The Girl with the Vial

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   Once you were in the hallway, you went over to the stairs and made your way down the steps. However, you never reached the bottom of the steps. To your right was a door, which you had never seen before. It was painted in a bright red hue and had a crystal blue heart door knob. Carrying the books in your left arm, you opened the door with your right hand. As soon as you passed under the threshold of the door, it slammed shut behind you and locked. You tried the door a couple of times, but it remained locked. Sighing in frustration, you turned around and examined your surroundings.

You seemed to be on the second floor of the room, since a wooden railing lay ahead of you. Soft blue carpet covered the floor. Moreover, a round table with a strange star design etched into it rested next to the railing. A Tiffany style lamp and a golden picture frame sat on top. Though, the picture itself was just the color of red, which somewhat disturbed you.

Going over to the table, you placed the books on top of it before looking over the railing. Below you was a rich wooden flooring, which had an intricate red carpet sitting on top of it as well as multiple pieces of furniture. There was a leather and wooden chair sitting next to a matching lamp. A black marble round table rested next to the lamp and chair. On top of the carpet were a floral patterned chair and a green colored foot rest. Shelves of books were highlighted by the window, which had chocolate colored drapes. Opposite the wooden staircase lay a wooden fireplace, which had a black marble mantel. Above the fireplace was a rather large mirror. The mirror reflected your presence in the room and gave you an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach.

Looking away from the mirror, you went towards the seating area across from you, picking your books back up before you went. In the seating room all the blinds were closed, giving the section of the room a mysterious atmosphere. Passing the archway into the seating room, you headed for a brown leather armchair. Next to the armchair was another Tiffany style lamp. The lamp shade was comprised of red glass, which had black gems worked into the glass.

Settling yourself into the chair, you turned on the lamp, which gave you enough light to read the books. You figured that this room would be quite peaceful, since the brothers hopefully couldn't enter due to the locked door. However, you were pretty sure that they could enter if they really wanted to. Pushing this thought out of your mind, you continued on with your reading.

There was no clock in the room, but you could tell that several hours had passed, since it was darkening outside. So far you had learned of the layouts for the landscapes, which you were supposed to travel through. However in terms of the monsters present within the areas, you had learned less than enough. Each book was the same. Apparently the monsters were never consistent, but always changing.

In terms of the three landscapes, the Land of Amusement had the least details on it. Out of the three books it was the smallest. Obviously the sunhat girl didn't want too much information leaked on her stronghold. You were probably lucky to even read the small book that was in your hands.

Shutting the small book, you leaned back in your chair, closing your eyes in the process. You felt ready for some sleep, but soon that idea vanished from your mind. To your horror you heard footsteps, or rather a clicking sound on the wooden staircase. Immediately you turned off the lamp and grasped the book in your hands. You were certain that it wasn't the brothers due to the strange sound on the staircase. Besides they had slippers on and slippers wouldn't create that disturbing sound. Slowly you approached one of the archways in the room. Hiding behind the wall, you peeked out over the railing, which prevented anyone from falling out of the seating area.

Your eyes widened in terror, as you saw a cloaked figure climbing up the stairs. Long brown hair cascaded down its head, as its tattered cloak hung to its every movement. Long pale arms extended out from under the cloak while long nailed hands scraped and tapped against the wooden stairs. Cursing in your mind, you tried to work out a plan. You could try for the door, but if it was locked, you would be dead. A second idea would be to try and attack it with the book in your hand, but those nails looked like they could slice through any material. For a third plan, you could jump over the railing and try to land on the chair below. Though you would have to time your jump right. Too soon and the monster could easily go back down the stairs, too late and you might end up fatally wounded. However, the third option seemed to be the best one. Hopefully, there was another door on the bottom floor of the room.

Thus you waited for the creature to near you, as your hands trembled slightly. The monster was now on the top level. Its long arms carried the creature across the blue carpeted floor, as its hair covered its face completely. Tap after tap it came closer until it at last entered the seating area. At that moment you climbed up onto the railing and jumped onto the chair below. Landing on the soft surface, you quickly looked upward only to see the monster staring at you.

