Stone and Grey

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  It was strange, as the three of you neared the house. The sky went from its hues of green, blue and black to shades of pale grey, white, and light blue. You knew it was still night, yet the sky said otherwise. Furthermore, the dark green grass turned to a bright healthy green color, as small trees and bushes rose from the ground, their roots hidden by the grassy earth.

However, when you thought that the three of you were almost there, the walking basket began to descend to the ground below. Heart's grip tightened on you, as he could sense your worry.

"It would seem that we must take horses from here on out" Heart mentioned.

You peered out over the basket from Heart's lap and saw no horses on the plain. In fact no animals were present. It was just the building in the distance, the bushes, trees and the grass.

"So where are we going to get horses? The plain is quite barren of animal life".

"Just wait and see, my dear lady. They're not your usual horses".

Sighing, you waited for the basket to hit the grass completely. When it did, Diamond opened up the basket door, walking onto the green floor outside. Heart carried you in his arms, following his brother out of the compartment. Once Heart exited the basket, it crumbled into oblivion, leaving not a trace of itself behind. Soon you heard Diamond whistling. The sound traveled down the plains of grass.

At first nothing came, as more minutes passed still nothing appeared. That's when you saw some trees up ahead being shattered into pieces. Squinting, you saw three beige colored horses. However, like Heart mentioned, these horses were not normal. Each horse had the skull of a regular horse covering their faces, which was probably used for armor. Moreover, spikes protruded out of their body, making the horses looks as though they had some weird kind of mutation. Luckily, the horses had thick leather saddles that prevented the rider from sitting on their spikes.

Nearing the three of you, you noticed that they had only one eye, the other socket was quite empty. Their eyes were the color of the lifeless carnival sky. Right when you thought that the horses, if you could call them that, were to run you over they stopped; their hooves bringing up dirt, as they ripped up the grass.

"Now my dear lady you can always ride with me if you want".

"I'll be fine on my own" you stated avoiding his gaze.

You heard him sigh before he placed you on top of one of the horses. Getting comfortable on the saddle, you looked for something to hold onto, but no bridle existed. Thus you were left with grabbing onto the horse's creme colored mane. Both brothers mounted their own rides.

"Now Miss ____ don't try to escape, or the consequences will be grave".

"I already agreed to your terms, so calm down already" you stated, keeping yourself steady on the horse.

Your words only caused Diamond to harden his gaze at you. Rolling your eyes, you charged on ahead towards the building. The hooves of your horse pounded into the ground below, as you let your hair blow behind you. Both brothers called out after you, but you didn't listen. You weren't escaping and at the moment you weren't playing one of their games. They didn't need to watch your every move and this short ride gave you some peace and space. Their voices couldn't reach you due to the horse's pounding hooves.

Though, the horse's running caused you to groan in pain at moments, as you felt a constant sting in your mid-section. None of your wounds were reopened, but you could still feel the bruises forming all over your body.

At last you reached the building, which you now saw was an ancient castle. Grey stone walls gave structure to the building, as multiple stained glass windows blocked the outside weather from getting in. You couldn't see the distinct designs of the windows, but you could tell that they were highly detailed. A stone wall surrouned the castle while a smaller building was off to the left side of the castle. Many statues stood in front of the castle courtyard. The statues lay around small mounds, which were probably graves of people long past.

Having your horse slow down its pace to a trot, you observed the statues. You were instantly reminded of the manager. Though, these statues didn't have glass eyes that seemed to watch your every move. In fact their eyes were solid stone, which relieved you greatly.

The brothers had now reached you, hopping off their horses in the process. Getting off your own horse, you remembered a moment too late that you were currently handicapped. Thus you felt yourself fall off the horse, but arms held you up. Diamond had caught you just in time, preventing you from crashing with the grassy ground.

"Try to be more careful" he stated, as some concern had returned to his voice.

"Yeah" was all you managed to say.

Within moments Diamond had you in his arms and walked to the castle entrance with Heart following behind. Upon entering the castle entrance hall, you couldn't help, but open your mouth in wonder. Never had you been in a castle before, nor a building so grand. The outside looked ruined and ancient, but the inside was furnished beautifully. Tapestries of rich dark and light colors displayed scenes of dreams and nightmares. One showed a castle on the water surrounded by the colors of the sunset, as another showed a corpse lying in treacherous woods. A long red carpet with silver embroidery graced the stone floor. Chandeliers of blue and gold hung above, casting light throughout the room. To increase the amount of light in the room, three huge stained glass windows were at the end of the hall. There were no scenes on the windows. Instead the windows had a blue and red checkered pattern. A throne chair sat on a raised platform, but for some reason it was severed in two, giving the chair a haunting presence.

"Diamond I'm going to go clean up my wound. I trust that you will attend to our plaything's injuries".

"Yes, I'll be in my room. Meet us there when you are done".

