Riding to Darkness

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  Pink fluffy ears flopped behind the pink figure while the static sound increased. You couldn't pinpoint the static sound until your eyes landed on the figure's face. In place of a face there was a television screen instead. You could now make out that the figure was skipping towards the four of you. The giant pink rabbit stopped in front of you, but couldn't move closer due to two sabers blocking its path. It rested its hands on the blades and looked down at you. The static on the television soon disappeared and a face replaced it. Big brown eyes with a rabbit's nose and mouth now stared at you.

"My mistress sends her regards to you, _____. She hopes you enjoy your stay here. Also she wants me to let you know that you'll regret bringing the brothers and her sister here. Now it's time for me to say goodbye".

The bunny face disappeared once more and was replaced by a countdown. Your (e/c) eyes widened and you quickly ran away from the rabbit. Fade and the brothers followed you until you heard a loud explosion behind you. Stopping, you turned around and the sight made your insides twist and turn. Internal organs were strewn all over the entrance way and pink stone walkway. The television screen had blown out and sparks flew off from various wires.

"That's a perfect demonstration of my sister's cruelty, killing her followers with no remorse" Fade pointed out.

"Let's just go towards the castle. This path should lead us to her".

"I'm afraid that it's not going to be that easy, my dear lady" Heart stated pointing at the path ahead.

Up ahead the path was blocked by a blue stone wall filled with glowing gems. Sighing, you looked for another way. All around you were lampposts, shining brightly in whites and pinks. Blue stone towers and walls filled the amusement park while a red and orange Ferris wheel turned slowly. In the distance you could see a lighted roller coaster that wrapped around a pointed mountain.

"Where do we go now?" you asked, since you couldn't see any new route.

"Miss ____, I believe we must enter that dome shaped building".

You looked to where Diamond was pointing and saw an archway leading into a blue stone dome shaped building. There really was no other way. Thus the four of you passed through the archway with it sealing itself after all of you entered. With the entrance now sealed off, you could only go forward. The path diverged into two directions up ahead. White lights illuminated the blue walls of the tunnel like paths.

"Fade, do you have any idea about which path we should take?".

"Sadly, I don't. However, under no circumstances should we split up" she responded.

Sighing, you nodded in agreement. Splitting up would just allow the sunhat girl to pick each of you off one by one. Glancing between the right and left paths, you tried to look ahead down each path. Though, only unknown darkness greeted you. Furthermore, both paths looked exactly the same. Thus you closed your eyes and tried to listen for any sound. Nothing, only silence existed down the paths.

As you stood in front of the two paths, your ears finally picked up a sound. The sound came from above. Footsteps neared you until they stopped directly above you. Backing away from where you were standing, you looked to see if anyone else noticed the sound. Fade had a look of concern written on her face while both brothers narrowed their eyes. Suddenly the footsteps started to move again, but this time they were coming from the walls.

"I suggest we move forward and quickly" Heart mentioned.

"I agree with my brother. I suspect that both paths lead to something terrible" Diamond added.

At first you hesitated, but hearing the footsteps grow louder, you went down the right path. However, when the brothers and Fade tried to follow you, they ran into an invisible wall. Both brothers banged against the glass, but you couldn't hear any of their attempts to break down the wall. Soon the invisible wall became quite visible, as the transparent surface turned to blue stone. While the wall was transforming, the footsteps grew louder. You couldn't wait around for the brothers or Fade. If you didn't move the thing creating the footsteps would catch you. Thus you progressed down the stone path.

Brothers' and Fade's perspective:

The brothers banged against the invisible wall, cursing while doing so. Fade muttered curses under her breath at her sister. When the wall turned to stone, the brothers stopped their attempts at breaking down the wall.

"It looks like my sister is forcibly separating us. We have no choice, but to go down the left path".

Heart glanced bitterly at Fade before grabbing her by the collar of her cloak.

"There must be some way to break down that wall. You're her sister, you should know her tricks" yelled Heart, as anger flared in his blue eyes.

"If you haven't noticed, my sister and I don't exactly get along. Now I suggest you release me".

"Brother, the child is right. We must go down the other path. It's the only way to reach our plaything" Diamond stated.

Releasing Fade, Heart sighed in frustration and went down the left path. Diamond went after his brother. Fade gave one last glance at the now closed off right path before going down the left path. She swore she could hear her sister giggling somewhere in the building. Already her sister was controlling their movements in her domain; she was going to hold none of her tricks back.

Back to you:

You had your hands constantly over your daggers, prepared to attack whatever lay in the walls. However, the footsteps were no longer in walls, but on the path with you. They were slow and moved in rhythm with your own. When you looked behind you, you saw nothing there. This frustrated you, but also worried you. How long would you have to endure that thing following you before it showed itself?

Focusing on the path in front of you, you still saw nothing new. Only more blue stone walls and white lights decorated the path ahead. You wouldn't be surprised if the tunnel continued on forever. The footsteps still stepped in sync with you. Not being able to take it anymore, you turned around once again.

"Will you just show yourself? I'm tired of you following me" you yelled at the empty path behind you.

"So your patience has finally tired. I didn't expect it to last so long" echoed a voice down the tunnel.

Surprised that the thing responded to you, you looked around you, trying to find the owner of the voice. You felt hands rest on your shoulders and warm breath on your left ear.

"Do you wish to fight me?".

Unsheathing your daggers, you spun around, as your daggers sliced through air.

"So you do want to fight me. Well let's make things much more interesting then".

The ground at your feet began to morph and soon tracks appeared under your feet. You heard something coming down the tracks. Instantly you ran off the tracks, as a roller coaster raced down the tracks. It stopped right in front of you. Hands pushed you into one of the cars on the roller coaster. Once your whole body was in the car, the roller coaster took off.

Light stormed into the tunnel and you had to shield your eyes from it. However, once the light died down, you uncovered your eyes only to see yourself back outside. You were stationed in one of the middle cars, but you could see someone sitting up ahead of you. They had a purple top hat on, which was adorned with black roses. A black suit graced their form while long bleached blonde hair rested on their head.

"Well don't you think this fighting ground is much more interesting" he said, turning around in his seat.

Yellow eyes stared back at you, waiting for you to respond. However, the only thought that passed through your mind was 'How were you going to fight on a roller coaster?'.

The ride was now approaching the upside down part. You quickly looked for a strap to tie yourself in, but saw none. Sheathing your daggers, you gripped the ride. The roller coaster zoomed down the tracks, going upside down. You held on for dear life, as you felt your body being lifted into the air. Though, soon you were seated safely back in your seat. When you looked for the man once again, you noticed that he was gone.

"I'm right beside you".

Taking out one of your daggers, you slashed it through the air next to you.

"Too slow. Now tell me how you plan to beat my mistress if you can't even land a blow on me".

With the tracks twisting around the mountain, you felt yourself slide around in the seat, as you tried to steady your balance. You ignored the man's comment and looked around for him.

"You have one more chance to kill me then it's my turn. Ah, I would check behind you".

You only turned your body slightly and kept your grip firm on your dagger. Raising your dagger upwards, you focused your attention back to the front of you and brought your blade down. Finally the blade made contact with the man. It nestled itself into his right arm. Blood leaked out of his arm, but he only grinned insanely.

"My turn".

His yellow eyes shined, as his left arm wrapped around your waist, bringing you closer to him. You couldn't reach your other dagger nor retrieve the one from his arm. He whispered undecipherable words to you and you could feel your consciousness slipping. As the roller coaster raced down the mountain, the man jumped out of the ride, carrying your unconscious body over his shoulder.  

A Dimensional Tune (Yandere Twins x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now