An Evening of Red

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  An elegant gold key with a red velvet string attached to it lay in your hand. Diamond's eyes gleamed while a delighted smile graced his lips. Placing the saber back in its scabbard, he held his hand out to you. Refusing his hand, you looked away, ashamed of your weakened state.

The scarves on your arms that were meant to serve as your bandages were coming apart while the scarves on your legs were no longer present due to the long socks and boots that were now on your legs. Both socks scratched against your barely healed wounds, making you wince slightly. Beads of sweat were on your forehead, and your dress sleeves were torn. Your (h/c) hair was in tangles while your hands had multiple scratches on them due to your fall from the carousel. Furthermore, you could tell that soon multiple bruises would be covering your body. All in all you currently felt terrible.

With energy lacking, you managed to stand on your two feet and headed for the blue and red door with the key in hand.

"Looks like you won, Diamond. However, it seems you are the only one happy about it".

"Yes, well I'm sure Miss ____ just needs some rest. Hopefully, she'll soon realize that we're the right ones for her".

"I think she's too stubborn to make that realization. Anyway I'll leave you. Tomorrow though, I expect for you to share our plaything".

Heart gave one last glance at his brother before looking at you possessively until he vanished, leaving Diamond alone with you. Diamond wasn't too inclined to share you tomorrow, but his brother and him had a special plan for you. Sadly that meant he would get no alone time with you. However, he soon swept that thought out of his mind and approached you, looking forward to the evening ahead.

By this point you were inserting the key into the lock, hearing the lock click open. The door opened on its own and you soon found yourself leaning against the doorframe. Your body was just too exhausted at this point. Closing your eyes, you wanted to just sleep where you were, but you soon felt someone's hand rest on your left shoulder.

"You know Miss _____, I don't think that's the best place to sleep" Diamond whispered into your ear.

You didn't really listen to him, but decided to just keep your eyes closed. However, you soon heard a familiar popping sound behind you. This sound made you immediately open your eyes, and turn your head slightly. You saw Diamond's orangish-red eyes looking at you kindly, but glancing around him you saw the statue repairing itself. Words couldn't escape your lips and you could only stutter, fear evident in your eyes.

On the other hand Diamond didn't seem concerned by the statue fixing itself; he just continued to smile at you. However, behind him the statue was now on all fours before it began to charge at the two of you. Now fully facing the statue, you covered your face with your hands, peeking out between your fingers. Diamond continued to remain calm.

The statue jumped into the air and lunged at the two of you. With one swift movement of his hand, Diamond drew his saber and removed the statue's head from its body once again. Putting the saber back in its scabbard, Diamond grabbed your hands in his, removing your hands from your face.

"Now Miss ____, why don't we proceed forward before the statue repairs itself once again".

You only nodded and removed your hands from Diamond's grasp, heading into the new room. Diamond closed the door behind the two of you, shutting out the carnival forever.

Walking into the new room, you realized it was pretty barren. An unlit stone fireplace rested against a red flower like patterned wall with brown wooden wall boards. Crimson drapes hung over paned windows, which revealed a starry sky outside. A simple brass chandelier hung over a red and gold carpet, which lay on the wooden floor. Simple light fixtures were placed along the wall, but brought barely any light to the room. Near the windows was a luxurious leather armchair, which had a wooden round table next to it. Next to the chair was a plain wooden writing desk, which had a brass lamp on top; the top of the lamp being comprised of green glass.

Overall the room looked cozy and made your barely functioning legs want to collapse on the spot. However, your legs never had the chance to collapse. Instead you felt yourself being lifted off the ground. With you in his arms bridal style, Diamond carried you across the room until he set you down in the armchair.

"I could've walked you know" you mumbled.

After those words left your mouth, you felt something squeeze your leg tightly, sending a shock of pain up your body. Before you could stop yourself, a cry of pain escaped your lips. Diamond removed his right hand from your leg, standing up in a triumphant way.

"You were saying, Miss ____".

Looking away, you silently cursed him in your head, as you heard him snap his fingers. Instantly a large fire filled the once lifeless fireplace. A wave of warmth spread throughout the room, making you even more tired. However, you refused to close your eyes while Diamond was still in the room. Your tired eyes followed his every move.

He had made his way over to the writing desk and opening one of the drawers pulled out fresh bandages. Walking back over to you, he took one of your arms and began unwrapping the disgusting scarf.

