Look Beneath the Surface

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  Fade and you waited for the brothers by the entrance door to the train. Through the door's window, you could see an expanse of water and clouds. In the distance there stood what looked like a castle surrounded by amusement park rides. At the moment you could only see the outlines of the structures. However, how were you supposed to reach the Land of Amusement? If the water wasn't deep, you could walk through it, but something about the water seemed ominous. Sure the setting sun made the expanse of water and clouds beautiful, casting shades of purples, blues, oranges, pinks and yellows across them. However, you still didn't want to go near that water. It was just too still for you. At that moment both brothers returned; their coats replaced with new ones.

"My dear lady, I forgot to ask how all your previous wounds are".

"They've healed up. Even the one I received from Fade has healed up nicely. Why do you ask?" you stated as no bandages covered your skin.

"I just wanted to know if I should keep my eye on you more" Heart stated.

"You'd keep your eyes on me regardless. Besides shouldn't you be worried with that scar on your face".

"I'll be fine, my dear lady".

"Well Miss ____, are you ready?".

"Yeah, let's go. Though, how do we cross the water?".

"Just walk onto its surface" said Diamond, as he stepped onto the water.

You were expecting him to sink into the water, yet he stood on top of it. Fade went out of the train next, but like usual she just hovered. You still eyed the water suspiciously, knowing something was off.

"Fade, do you know if there is anything in the water?".

"There is, but that is why we should hurry across it before the monsters sense our presence".

"I can carry you across if you would like, my dear lady".

"No, I'm fine" you said, as you stepped onto the water below.

Like Diamond you did not sink into the water, but stood on top of it. As you stepped forward, little ripples went across the water's surface. Looking down at the water, you saw your reflection perfectly, as though you were looking in a mirror. Heart came onto the water next. Once he left the train, the train closed its entrance door and went off into the other direction. With the four of you off the train, you all proceeded onwards towards the Land of Amusement.

Clouds rolled past you over the water's surface, making you occasionally walk through them. However, you felt no moisture in the clouds. They just felt soft against your skin, as though you were lying under a warm plush blanket during winter. You almost followed the clouds into the unknown before Fade grabbed your arm, pulling you back. Her action seemed to wake you up from a trance-like state, as you realized that you were about to walk into the darkening water beyond.

"Don't follow the clouds, they only lead to death".

Nodding in response, you cast one more glance at the darkened waters. To your horror, you saw golden eyes staring at you. You tugged on Fade's cloak, getting her attention. When she looked down at you, you pointed out into the distance. However, the eyes were gone and she examined you closely.

"Did you see something, ______?" Fade questioned.

"Yeah, there were eyes out there".

The two brothers heard you as well and you could see them rest their hands over the weapons at their sides. Fade's expression didn't change, but there was a sense of urgency in her eyes.

"They have spotted us, we should increase our pace this instance" she muttered.

Seeing no reason to argue, the four of you walked faster, as the water around you darkened. Even the once bright soft clouds turned darker shades. However, a strange glittery mist began to creep over the water, as it neared the four of you. The mist neared you, but the setting sun's light seemed to keep the mist at bay. Though, among the sparkling mist, you couldn't tell if you could see more eyes, or if it was just the mist.

A splash soon sounded behind you all, as did another. After the two splashes, they stopped altogether. This only made you quicken your pace across the water, but Heart stopped you. Looking up at him, he signaled you not to make another noise. Reluctantly, you did as he said, glancing around you.

Nothing seemed to happen for the longest time. However, all did not stay still for long. In the distance you could see a fish tail swaying back and forth in the water, as golden eyes stared up at you. You rested your hands over your daggers, ready to attack. Not a second later did the creature jump out of the water. Revealing itself, you didn't know what the creature was. It looked like a mermaid, but its top half was skinned. The creature had no teeth, just a gaping hole for a mouth. Its golden fish tail glittered in the sunlight, but there was nothing beautiful about it.

With the creature now mere inches away from you, you pulled out your daggers. They made contact with the creature's throat, slicing it open. Green blood poured out of the creature's throat, as it fell back into the water. The blood spread throughout the water, but this only filled you with a sense of deeper dread. Fade looked around her anxiously, looking for more of the creatures.

