A Dinner of the Heart

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  The brother carrying you finally reached the blue tunnel and made his way down, catching up to his brother. High pitched screams could be heard further down the tunnel, as the distance between the two brothers was decreasing rapidly. Soon red hair with yellow and pink highlights made itself apparent. Heart smirked, seeing his brothers back turned towards him.

"Oh brother, look what I found. It appears that I won" Heart stated with glee.

Diamond turned around and noticed your unconscious form in his brother's arms. A frown crept onto his face, as he realized that he had lost the game. Sighing, he walked up to his smirking brother and looked down at you. Running his fingers through your soft (h/c) hair, he brought his lips down to your forehead, kissing it gently.

"Next time you'll be mine Miss _____" he whispered softly and possessively.

Now stepping away from his brother, he smiled before bowing and disappearing. After Diamond vanished, Heart disappeared as well, taking you with him. When the two of you reappeared, Heart set you down on a mahogany chair with golden checkered cushions and pushed the chair closer to the burning fire in the blue painted fireplace, which had two elaborate lamps sitting on top.

The room that Heart brought you to had rich purple walls with deep blue wall boards outlining the bottom of the wall. Purple carpet lay across the floor while a matching blue ceiling covered the room. Golden chandeliers with blue feathers hung from the ceiling while matching light fixtures were on all four walls of the room. Blue paned balcony doors led out to another room, which was very much the same as the one you were in. A dining table sat in the middle of the room, bearing multiple glasses and plates with decorative bird cages and a decorative bird in the center of it all.

Heart sat across from you, resting his head in the palm if his right hand, waiting for to wake up. After five minutes of waiting, Heart began to grow quite impatient and not wanting to wait a minute longer snapped his fingers. In his hands appeared a bucket full of warm water. He didn't want to douse you in cold water, since your body was just recovering from the spirits and was still rather cold. Thus with no further hesitation he threw the water over you. The bucket disappearing, he watched amused, as you sprung up from your chair.

"Finally, I've been waiting five minutes already and I want as much time as possible with you my dear lady".

Rubbing the water from your eyes, you glared at him furiously and found that you were not bound to the chair. Not thinking, you quickly got of the chair ready to dart out of the room. However, a blade rested threateningly on your shoulder, prepared to slice your neck at any moment.

"I suggest you behave my dear lady, or I will bind you to the chair. I believe you wouldn't want that".

He was right; the last thing you needed was to be bound to a chair with your clothes soaking wet and your body still cold.

"Fine, I'll sit back down, but you didn't have to make me soaking wet".

"Actually I did because otherwise you wouldn't have awoken. Be thankful it wasn't ice cold water. Anyway I was going to have you change clothes. I can't believe you decided to wear clothes that came from that village".

"Excuse me, how do you expect me to change clothes when these are the only ones I have? Furthermore, where would I even change; surely not in front of you" you exclaimed.

"My dear lady, I would not disrespect your privacy that much at least not yet anyway; I was going to have you change in that armoire over there. As for the clothes, they're in the armoire all ready for you. Furthermore, you will put those clothes on, or I will change you myself".

Knowing that you really had no choice in the matter, you went over to armoire. Your clothes were soaking wet, so a change of clothes wouldn't be bad you reasoned with yourself. Opening the armoire door, you walked in and closed it behind you. A blue light came on when you closed the door, which illuminated a short black lolita dress with a blue and red ribbon around the waist. Crystal blue hearts and red diamonds were around the collar of the dress and the ends of the sleeves. Black over the knee socks were resting on top of over the knee black lace-up boots that had red and blue shoe laces.

Out of all the things you had to wear, it was a dress. The boots looked comfortable, but a dress. It was pretty, but it was impractical for your current predicament. How could you hope to make it through another one of the brothers' games in a dress? It could easily get caught on something, which could mean death for you. Just imagining the dress getting caught on a tree back in the forest with that strange creature gave you chills.

Though it was either put on the dress yourself or have Heart forcibly change you, which you definitely would not allow. Thus you began to remove your wet clothes and put on the new ones. However, while doing so you wondered what the story behind the village was. Heart seemed to know. You wanted to ask someone else, but who else at the moment was there? Besides you obviously wouldn't be getting away from him anytime soon. Sighing you decided to ask him.

"Heart, what do you know about that village. You seem to have a disgust for the place" you called out from the small closet.

"So you finally wish to strike up a conversation with me my dear lady. How interesting" he said.

You swear you could tell that he was smirking. Trying to keep your composure, you waited for him to answer.

