Unveil the Letter

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   Light burst into the room, waking you up from your comfortable sleep. Pulling the feather filled blanket over your head, you tried to block out the light.

"My dear lady, if you don't get up you'll miss the breakfast we prepared for you".

Instead of answering, you just crawled more under your sheets. However, this plan soon failed when the smell of fresh baked food filled your senses. You didn't want to get up though, but your stomach groaned in protest. Heart began to chuckle while you hid your head in the pillows embarrassed. Peeking out from under the covers, you glanced around the room your eyes landing on a silver and gold tray, which had delicious looking food on top of it.

"Ah, I see you have decided to join us for breakfast afterall" Diamond stated.

Sitting up in the bed with the blanket still over you halfway, you saw Diamond in the room as well. He was sitting in one of the chairs by the fireplace with a cup of tea in his hands. Though, you noticed that his attire was different. Once again, no hat lay on his head. Likewise, he had black pants on and a simple crimson red peasant shirt on. Red slippers with diamond shaped gems covered his feet. Heart also had a simple outfit on. It was identical to Diamond's except his shirt was a royal blue while his slippers were blue as well with heart shaped gems.

"So what's with the change in outfits?" you questioned, not used to seeing them in such simple clothes.

"My brother and me are relaxing as well, Miss ____. We see no reason in wearing our usual attire when we're staying in our home for a few days. Why do you not like it?".

"I'm just not used to seeing the two of you in simple clothes is all" you stated.

Diamond nodded in understanding, as Heart walked over to the tray and brought it to you, setting it down on your lap. You looked at the food, seeing a small plate with sausage on it while the larger plate had two crepes filled with berries and crème while powdered sugar and berry syrup rested on top. A black and purple checkered teacup had orange juice in it. Picking up the golden fork, you were about to eat one of the sausages, but stopped.

"Does this have anything in it?" you asked glancing up at Heart.

"No, it doesn't. Why would we want to drug you, my dear lady?".

A thousand reasons raced through your mind, but you didn't say anything. Sighing, you stabbed the sausage and held it out to Heart.

"I'm not taking any chances with you two. If it's not poison prove it".

Heart grinned and shook his head before saying, "Well if you want to feed me I'll be happy to accept the offer, my dear lady ".

Turning your head the other way, you waited for him to test the sausage. You could feel him take the fork from your hands. Out of the corner of your eye you saw him eat it and waited to see if anything would happen. After he swallowed it and nothing happened, you peered back at the food on the plates. However, you now had no fork. Mentally face palming yourself, you noticed a fork with crepe on it hovering in front of your face.

Heart smirked at you, waiting for you to eat the food. You glared at him before examining the food like it was the evilest thing on the planet. Your stomach groaned again. Thus you quickly took the food off the fork. Chewing it, you turned away from Heart.

"Happy" you mumbled after finishing the bite of food.

"Quite" Heart said before handing you the fork back.

With the fork back in your own possession, you began to eat the food, as Heart went to go sit in the other chair. It felt extremely awkward to eat while the two brothers stared at you. Thus you dared not make eye contact with them and continued to eat the food with a facial expression in between frustration and embarrassment.

"Is it really necessary to watch me eat" you muttered.

Both brothers looked up after taking a sip of their drinks.

"Yes it is, Miss _____. Furthermore, we need to check and see if you can walk after you're done eating".

Remembering your legs, you only hoped that you would be able to walk once more. If you couldn't walk, today would be quite difficult. Thus after you finished your food, Diamond removed the tray from your lap, setting it on top of the fireplace. Once the tray was set down, Diamond turned around, waiting to see if you could walk.

Hesitantly, you lifted your legs over the edge of bed, resting them on the wooden floor. Carefully you stood up and you almost fell back down. Gripping one of the bedposts, you held yourself up. It still hurt to stand, but at least you could now walk, as long as you had something to support yourself on.

"Well, its probably best if you don't walk then".

"What, I can stand now" you said defiantly.

"Indeed, but you clearly need something to support yourself on. Its putting too much strain on your body. I can see the pain in your eyes, Miss _____. Thus if you want to properly heal, I suggest you don't try to stand for too long".

You were about to protest, but soon Heart picked you up. Diamond snapped his fingers and a wheel chair appeared in the room. Heart placed you in the chair, as Diamond got out of his own chair.

"Now I suggest you stay on this floor, Miss ____, since going down the stairs in a chair will prove most difficult. For the rest of the day, you are free to do as you wish".

"Till we see you later, my dear lady".