"I think it's time we proceed forward. The blood will attract more" she mentioned.

The three of you agreed with Diamond, as all of you now ran across the water.

"By the way my dear lady, you did well on defeating the mermaid".

"Thank you. So that was a mermaid. Why did it look so ..."

"So deformed. You can thank the sunhat girl for that. The child poisoned these waters and well you can see what happened. All the mermaids became nightmares and longed for human flesh. I don't know how she tainted the water here, but obviously it was something vile" Heart answered.

"My sister dumped the corpses of her victims into the waters. Some of her victims had been poisoned and well that leaked into the water. The mixture of poison, blood and human flesh is what ruined the mermaids" Fade added.

Disgusted, you momentarily looked down. However, this time you didn't see your reflection, but golden eyes looking up at you. Startled, you halted your movement before stepping back a little. Diamond, Fade and Heart stopped as well to see what was wrong. The mermaid took this opportunity to spring out of the water. Its skinless hands latched onto Diamond's right arm, pulling him down into the water. Diamond had no time to react, as he neared the water.

Heart ran towards his brother and grabbed his other arm, pulling him back up, or at least trying to. You ran over to them and helped Heart pull his brother back up. The mermaid lost her grip and retreated deep into the water below. Now standing, Diamond rubbed his right arm, but he remained uninjured. Though, you heard a loud splash behind you. Turning around, you found yourself face to face with one of the mermaids. The creature knocked you down, as it was ready to latch onto your face. Its foul breath made you want to vomit. However, the creature was pulled off of you, as a blade was run through it.

"Are you okay, Miss ___?".

"Yeah, thanks".

Picking yourself up, the four of you continued to run towards the approaching structures. Your feet pounded against the surface of the water, sending ripples out into the mermaid infested waters. You had about another two minutes until you reached the entrance to the Land of Amusement. However, the sun had just set. The water and clouds were cast in a full shroud of darkness, as the mist now ran over the surface of the water.

"Whatever you do, do not breathe in that mist. If you do, you will no longer be able to stand on the water's surface. You will fall into the depths beneath" Fade warned.

Immediately, you covered your nose and mouth. The last thing you needed was to be eaten alive by a monstrous mermaid, as you were dragged to the depths of the unknown. With your nose and mouth covered, you neared the entrance. It stood well over sixty feet. Its grand golden doors embedded with topazes and opals slowly opened. Solid ground lay beyond, as well did an amusement park. Seeing the park made your pace quicken, as you desired nothing more than to be rid of these waters.

Your feet carried you into the park, as Diamond and Heart followed in behind you. Just as Fade was about to enter through the doors, a mermaid jumped out of the waters and pulled Fade down. Cursing, you ran out of the park, latching onto Fade. In your attempt to rescue Fade, you breathed in the mist. You could feel yourself sinking into the watery depths. Heart and Diamond called after you, but their voices became muted, as dark water filled your surroundings.

You still held onto Fade, as you pulled out one of daggers. The mermaid had latched onto Fade's right leg and had begun to bite at Fade's flesh. Fade's screams couldn't penetrate the water. However, you soon ended them by stabbing the mermaid in the neck. Bleeding, the mermaid sank deeper into the water. With Fade released, the two of you swam up to the surface of water. However, many mermaids were now swimming towards the two of you. Their eyes gleamed with hunger, but you ignored them, pushing your limbs to safety.

Up above you could see the two brothers scanning the waters for you. You felt something grabbed your left ankle. Fade noticed immediately and took one of your daggers, bringing it down into the mermaid's face. Green blood flowed into the waters. Not waiting another moment, Fade and you pushed through the waters. Reaching the surface, the brothers saw the two of you. They pulled you up while you pulled up Fade.

All four of you were now on the solid ground of the amusement park. Fade handed you back your dagger, while you caught your breath. The golden doors closed behind the four of you. In the distance you could see a pink figure approaching the four of you, as a static sound filled the air.

A Dimensional Tune (Yandere Twins x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now