"Well to put it simply the villagers were obsessed with gaining more power and one day found that their obsession was much too great. They wanted power so badly that they decided to summon a demon into their village. Of course their summoning went horribly wrong. It was quite an interesting show to watch. Diamond and me knew that they were too weak for the summoning, but they pressed on with it. We watched as their foolishness destroyed them. At the time we were courteous enough to give them a warning, but instead they tried to kill us. Thus when they performed the summoning, instead of gaining power, all of them had their lives taken from them and were turned into spirits that will forever haunt the village. Furthermore, the summoning went so wrong that parts of the village were left in quite a ruined state. Does that satisfy your curiosity, my dear lady?".

Now being fully dressed, you walked out the armoire, leaving the wet clothes in the closet, since you didn't know what to do with them.

"Yes" you stated, about to close the closet doors.

"You can dispose of those wet clothes by throwing them in the fire. I don't want them remaining in one of my rooms".

Picking the clothes back up, you went over to the fire and threw them in, where they instantly burned, causing the fire to go purple for a brief moment before returning to normal. Before you were able to sit back down in your chair, arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you backwards. You were now sitting in Heart's lap with his head resting on your right shoulder while his arms prevented you from getting up.

"Let go" you stated trying to wriggle out of his grasp.

"Why would I do such a thing, my dear lady? Right now you're mine and I want you close to me" he said quietly in your ear.

You tried to get out of his grasp, but his grip was too strong and your body froze when he began to nibble on your ear. Your cheeks turned a light red, as you tried even harder to get out of his hold on you. However, he soon moved his lips from your ear down your neck slowly. You wanted to tell him to stop, but you couldn't produce any words, as your cheeks turned a deeper shade of red.

"You know that dress looks stunning on you my dear lady" he said between passionate kisses that he planted all along your neck.

Not being able to take anymore, you managed to bring your left hand up and slap him hard across the face. The sudden action surprised him and caused him to drop you to the floor. Trying to steady your breathing, you looked back at Heart and found him rubbing his cheek with an amused look in his eyes.

"I complement you and you slap me across the face; you really are entertaining. However, I'm afraid that cannot go unpunished".

A terrifying smile graced his lips, as his eyes darkened. He quickly grabbed your arm and threw you into the chair you were originally sitting in. Snapping his fingers, straps held your arms and legs to the chair. He snapped his fingers again and food appeared on the dining table. The food ranged from lobster to eggplant Parmesan to vegetable soup. What looked like sparkling grape juice bubbled in one of the delicate glasses.

"I was going to let you feed yourself, but I'm afraid that's not possible anymore. Now I suggest, you do not resist me any further; it will make things easier. Besides I can tell you're hungry and if you do not want to die, I recommend eating some food. Now what should I give you first; you're welcome to pick of course".

You only turned your head away from him, not wanting to look at him or let him still see your tinted cheeks. However, you soon found his fingers under your chin, making you look at him.

"My, my you're indeed blushing. I thought I was mistaken, but it appears that is not the case. Now open your mouth, or would you like my saber to cut another mark on your face?".

Seeing one of his hands on the hilt of his saber, you knew he was not joking and thus agreed with his request. Smiling, he placed a spoonful of vegetable soup in your mouth. To your surprise it tasted delicious, but you kept a straight face, not wanting to show that you liked the food. Continuing to keep a straight face, you let him feed you more of the soup along with some of the lobster and eggplant Parmesan, each dish tasting extraordinary.

Once he finished feeding you, he tilted the cup with the sparkling grape juice against your lips, letting the drink flow into your mouth. Once again, you were surprised at how delicious it tasted. Not being able to restrain yourself any longer, a small smile tugged at your lips. To your disappointment Heart noticed and his smile widened.

"So you did like the food my dear lady".

You turned away from him and muttered to yourself, wanting to wipe that smile off of his face.

"Tell me did you enjoy me feeding you".

Not expecting the question, you blushed once again.

"Of course not, you ...".

Before you could finish, you found his lips on yours. Due to your restraints you couldn't do anything, especially since he held your head steady by keeping your chin in place with his fingers. His kiss was hungry and passionate, as he begged for entrance. When he didn't receive it, he bit your lip, causing you to gasp at the slight pain. However, before he could kiss you anymore, someone began coughing at the other side of the room. Heart stepped away from you and stared at his brother, who was now standing on the opposite side of the room.

"I believe an hour is long enough, Heart".

Heart merely ignored his brother's statement before licking the blood off of your lips, kissing you once more. When he seemed to be satisfied, he pulled away and glanced back at his brother.

"Sounds fair Diamond, I believe we should start the next game then, since our plaything is now well fed. Do you agree?".

"Of course, I look forward to it".

Both brothers stared at you, their eyes gleaming with delight. You glared back, but deep down inside you were slightly worried; what did they have in store for you next?  

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