Heart nodded, as small droplets of blood fell from his face. His heeled feet clicked against the stone floor, as he disappeared behind one of the many doors in the entrance hall. Once his brother was gone, Diamond went through one of the doors on the right hand side. Behind the door lay a set of stairs, ascending upwards. Red lights flickered on, as the two of you went up the stairs. When the two of you reached the top of the stairs, you saw a hallway with two doors. One of the doors was right in front of you while the other was further down.

Diamond went past the first door and continued onto the second. Only a worn maroon rug went across the stone hallway. No tapestries hung on the walls. A small rectangular window with a red and black checkered pattern let in light, which shone down the hallway. However, in the center of the window was the design of a golden throne chair with red velvet cushions. In the center of the chair was a saber with a golden handle. The saber was stabbed through the center of the chair. It was an interesting design, but you could no longer observe it, as Diamond carried you into his room.

Red curtains hung by the plain windows, which had no design or color. A checkered red and black rug went across the floor of the room. Close to the windows of the room was a king sized bed with soft looking red sheets, as a black and gold canopy hung overhead. Furthermore, a black dresser with crystal red diamond knobs sat on the other side of the room. Next to the dresser was a wooden door, which probably led to a bathroom. Towards the wall opposite of the door was a black round table with matching chairs that had red cushions. On top of the table rested a chess board. The pieces were in proper place, indicating the ready use for a new game if two people so desired to play.

Setting you down on the bed, Diamond vanished behind the door next to the dresser. The softness of the sheets made you want to crash on the bed and fall asleep, but the last thing you wanted was to sleep in one of the brothers' rooms. Your legs hung loosely over the edge of the bed, as Diamond came back into the room with a cloth in his hands, along with some fresh bandages and what looked like a type of salve, which was in a clear jar.

He set the items down on the bed next to you, except for the cloth, which you noticed was slightly wet. Without any warning, Diamond grabbed your chin in his hands, holding your head in place. He brought the cloth up to your face, wiping off the dried blood. His long nails tickled your skin, making you want to retract your face from his grip, but he held you in place. After he finished with your face, he set the cloth down and began to take off your old bandages on your arms. As he worked on your bandages, you realized that he still had his mask on, which was a red and gold butterfly mask. Furthermore, his hat was still gone from his head.

"You know you still have your mask on" you stated trying to end the awkward silence, hoping that his anger at you would soon ease.

"Ah, I almost forgot" he said removing it from his face.

Afterwards the silence continued, leaving you to stare around the room while he worked on your right arm. However, you still found it odd that he had no hat on. This left his head quite exposed and you couldn't help but notice that his hair looked incredibly soft. A small blush tinted your cheeks at the thought, as he moved onto your left arm.

Though, you were thrown out of your thoughts, as you felt Diamond's hand on your left leg. You instantly slapped his hands away before starting to untie your boots yourself. Diamond glanced at his hands before standing up and pulling a chair over. Resting his head in the palm of his right hand, he pulled out his pocket watch, looking at the broken clock.

"Why do you resist us so much, Miss ____?".

"I thought you already knew the answer. I don't like either of you" you stated bluntly, as you had just finished pulling off your boots and socks.

"I see".

Now bandaging your legs on your own, you asked, "Why do keep looking at that watch? Isn't it broken?".

"Yes, it would seem so and I cannot fix it. Furthermore, I keep looking at the watch because this has been in my possession since I was little. I have grown quite fond of it. Therefore, I shall not dispose of it even if it is broken".

Continuing to bandage your leg, you realized that it was your fault that the watch was broken. If you hadn't gone off with the boy child then Diamond wouldn't have been tackled to the floor by one of those carnival monsters. His pocket watch reminded you of the music box that now lay broken in your room, which you would never return to. So even the brothers had possessions that were quite precious to them.

"Look I'm sorry I got your watch broken" you muttered, moving onto bandaging your right leg.

Diamond looked up at you surprised, as an unreadable expression crossed his face. You looked away, finishing with the bandages on your legs. Just as you were about to ask about the salve, you felt yourself being pushed against the bed. Your cheeks turned crimson, as Diamond pinned you to the bed with his right hand. His red hair with yellow and pink highlights hung loosely over his eyes, as his left hand glided over your cheek.

"Do you mind if I kiss you, Miss _____?" he asked with a look of longing his eyes.

You had no time to answer, as his lips met yours gently. Your eyes widened in shock, as his soft hair tickled your face. Midway in the kiss something wet fell down your cheek. Was Diamond crying? Sure enough a tear of his now rolled off your cheek. You didn't know what to do, but soon Diamond pulled away from you. His hair covered his eyes, as he rested his head in the crook of your neck.

"You're ours, you're mine. You're never to leave me. Do you understand?" he whispered, his voice firm.

"I ..." you stuttered not able to bring words to your lips, as a knock was heard on the door.

Diamond got off of you, giving you one last look with his unreadable eyes. He combed his fingers through his hair before opening the door for his brother.  

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