Painting the Crown

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  "Diamond she went with the child. Surely this isn't what you planned" Heart stated..

Narrowing his eyes, Diamond watched as the child and you disappeared from sight. This was not what he planned. He never considered that you would find the child. Sighing, Diamond removed his hat before combing his fingers through his hair.

"Heart, it would seem that we should get our spare coats. We have a show to watch".

His eyes widened at his brother's words. Heart didn't expect his brother to be so agreeable with the situation. However, he soon smiled and disappeared with his brother.

Back to You:

Coming from the dark playground, you now found yourself in a dark room that was surrounded by blue fabric. The child released your hand, now gazing up at you. His yellow eyes glowed before he started to clap his hands. You were confused by his action. However, that confusion was soon replaced with worry. All of a sudden four people appeared out of the darkness.

One of them was girl about the age of the boy, so she was around seven. Long mint green hair framed her face. Golden eyes matched her hair while green clovers were painted under her eyes. Another was a man, who appeared to be in his thirties. He had combed back purple hair and blue eyes that shone through a green mask. The third was another man, who looked no older than nineteen. Messy mint green hair decorated his head while one of his eyes was covered with an eye-patch, the other eye was a stunning emerald green. As for the last person, it was a woman in her twenties. She had curly brown lockes and brown eyes. Rainbow lipstick covered her lips.

The boy grabbed your left arm while the man took hold of your right arm. Tugging at your dress, the girl gazed up at you. As for the woman, she sat on a crate, observing your capture. Looking at the boy, you tried to grasp his facial expression, but his face was still hidden in the shadows.

"What's happening?" you questioned, still staring at the boy.

At last a painted shining yellow smile graced his face. He nodded his head at the other four before vanishing behind the curtain in front of you. Glancing around at the other four, you waited to see if any of them would reply. The little girl looked up at you innocently.

"You're going to be the new performance, Miss".

"Wait, what? Where am I? I just wanted out of the playground".

"You're in the circus, little girl" called the woman behind you.

Dread had returned to you. You knew that something terrible was about to happen to you; you had been foolish enough to follow the boy here. As long as the brothers didn't appear, it might not be so bad. You kept telling yourself this, as the little girl led you away off into a new room. The woman walked behind you, making sure that you wouldn't escape. Both men stayed behind before walking off into their own room.

In the new room were rows of costumes meant for the circus. Red fabric outlined the walls of the room. Tiny lamps illuminated the area, highlighting the costumes perfectly. The little girl walked you over to a wooden chair, which had no cushion. An old vanity sat in front of the chair, which had light-bulbs surrounding the frame of the mirror. Once you were seated, the little girl ran off into the racks of clothes while the woman approached you.She began to observe you before grabbing some paint off the vanity.

"Well I don't think you will need any makeup, but some paint will highlight your face beautifully. Ah, I almost forgot I'm Daisy. The little girl is Leaf".

"I'm sorry, but why am I here? I know you said I am going to be a part of some performance, but I don't have skills suitable for a circus".

"You have survival skills. Our leader, the boy that brought you here, witnessed you defeating a shadow with your bare hands. Anyway don't worry about your performance".

"Wait, how did you know about the shadow?".

"We were observing you from behind the rusty gate. You couldn't see us, but we could see you. Now stop asking questions, or I'll mess up on the paint".

How were you not supposed to worry about your upcoming performance? Daisy stated that you had survival skills, so did that mean they were going to put you in another life threatening situation? Also she mentioned that the boy with the glowing eyes was their leader. The children of this world sure were interesting. First the sunhat girl, who seemed to know everything about this world, and now a boy, who owned a circus. You were never going to understand this world with its constant rule changes. You closed your eyes and let Daisy put the paint on your face.

It felt cold against your skin, but at the same time you liked the feeling of the paint. With your eyes closed you tried to figure out what Daisy was painting on your face by paying attention to the brush strokes. You could tell that she was painting the same design below both of your (e/c) eyes. Furthermore, you felt her bring the brush down on your bottom lip.

When she finished, you opened your eyes and turned to look in the mirror. Under both of your eyes were two small purple crowns while on your bottom lip was a single purple line going down the middle of your lip. You saw Daisy tapping her right index finger against her face.

"There's something missing, but what. Ah, I know".

Before you knew what she was doing, she reached around you and opened the top drawer to your right. She pulled out a circular tin, which rattled in her hand. Opening the lid, she pulled out tiny blue and red gems. With the gems in hand, she put the tin back in the drawer. Next she pulled out a tiny glue bottle and asked you to turn around. Turning around in your chair, you let her put the gems on your face. However, she only placed them under your right eye. Thus the gems decorated the tips of the crown. After she finished her work, she called out to Leaf.

Within moments Leaf came running towards the two of you with a set of clothes in her hands.

"Here's your clothes, Miss".

In her hands were a pair of black and purple checkered over the knee socks. Along with the socks were a pair of purple shorts that matched a long sleeve black blouse. To top it all off, a blue and red vest went with the outfit. The little girl beamed up at you

"You have five minutes to change before I will return to fix your hair".

You nodded in reply and began to change into the new outfit, figuring that shorts would be a welcome change to the dresses. The clothes fit perfectly and you glanced at yourself in the mirror. Slowly you saw that you were starting to look like a member of this strange world. The sunhat girl was right. There was no returning back to your previous world and your appearance proved that.

Daisy and Leaf returned, both looking delighted at your appearance. Observing you, Daisy decided that your hair was perfect the way it was, stating that it just needed one decoration. Soon she returned with a small purple top hat that had a black lace trim. However, in place of the ribbon that would usually surround the top hat was a silver tiara studded with rubies and sapphires.

"Now your image is complete".

"You'll look so pretty when you die on stage" exclaimed Leaf, her eyes sparkling.

At first you smiled at her words before realizing what she had actually said. You looked down at her, your eyes etched with concern. Clearly something horrendous awaited you. As Leaf went to lead you out of the room, your feet remained glued to the ground. She kept tugging at you and eventually Daisy had to push you out of the dressing room. The two of them then forced you into a cushioned golden chair, which had a velvet red cushion. You felt metal clasp around your wrists and ankles, keeping you in place. After you were secured, the two of them left you alone in the blue fabric room. Light shone through the curtain in front of you, as sounds erupted from the other side. You could hear cheering and the excitement of the crowd.

Your head hung down, as you stared at your boots with blue and red laces. In your attempt to escape the brothers, you ended up restrained once again. No matter where you went, you were a puppet on strings controlled by an external force, whether it be the brothers, or another party. A bitter smile crossed your lips, as you heard someone announcing the beginning of the show.

The words 'Welcome', 'Special' and 'Treat' hit your ears and you figured that you were this special treat that they were talking about. When the announcement ended, you heard the curtain open next to you. The masked man emerged from behind. He didn't cast one glance your way, but walked into the awaiting crowd. After him came Daisy, then Leaf and last was the green haired man. You could hear sounds of amazement from the watching crowd, as each performer accomplished their acts, but none of it mattered to you. All you could think of was your impending death.

You sat in a throne chair, only to fall to the hands of whatever lay ahead of you. Of course you were going to fight back with everything you had, but no doubt the task ahead of you was going to be a tough one. Would you face more shadows, something like the manager, or perhaps worse? Knowing your luck, it was probably the last one.

As the green haired man entered the blue fabric room and disappeared behind another curtain, you knew it was your time. In an instant a cloud of purple smoke surrounded you and you could feel the chair and you disappearing. However, in that moment of darkness, you could still hear the excitement of the crowd and it only grew louder. 

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