"I can change my own bandages you know" you stated, trying to draw your arm away from his.

"Miss ____, you'll find it easier if you hold still unless you want one of my fingernails to reopen one of your wounds" he said with his focus still on your arm.

Currently not wanting to feel anymore pain, you allowed him to change the bandages on your arms. You had to admit that the new coverings felt nice against your skin. When he finished, he stepped away from you and eyed you closely.

"Would you like anything to drink? Surely that run in with the statue has tired you out".

Diamond was quite right; your throat was sore and called for something to soothe it. Reluctantly, you nodded your head in reply, staring into the crackling fire. Diamond smiled before disappearing from the room, leaving just you and the fire. The fire danced in your eyes, as you let your mind drift. No thoughts entered your mind. At the current moment you didn't want to think, you just wanted to enjoy the brief peace, letting the warmth wrap itself around you.

A few minutes passed before Diamond returned, with a purple and black checkered teacup cup and saucer. He set it down on the round table, allowing you to see that hot chocolate rested inside. You could smell the delicious chocolate drink that was topped off with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles.

Picking up the glass, you stared down at it before a quiet sigh left your mouth.

"Thanks for not letting the statue kill me" you muttered, not making eye contact with Diamond.

A wide smile spread across Diamond's face, as he stared at your form.

"You're quite welcome, Miss ____. I never would have expected a 'thank you' from you. Are you finally warming up to me?".

"Not at all. Me thanking you means nothing except for the intent of the words. You saved my life and I'm glad that I'm not dead. That's all there is to it" you said now taking a sip of the hot chocolate.

"Well that's a shame".

With no warning, Diamond knelt in front of you and began untying one of your boots. At the time you had hot chocolate in your mouth and you almost choked on the drink in your mouth.

Coughing a little, you managed to exclaim, "What are you doing? Stop!".

"No, I will not stop Miss ____. Please remember that you're mine. Thus you cannot order me around. Besides I thought that the socks would be scratching against your healing wounds. Am I wrong on that assumption".

"No" you muttered, a slight blush on your cheeks.

"Then stop trying to pry your leg from my hands and drink your hot chocolate. Remember I can easily restrain you".

"Whatever" you said, bringing the hot chocolate back up to your lips.

Diamond took your following silence as a surrender and continued to remove your boots from your legs. Once your boots were removed, Diamond went on to your socks. As he started to remove the first sock, you felt his long fingernails gliding over your skin ever so lightly. This simple action sent chills up your spine, as you bit the inside of your cheek, trying to calm down the darkening blush. When he had the first sock off, he stared at your barren leg. He gently brought his fingers over the cuts that were on your leg. You winced slightly, as his fingers touched your wounds.

"My brother was so careless. Why he didn't put new bandages on your legs is quite foolish. I'll make sure to remedy that" he said more to himself than to you.

Thus he began to wrap bandages around your leg before moving onto your other leg. However, what he did next utterly surprised you. As he started to remove your sock, he brought his lips to your leg, kissing it as he slid the sock off. You tried to pull your leg away from him, but he held firmly onto it. By now your face was a dark crimson and the color didn't disappear once Diamond stopped. In the next moments new bandages were on both your legs, yet Diamond still kept his gaze on them.

"You have very smooth skin Miss _____. It's very tempting" he muttered.

Taking another sip of hot chocolate, you tried to ignore his comment before drawing both your legs up onto the chair. With the hot chocolate now gone, you set the glass back on the table, feeling your eyelids grow heavy. Diamond standing up, brought his hand up to your face, resting it on your cheek. Rubbing his thumb gently across your cheek, you found your head tilting against it. You realized your action, but were too tired to draw your head back.

"You must be tired Miss ____".

In the next moment you felt Diamond remove his hand from your face, which almost sent you falling off the chair. The sound of two snaps resonated throughout the warm room. The first one caused you to fall over before you could catch yourself. However, you found yourself still lying on the chair, which was now a couch. When the second snap sounded throughout the room, you felt a soft blanket resting on top of you.
Diamond seeing his work accomplished, sat down on the couch next to you and drew you up to him. He placed your head on his lap and made sure your feet were now resting on the couch. As Diamond combed his fingers through your hair, you felt yourself too tired to protest. Your eyes closed, as sleep claimed you.  

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