was much too interested in the food to report back to the brothers.

"Do you mind if I stay here for a bit?".

"Yeah, you received an invitation silly" she stated, as she ran back over to the oven, which now had a toaster on top of it.

She now pulled out several pieces of toast from the toaster, which could apparently hold six pieces of bread at once. Setting the tray on the table, she pulled one of the bowls over, which had four sections in it. One had devonshire crème, another strawberry cream-cheese, blueberry jam and what looked like a meat paste. Woodlily flew over instantly picking up a piece of toast and spreading the meat paste all over it. Hyper grabbed a strawberry cake and spread devonshire crème on top of it.

After she took one bite of the sweet, something very strange happened. You were just biting into your piece of toast with blueberry jam on it, when Hyper jumped onto the table. Barely visible pink wings sprouted from her back before she started to fly around the table.

"Its so good!" she kept exclaiming.

Upon seeing her reaction, you knew that she shouldn't have anymore sugar. Woodlily didn't seem fazed by her reaction to the sugar; she just kept eating the toast with the meat paste on it. Just as you were about to take another bite out of your toast, two of the empty metal trays started to pop and morph into the shape of pistols.

"The shadows are coming" she yelled, her eyes wide, as she made the guns rise up to her level.

She begun to shoot at something behind you, causing you to fall out of your chair. Your toast now ruined, you looked behind you. Hyper was right, there were several shadows behind you. Once again all of them had four arms instead of two. Forgetting about the tea and food on the table, you stood up and seized a metal tray from the table.

With the tray in hand, you brought it down on the head of one of the shadows. Your action only appeared to have annoyed the shadow more. Backing away you looked up at Hyper. Hyper's bullets only seemed to stun the creatures for a brief moment before they kept coming towards the three of you.

There was nothing in arms reach and one of the shadows had cornered you. Its knife like fingers scraped against each other. You heard gun shots back at the table, but soon even that noise was drowned out from your hearing, as you stared at death once again. Moving further away from the shadow, you found your back against the fence. That's when you felt yourself being flung forward. Your body was hurled against the creature, as the two of you collided with the ground.

The shadow struggled under you, but soon it raised one of its arms. However, before it could do you any fatal harm, you brought your fist down into its face. There was no crunching of bones, you could only feel a warm substance on your hand. Retracting your hand, you found blood covering it. Furthermore, blood dripped down the shadow's face, as it struggled more under you.

Not giving it a chance to escape or harm you, you brought your fist down once again into the shadow's face. This process continued for awhile, as you released all your frustration into the face of the creature. However, you did not notice that the gunshots had stopped, or the sound of Woodlily eating her crunchy toast had vanished. In fact the entire tea arrangement was gone along with Woodlily and Hyper. Only the beaten up shadow and you remained on the leaf covered ground of the playground. After one more punch to the shadow's face, you stopped, as you noticed that the shadow lay dead underneath you.

You were breathing hard, as you took in the empty playground. Getting off the shadow, you stood up and looked up at the night sky. Walking to the center of the island, you kicked some of the dead leaves before deciding to sit down on the ground. Exhausted, you examined your bloodstained right hand, as the blood dripped onto the leaves below. Glancing back at the shadow, you smiled.

There lay one of the creatures of this world, which died at your hands. You had been victorious and felt accomplished. You didn't feel quite so defenseless anymore, yet you knew not to get too confident. Who knew what else lay in store for you. This time you had been lucky, but you still were in a better mood than before. Thus lying on your back, you let the moonlight shine on your face.

At that moment the tire swing had reappeared, as the swing continued to sway in the windless playground. There was no tree holding it up in the air. Instead it just floated in the air. The two yellow eyes had made themselves apparent once again. They were behind the tire, as though they belonged to the invisible rider on the swing.

You stared back, not having the energy to move. The eyes held your gaze and slowly a form started to form around the eyes. First a face, then the rest of the head and so on. Until at last a boy sat on the tire swing. Their face was cast in shadows, so that only their bright eyes shone. He had a simple blue shirt with a long sleeve black shirt on underneath. A pair of black shorts matched his shirts while blue knee high lace up boots rested on his feet. Messy black hair framed his face, as he got off the swing and moved towards you.

When he reached you, he held out a hand, motioning for you to take it. Tired, you just stared at the outstretched hand. You turned your gaze back to the stars one last time, before taking the child's hand. Now towering over the small child, you sighed.

"Do you know a way out of here?".

He nodded in reply before taking your hand in his. You knew you were being stupid in trusting the child, but at the moment you didn't care. As long as one of the brothers didn't win at their game you were fine. Besides you wanted out of the playground. Thus you had three options. One end up with Heart, two end up with Diamond, or three follow this child and you chose the child.

Hand in hand you two exited through a rusty old gate and into the unknown, as the playground, ocean and sky disappeared from your sight.

A/N: The character Hyperactive Navi belongs to LightBurner Project, whose account is on Quotev.  

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