A Sunny Ride

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  "So it looks like the carnival is the next room brother. Thus what game should we play?" Diamond questioned.

"I know we'll lock the door on the other side of the carnival. We'll then hide two keys, which unlock the door, throughout the park. One key will unlock another room of mine, while the other key will reveal a room of yours".

"Well then let's start, Heart".

The two brothers agreeing on the terms of the game walked over to you and began pushing you into the next room over, which greatly resembled the room you just came out of. They kept pushing you until you reached a wooden deep blue door with a red crystal doorknob. Heart opened the door before proceeding to push you out into the new room. Gazing out in front of you, you looked through the entrance to a bright carnival.

However, you were soon distracted by your chair collapsing under you, or rather disappearing completely. Now on the wet stone pavement, you noticed the two brothers were gone once again. With the two brothers gone, your mind relaxed a little. They were probably watching you, but at least you couldn't see them.

Picking yourself up from the pavement, you noticed that the sun was just setting in the carnival while the lights in the carnival were flickering on. Right in front of you was ticket stand, a manager's office and what looked like a fortune telling booth. A red lighted carnival sign greeted all the visitors to the colorful place. Neon pink and orange ballons were tied down to the ticket stand, bouncing lightly against eachother. A lone pink ballon drooped at the front of the ticket booth, which looked quite dull in comparison to the other balloons. You could see numerous rides in distance as well as a circus tent and mutliple funhouses.

Though, upon all of the bright lights and exciting rides a statue of man stood right in front of the manager's office. It was probably a replica of the manager that used to run the carnival. He was clad in black with a matching black fedora. In his hands was a strange green umbrella that looked most unusual. You decided it best not to near the weird statue.

Thus you went over to the ticket booth and peered inside, seeing it devoid of life, which you expected. You thought it silly to retrieve a ticket, but you determined it was probably better to attain one before entering the park. Who knows what would happen if you entered without a ticket in hand, especially with the statue seeming to watch your every move.

Reaching your arm into the ticket booth, you grabbed a ticket from one of the shelves. With the ticket in hand, you quickly proceeded past the entrance and the statue. However, as you were walking by the statue, you noticed it turning its head. Blank glass eyes followed you until you were out of the statue's sight. Once the statue was no longer in your field of vision, you breathed a sigh of relief and looked around the carnival.

How were you supposed to find a key in this place? It would take hours to find one of the keys. You weren't eager to get back to the one of the brothers, but that statue really worried you. You were almost hundred percent sure that some terrifying creature roamed the carnival and that statue could possibly be that creature. Running your fingers through your (h/c) hair, you decided to head off in the direction of one of the fun houses.

On your way to one of them, you saw a miniature carousel and multiple food stands. The miniature carousel creaked slowly as it went in constant circles, each horse rusted beyond repair. All the food stands were empty and stood abandoned except for the cotton candy stand. Pink and blue sugary treats crowded the stand, tempting you to have a bite. Figuring you didn't have much to lose, you went over to the stand, picking up a pink treat. Though, once you laid your hands on the cotton candy it crumbled to dust. Looking back up, you saw that all the cotton candy had morphed into a pile dust. Disappointed, you rubbed the dust off your hand. After doing a quick search of area and finding nothing, you pressed onwards.

In the distance you could see a larger carousel. This carousal was in prime condition while a fitting tune played along. Bright lights illuminated the many colorful horses. You could even see an occasional kelpie among the horses; not sure if the you were delighted to see the mythical creature, or greatly disturbed by its presence. However, what intrigued you most was that a little girl was on the ride. In fact the little girl had short golden blonde hair, an orange dress and a sunhat. You had finally found the sunhat girl!

Not losing another minute, you forgot your current objective and headed over to the carousel. You even found yourself sprinting over to it at one point. By the time you got to the carousel, you had to rest your hands on the fence in order to catch your breath. To your surprise the ride started to slow down until it stopped entirely. The sunhat girl now smiled at you. This time there was no trace of any ill intent. Instead her smile was the definition of childhood innocence.

"It's nice to see you again ____. Why don't you join me on the ride" she said politely, as the fence gate to the carousel opened.

You stared at the open gate, hesitating to ride the carousel.

"There's no need to worry _____. Just don't go near one of the kelpies and you'll be fine".

"I don't really want to ride. I just want to talk to you about what happened when I first came to this world" you said still remembering how she locked you in the house.

She smiled and shook her head before replying, "I'll tell you if you get on the ride _____. Its so much fun".

Something bad was bound to happen on the ride, but you wanted some answers. Thus you entered through the gate and hoisted yourself up onto a cream colored horse with a purple and turquoise saddle. Delicate diamond flowers decorated the horses cream colored mane and the edges of the saddle. Next to you sat the sunhat girl, who was on grey horse. A pink saddle rested on its back while rubies and emeralds sparkled on the saddle.

Once you were on your horse, the carousel began to move, the horses going up and down in a smooth motion. The sunhat girl seemed to be thoroughly enjoying herself while a childish smile plastered itself on her face.

"So tell me why you locked me in the house" you questioned.

"Why to protect you from your violent aunt".

"You could've unlocked it and let me out after she went away".

Her smile now twisted into that wicked one of hers before she began giggling to herself.

"Oh, ____ you're funny. Your aunt completely destroyed the music box beyond repair. There's no going back. Your stuck here forever".

Her words echoed through mind. Your eyes widened, as the prospect of never returning to your previous world made itself apparent. Sure you didn't want to return to your aunt and uncle, but now you were trapped in a world where you were constantly toyed with. Your few minutes of silence seemed to amuse the sunhat girl.

"You know ____, its not that bad. Remember you're the one who wished to enter this world. Besides aren't you having fun?" she said grinning.

Having fun, was a weird way of putting your predicament. You wouldn't call almost being killed multiple times by strange beings fun. Nor would you call being tormented by two twisted brothers fun either. That's when it occurred to you. Did the sunhat girl even know of the brothers?

"Tell me have you met Heart and Diamond. Did you know that they would find me?" you asked your gaze fixed on the girl.

She giggled some more before answering, "Why of course I know of them. However, they don't know much about me. Also I knew that they would find you. I figured they needed something to entertain them. Thus when you wished to come here, you fit the role splendidly. I must say ____ you've even been entertaining me"

"Wait, you have been watching me as well. Why?".

Giggling some more, she only smiled her twisted grin at you more before vanishing into thin air. Now alone on the carousel a dangerous air filled the ride. You heard something fall onto the base of the ride. Turning your head a little you now saw multiple kelpies staring at you with an evil glint in their eyes. You wanted to run away, but the ride kept moving. The song in the background now felt sickeningly dreadful.

Moving towards you, the kelpies continued to stare at you longingly. Generally they drowned their victims, but there was no water in sight. At least that's what you thought before looking down at the base of the ride. The solid base was now a pool of greenish-blue water. There was no floor below the water, only an endless pit of death. How would you get off the ride? Your mind struggled to think of a solution, but nothing came to you. With your heart beat quickening, you stared back at the approaching kelpies. Death gazed at you and you had no way to fight back.

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