Games on the Water

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  Reaching the bottom of the steps, the three of you stepped onto a transparent platform that looked out at the sea. Looking down at your feet, you could see the water splashing up against the bottom of the platform. Furthermore, by this point the harsh wind had stopped and was replaced by a gentle sea breeze. The breeze caused light specks of water to splash up onto your face, cooling your face in the process.

Focusing your attention back on the view in front of you, you waited to see what would happen next. When nothing did, you looked between the two brothers. Diamond pulled out a pocket watch, clicking it open before checking the time.

"Ah, another minute and it should be here" Diamond stated.

"Good, I was starting to grow impatient" Heart replied.

Seeing Diamond place the watch back in his coat pocket, you began to wonder what they were talking about. A minute passed and your question was answered. The waters began to grow fierce, as waves crashed all around you. Surprisingly enough none of the water got on the three of you, which you were quite thankful for.

Slowly a transparent pole emerged from the water, followed by two others. You soon realized that the poles were masts, as a transparent ship came out of the sea. Water cascaded down the ship and rolled off the deck, as the ship appeared. With the entirety of the ship revealed, you stared in amazement. Due to the transparency of the ship, it looked like the ship was comprised of hand spun crystal. In general it was beautiful.
Without another moment's hesitation, the two brothers led you onto the ship, by stepping onto more steps that appeared out of thin air. When aboard the deck, you once again peered downwards, seeing right through the entire ship. You could spot nothing inside, the ship appeared hollow. Both brothers seemed to notice your confused expression.

"Well my dear lady are you ready to see the inside of the ship?".

"What, but there is no inside" you stated clearly perplexed.

"Hmm, I think you will find that you're quite wrong about that. Right, Diamond?" Heart asked.

"Indeed, Miss ____ just don't let go of us until we reach the inside, otherwise you'll fall through the ship. You wouldn't want to ruin your new dress would you?".

"I could careless about this dress".

"Maybe we should drop you then; it would be quite fun. Then since the water will be quite cold, you'll surely have to change. I wonder if you would let me change you" Heart said his smirk growing wider.

Glaring at him, your face screamed I dare you.

"Ah, do not worry Miss ____. We'll not drop you. Besides, Heart we'll have plenty of time to play with her once we get inside. Why rush?".

"I suppose you're right" Heart muttered.

With that, both brothers kept you linked to them and entered the captain's quarters. Opening the transparent door, you were greeted by a room entirely different. Delicate glass windows let in the morning light, as a red and blue tiled floor lay across the room. There was no furniture in the room. The only thing in the room was a staircase that descended lower into the ship.

Diamond released your one arm from his and closed the door behind the three of you. Heart unlinked his arm as well and began heading down the stairs. You stared at the steps, questioning what lay below.

"Let us continue onward, Miss ____. I don't think you should keep my brother waiting".

Sighing, you went forward and descended the spiral steps, which were glass and had a red and blue carpet over them. Getting to the bottom of the steps, you entered another room, which had delicate glass windows, filling the room with light.

This room had dark purple walls with red diamonds and blue hearts painted on them. A black trim outlined the walls while several black shelves decorated the walls. On each shelf were a variety of items. Ranging from a house of cards to checkered teacups in blue and red to glass flasks filled with sparkling sodas. Towards the paned windows was a square wooden table. Hearts and Diamonds were carved into the edges of the table. A wooden chair sat at each side of the table. On top of the table rested what looked like a miniature castle maze. This castle maze sat on a sort of playing board. Square spaces were on the board, made for the players' pieces to move along. A stack of cards was next to the board and castle. Suddenly you felt hands rest on your shoulders, as the person behind you started pushing you forward. Turning your head a little, you saw Heart smirking down at you.

"Ready to play the next game, my dear lady?".

"Like I would want to play any of your games" you stated harshly.

"What a shame. No matter I'll win you in this next game" Heart said arrogantly.

"How about we play and see who wins brother. I do not easily lose" said Diamond walking around the two of you and sitting in the chair to the right.

"Nor do I".

Heart continued to push you forward, stopping when you were right in front of the table before giving you another quick push. Due to the push, you were going to hit the table headfirst. However, when the table neared you, a bright flash spread throughout the room. When the flash vanished, you found yourself standing in front of the castle maze. You heard a chair being pulled out next to you and looked to see Heart now sitting in the left chair. However, he was now a giant in comparison to you. Glancing back at the castle and then looking down, you saw the game board at your feet. You had been shrunk and were now a piece on the game board. Looking between the brothers, fury erupted inside of you.

"Explain this now!" you yelled, glaring daggers.

"No need to yell my dear lady, we can still hear you perfectly fine. Anyway you're the objective of the game".

"In other words Miss ____, my brother and I draw cards, following their instructions, and moving along the board accordingly in order to reach you. Of course you're free to move along the board, which makes it harder for us to reach you".

"See we even gave you an advantage my dear lady. However, beware of what waits in the castle maze. We weren't going to give you an easy ride, so do be careful. Well Diamond should we start?".

"Of course, please make the first move Heart".

Thus the game began and the door to the maze opened. There was no option to stay outside of the maze because an invisible force pushed you past the threshold. Once in the maze the door shut behind you, leaving you face to face with a stone wall.

It was weird; once you were in the maze all outside noise was blocked off. You could no longer hear the brothers talking nor the quiet sound of the ship riding through the sea. Furthermore, despite there being no ceiling to the maze, you could no longer see the brothers either. Instead everything was quite quiet. Glancing to each side of you, you chose the right path and walked down the still path.

Dirt kicked up, as you trailed down the long path, eventually reaching a turn in the path. When you made the turn, you heard something ahead of you. Footsteps approached you and the scent of peppermint filled your nose. Squinting, you saw a form approaching you, which was of equal height to your own. A top hat was perched on its head while curled horns protruded out of the hat. It stood upright on its two hoofed feet, as a horse tail swished back and forth behind it. In fact the figure was a chestnut colored horse. The only strange characteristics was the way it walked, the clothes on it and the horns on top of its head. Speaking of which, the horse had on pants, a dress shirt and a tailcoat. Moreover, it twisted a candycane cane in its hoofed hands.

Your senses finally cutting in, you darted down a side a path, crawling through a small hole. There was no way that horse creature could follow you through the tiny opening. Thus you backed away from the hole and waited for the creature to pass.

Soon you saw the hoofed feet walk by, but soon the sound of its hooves hitting the dirt floor stopped. The hooves reappeared, as a cane was thrust through the hole. Instantly you sprung farther back from the hole; the cane missing you by a centimeter. After the creature withdrew the cane, it brought its head down to the hole and peered inside, spotting your terrified form in the process. Its beady eyes stared backed at you, as it unveiled rows of gold teeth within its mouth. Neighing in frustration, the creature got back up and walked away.

Your heartbeat slowed back to normal before you got up and went down the next path. So far you had not spot the brothers' pieces. However, you realized that you had no idea what they looked like. Could that creature have been one of their pieces or just one of the obstacles. Your thought was soon interrupted by something moving around your feet. Lowering your attention to the base of the path, you saw chains twisting all around you. Seeing the chains near your ankles, you broke out into a run with the chains following you close behind.

When you were just about to round a corner, the chains shot out towards you, wrapping tightly around your wrists and ankles. They pulled you back, securing you to the wall behind you. When you were fully restrained to the wall, the chains turned to a forest green color, as spikes appeared on the chains. The spikes dug into your skin, sending some strange substance into your body. Your vision began to darken, yet you still felt fully awake. In a state between consciousness and unconsciousness, you watched the chains slowly retract from your body.    

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