A Flight of Wings

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  When you opened your eyes, morning light was spread throughout the room. The fire in the fireplace had been extinguished and Diamond was gone. In his place was a luxurious crimson colored pillow. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you sat up. In doing so the blanket that was once covering you fell to the floor. Your boots and socks lay next to the couch, as your bandaged legs hung over the couch. Blinking a couple of times, you examined the room, expecting to see Diamond somewhere within the vicinity, but you could not find him anywhere.

Part of you was happy about his current lack of presence, but to your utter terror another part of you was slightly saddened. You couldn't deny that last night Diamond was quite kind to you despite your stubborn nature. Furthermore, you had to admit that his lap was quite comfortable. However, when this thought came across your mind, you felt your cheeks burn up ever so slightly. Feeling the blush across your cheeks, you bit your cheek, trying to get it to go away. You refused to like him. He may have been nice last night, but that didn't excuse the games he kept playing with you, which constantly put you in life threatening situations.

"No I refuse to like him!" you shouted before you could stop yourself.

"Who do you refuse to like?" asked a high pitched voice.

"That's obvious isn't it" you said until your eyes widened, as you wondered who just spoke to you.

You scanned the room, looking for the source of the voice before finding a rectangular wooden table in front of you. On top of the table sat a pixie with tinted green skin and long flowing green hair. She wore a green dress while delicate wings beat back and forth on her back. Her eyes were entirely a dark green with no pupils or irises present.

Without realizing, your mouth hung open in surprise. You had to blink a couple of times, making sure you were seeing the pixie in front of you. She smiled in delight at seeing your shocked expression.

"What ... how ..." you stuttered still staring at her.

Laughing a little, she stared up at you before saying, "I'm sure you have a lot of questions right now, but first let me introduce myself. My name is Woodlily and Diamond left me here as both a messenger and assistant. The message being that you have one hour to get ready before Diamond and his brother retrieve you, so I suggest you don't go over that hour because the two of them are not going to wait. Oh yeah, ten minutes of that time have already passed".

Leaning back against the couch, you crossed your arms over your chest, thinking about what she just told you.

"Wait, what do I need assistance for?".

"Well, mainly Diamond asked me to prepare your breakfast for you while you get a shower".

"A shower?" you questioned, only just remembering that you were pretty beaten up.

"Yeah, you need to bathe at some point you know. Anyway the bathroom is through that door. I'll go prepare that breakfast for you. Oh yeah, I picked out your clothes for you. I hope you like them".

With that the pixie vanished into thin air. Getting off the couch, you made your way over to the door, coming to the conclusion that a shower would feel quite nice. Opening the door, you found the familiar black and white tiled floor while a dark crimson paint was spread over the walls. A simple black sink stood next to a toilet while a shower with red and black checkered shower curtains rested against the far wall. A small red table rested against the opposite wall of the sink. On top of it was a black and red checkered towel while a set of clothes lay next to the towel.

The set of clothes was comprised of a dark purple lolita dress that hung just above the knees. Red and blue buttons went down the front of the dress while a gold chain belt was placed around the waist. There were new socks as well, one had blue and black stripes while the other had red and black stripes. However, you assumed that you were wearing the same pair of boots. Furthermore, a set of black undergarments rested among the pile of clothes. Seeing those you quite thankful that it was Woodlily who picked out your clothes and not one of the brothers. Lastly, new bandages were next to the clothes.

On a shelf over the table was a multitude of various shampoos, conditioners and bath gels. Picking out a matching set of milk and honey scented shower supplies, you undressed yourself and went into the shower. To your relief the water was warm and soothing. You rested your head against the shower wall, letting the water wash over you, each droplet of water calming your nerves and cleaning your healing wounds. As you washed your hair and body , you felt relieved to finally have the dirt removed from your hair and skin.

When you finished with your shower, you dried off and got dressed. However, before putting on the socks you wrapped new bandages on your legs and arms. Once you were done with the bandages, you put the new socks on and finished up your usual bathroom routine. After finishing, you walked out of the bathroom, finding a tray of food on the rectangular table. Woodlily sat beside the food, hanging her legs over the table edge, kicking them back and forth, as she hummed a light tune.

Seeing you, she stood up on the table and waved you over. Walking over to the couch, you sat down and observed the food before you, as Woodlily examined the clothes on you.

"Those look really nice on you. Do like them?".

"I would prefer something a little bit more practical, but thanks for them anyway" you stated eying the french toast covered in strawberries and whipped cream that lay on a black and purple checkered plate.

Picking up a golden fork, you dug into the food while Woodlily continued to watch you.

"How's the food?" she asked now laying on the table on her stomach with her arms resting over the tray.

"Good thanks, but how did you bring the tray in anyway. Isn't it a little heavy for you".

"Nope, I'm quite strong, or rather I just use magic" she grinned, revealing a set sharp pointed teeth that were made for killing.

You swallowed your next bite of food and nodded, eying her deadly teeth. She seemed to notice, but her smile only grew wider.

"Don't worry _____, I won't kill you, but I really hope the brothers bring me something to eat" she said trailing off, as you could see her mouth starting to water at the prospect of food.

Ignoring her far off gaze, you took a sip of the earl grey tea in the matching checkered teacup.

"Hey Woodlily, can you tell me about more about the brothers".

Her trance like state broke and she stared at you, tapping her right index finger against the side of her face.

"I guess I could tell you something. Well Heart likes his drinks to be sweet while Diamond prefers them bitter" she stated before going back into a trance.

Hearing her answer gave you a mental sweat drop. Sighing, you took another sip of tea, realizing that you weren't going to get anything useful out of her. A few more minutes passed before you heard the windows behind you open, letting in a harsh wind. Your hair blew all over the place, making you set down the tea so you wouldn't get your hair in the drink. Woodlily looked up excitedly, flying right over to the window.

Two forms emerged from the open windows, coming into the room. The two brothers came into the room. You were surprised to see that they weren't holding their hats down due to the strong wind. In fact their hats stayed stable on both of their heads, making you think that they pinned them to their hair.

Closing the window behind them, you noticed that Woodlily was now tugging on Diamond's coat sleeve. Diamond peered down at her before looking over at Heart. Heart sighed and snapped his fingers. A piece of some sort of flesh was dangling from Heart's fingers. Woodlily stared at it longingly before swooping over to it and snatching it between her teeth. She flew to the other side of room, eating her meal.

"Well with that taken care of, Miss ____ will you please come with us".

"Sure, it's not like have much of a choice" you mumbled, standing up.

"Woodlily we will be leaving now" Diamond stated.

Woodlily didn't even look up, but nodded in reply. Shaking your head, you went over to the two brothers and reopened one of the windows, as the strong wind almost knocked you backwards.

"Do you need some assistance my dear lady" Heart asked, smirking at you.

Ignoring him, you looked out the window, seeing nothing below except for a sea of blue. You stood at the window confused before stepping back.

"Is this another one of your sick games?" you questioned looking between the two brothers.

Diamond looked amused at your comment while Heart began to laugh.

"My dear lady, it would seem that you do need our assistance".

"It would seem that is the only way. Well shall we, Heart".

"I think we shall" Heart replied with a wide smirk on his face.

The two brothers nodded at each other, before each took one of your arms in theirs, linking the three of you together. Before you could protest they walked out of the window. At first you closed your eyes, expecting to fall, but no fall came only the harsh wind blew against you. In fact you felt something hard under your feet. Looking down, you now saw red and blue steps descending down into the sea below. Leading you, the brothers took you down the stairs, as the water below neared the three of you.  

A Dimensional Tune (Yandere Twins x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now