Both brothers walked out of the room, leaving you alone once more. Wheeling yourself over to the bathroom door, you entered and closed the door behind you. The purple tiled floor matched wonderfully with the dark purple walls. A black trim outlined the walls, while a white sink, toilet and shower rested on the tile. Black and purple checkered towels rested on the sink. Furthermore, there was another door in the bathroom, which led to a small wardrobe.

Before getting a shower, you picked out a new outfit. Grabbing a pair of crème colored shorts and a purple long sleeve v-neck along with some new undergarments, you headed back into the bathroom and got your desired shower. After finishing with your shower, you continued on with your usual morning routine.

When completed with everything, you wheeled yourself out of the bathroom and exited your room. You hated being in a chair, but it was better than having one of the brothers carrying you around. Thus back in the stone hallway, you saw the grey clouds rolling by outside. You could hear the rain hitting the windows lightly, giving the castle an overall calm feeling.

There were multiple doors down the hallway and you could see the hall turning up ahead. Skipping past the doors, you made the turn upahead and saw a double doored entrance staring back at you. Going forward, you turned the handles on the doors, revealing a magnificent study. The room had everything that a study should have as well as a few extra items. There were two parts to the study, the main section and the area that was on a raised platform. In the main section was a piano, sofa, a side table next to the sofa and a rectangular table with crystal glasses and decanters. On the raised section was an elaborate office desk, which had a glass chandelier overhead along with a red armchair. Multiple side tables and chairs were around the desk. Two bookcases surrounded the desk. Througout the whole room were paned windows with red velvet curtains. Everything sat on atop of faded carpets and an old looking floor.

You rolled yourself over to the piano, wanting to examine the many pictures, which were on top. Reaching the piano, you picked up a simple golden picture frame. Expecting to see the brothers, you were surprised to find the picture barren. In fact it looked like the picture was just a picture of mist. Setting the picture frame down, you realized that all the pictures were the same. Finding nothing of interest in the pictures, you went over to the raised section.

The wheel chair couldn't go up onto the next level. Thus you got out of the chair and gripped onto the wall. Using the surrounding furniture as a support system, you slowly made your way to the office desk. Once at the desk, you fell into the armchair, grateful to be sitting. The chair was extremely comfortable, making you instantly relax into it. Now at the desk, you began to open the drawers, hoping to find something inside. Most of the drawers had nothing, except a collection of dust. However, in the last drawer was a pile of papers and ripped envelopes.

Curious, you pulled out the stack and set it down on the desk. You could instantly tell that the papers were a collection of letters. Shuffling through the letters, you looked for the oldest one. After a few minutes of searching you found it. It was dated back to when you were still a child of five years old. From what you could tell, it was addressed to the two brothers. Now even more intrigued you began to read the letter and what you read disturbed you. The entirety of the letter was telling the brothers that a new plaything for them had been found and how that soon they would have some entertainment. You moved onto the next letter and the next, reading the letters in order. As you went on, you got more and more concerned.

The letters describing the brother's new plaything increasingly fit your description. You were sure that they were talking about you, when one of the letters described a certain event of your childhood in detail. The horrible memory entered your mind, as you recalled the events of that day.

You had just returned home from school, and were happy it was your tenth birthday. However, that happiness soon faded when you entered the kitchen that afternoon. Your aunt and uncle were once again arguing. Though, at your age you thought your announcement of your birthday would maybe lighten the mood. As soon as the announcement left your lips, both adults turned on you, glaring daggers into your being. Instantly, you dropped your school bag and ran up to your room. However, you never reached your room due to your aunt grabbing you by the collar. She hoisted you up onto the counter and shoved a single candle into your hands. Grabbing a lighter, she lit the candle and told you not to let go of the candle. As the candle burned, the hot wax seered your skin, as tears cascaded down your face. You had to sit on the counter until the candle burned out and it being a taper candle, you had to sit there for quite a while. That night you received no dinner, no cake, no presents. You only had the light of the candle. The candle didn't burn out till the next morning. Afterwards you cried yourself to sleep, listening to the calming sound of your music box.

You felt fresh tears run down your face, as you remembered that horrible day, but soon a boiling anger filled you. Reading the letters, you had realized that both brothers had known about you well before you ever met them, yet they never revealed such a secret. However, who wrote these letters to them? As soon as the question entered your mind, you had the answer. Just as you were about to get out of the armchair, Heart walked into the room.

"Ah, so this is where you have been, my dear lady".

Holding up one of the letters, you stated "The three of us need to talk".  

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