The hair no longer covered its face, as pitch black eyes stared back at you. A sickening tooth filled grin stretched across the creature's face while a crooked nose rested on its face. Not waiting another moment, you got out of the chair and looked for an exit. Right across from you was a simple wooden door with a simple door knob. Propelling yourself at the door, you tried to open it only to find it locked. In a desperate attempt you threw yourself at the door, trying to force it open. Instead you were thrown backward. About to pick yourself up, you found that terrifying face right above yours. Summoning all your courage, you quickly rolled yourself away before punching the thing in the face. To your disappointment, the impact did nothing. The creature only stared at you, its toothy grin never leaving its face.

One of its nailed hands grabbed for your right wrist, but missed, as you dodged the attack. Instead the monster grabbed the floral patterned chair and flung it against the mirror in the room. Glass fell to the floor with the mirror. Along with the two items something else fell to the floor. On top of the chair and glass lay a glass vial filled with a strange purple liquid. Upon seeing the vial, the creature's behavior suddenly changed. It no longer looked at you, but seemed only fixed on the small item. Holding it up in its hands, the creature appeared furious. Turning around, the monster looked at you while holding the vial between its teeth, as its grin widened in delight.

All of a sudden it charged at you, pinning you to the ground. You didn't dare move for fear of having the creature's nails cutting off your hands. You watched as the thing fiddled with the vial in its mouth, using its grey tongue to pull out the stopper in the vial. Once the stopper was off, it lowered its face to yours. Just as it was about to stick the vial in your mouth, you heard the door on the top level burst open. For once the creature's grin slackened. It looked towards the upper level, as it tightened its grip on you.

Focusing your own attention on the upper level, you saw both brothers looking over the railing. The creature spit the bottle out of its mouth and charged at the two of them. With sabers no longer in their scabbards, the brothers waited for the attack. Right as the monster was about to make contact with the brothers, they dodged, as both brought down their weapons on the creature. Picking yourself up, you went over to the small vial. It was now empty, as its contents were spread across the floor.

Hearing a loud high-pitched scream, you saw a long nailed hand fly onto the floor next to you. The hand writhed on the floor until it stopped its movement completely. Looking back up at the brothers, you noticed that Heart had pinned the monster to the wall. With a saber plunged into its neck, the monster thrashed around furiously, as blood spurted out from its wound. Heart removed his saber, allowing his brother to cut off the creature's head. As the body fell to the floor, the two brothers walked down the stairs, approaching you.

"Miss ____, are you alright?".

"Yeah, what was that thing and what was the liquid in this vial? It tried to shove the thing into my mouth".

Heart went over to the foot rest and sat on top of it. The short fight obviously wore him out.

"It was something we thought dead. As for the vial, let's just say it's a good thing that you didn't swallow any of its contents" the blue-headed male stated.

"I think I deserve a better explanation than that".

Diamond went over to the leather and wooden chair and sat down on it. He let out a long sigh, as though this was the last thing he wanted to explain.

"Yes, you're right. Miss ____, surely you know that we had playthings before you; two to be exact. The creature that we just killed was the remnants of the second one. We thought she had died a long time ago, but apparently that was not the case".

"Wait if that's the case, why did she look like that? Was it the cause of the contents in the vial?".

"Indeed it was. We thought it would change her, but not in that way. At first it worked out fine, but after the fourth day the transformation took place. We thought the pain of the transformation had killed her. However, it would seem that she has lived in secret in this room. Apparently, in her new form she didn't need food" Diamond added.

"Why did you give her such a risky formula then? Was it another game of yours?".

"No it wasn't, my dear lady. We gave her that formula, so she would behave a little more to our liking. She had a habit of trying to kill us. Unlike you my dear lady, she didn't try to escape by finding loopholes in our games. After a time her behavior merely annoyed the two of us, so we tried to adjust it".

"So you're saying that you would've used that on me if I started to annoy the two of you".

"No, we would never give you such a thing Miss ____. We know that you would never kill us; otherwise I would be lying on that lounge chair dead. You've had many opportunities to kill us, yet you didn't. Furthermore, you've never annoyed us. You've only managed to anger us, which is quite another matter. However, that has been fixed due to you agreeing to our terms".

"I guess I can believe that, but how did the two of you know that I was even in here?".

"We put a charm on the mirror, so that if anyone broke it we would know instantly" Diamond explained.

You nodded in understanding, glancing at the two brothers covered in blood.

"Well thanks I guess. I'm going to get some dinner now".

A hand grasped your right wrist, keeping you from going any further.

"My dear lady, we already have plans for that occasion".

"My brother is right, you'll follow us".

The two brothers linked their arms with yours. With Heart on your left and Diamond on your right, they guided you out of the horrible room.  

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