Hide and Seek Part 2

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  When you shut the door quietly behind you and locked it, what you saw terrified you; you almost wanted to go back into the alley and take your chances with Diamond. On the wall opposite from you, two demonic looking masks decorated the wall just above a burning fireplace, each mask having dried blood on it. Next to the masks was a oil painting , depicting many shadowy figures attacking some sort of creature, which also appeared demonic. Besides the owner's interesting taste in artwork, a green javelin like object rested against the wall. The weapon itself didn't frighten you, but rather the pool of blood at the bottom of weapon did.

Drawing your attention away from the strange objects, you noticed a single candle on a long wooden table that appeared to have just been blown out. Ancient looking texts were piled on the floor by the fireplace while to your right side lay aisles of books, bearing the same ancient look. Dark green painted walls were illuminated by the burning fire while spider webs were common among the old room.

Walking up to the candle, you picked it up and went over to the fire. At this point you weren't really curious about the lit fire or the strange candle; too many weird things had already happened to you and a well lit controlled fire didn't really threaten you, so you let it slide.Thus you carefully held the tip of the candle in the fire, lighting it. Pulling the now burning candle out of the fire, you progressed down the first aisle of books, wanting to get away from the horrifying masks that stared back at you with hollow eyes.

As you made your way down the aisle, you continually listened to see if anyone would enter the room. However, so far that did not happen and so you continued to examine the books, hoping that maybe you might find something on this world or the sunhat girl. Your fingers glided over the books, which caused clouds of dust to form, sending you into occasional coughing fits. The first aisle provided not a single text that would enlighten your curious mind, and so you pressed onto the second aisle.

Just as you were about proceed down the second aisle, the church bell outside rang a third time. Nervous, you waited to see what would happen. Seeing how the forms reacted to the church bell before, you assumed that the bell controlled their movements. Only what did the third ring mean?Your question was soon answered, as a chill ran throughout the room. The candle flame flickered a little and turned an eerie blue color for just a moment before returning to its original hue.

"That couldn't have been good" you uttered to yourself.

To your horror a wispy hand slowly emerged from around the corner of the next aisle. Quickly you blew out the candle in your hand and quietly went in the other direction. Without the candle light, the aisles became pitch black and you had to feel your way around. You could hear a slight breeze still from the other aisle. Trying to breathe as quietly as you could, you went into the first aisle you entered and went back down its dusty shelves. Just as you thought you were doing great, you accidentally knocked off a book from one of the shelves. In that moment a quick swooshing sound resonated throughout the room.

Not being able to move quick enough, you were faced with one of the featureless forms from outside. However, this one had a wispy hood covering its blank face. It stared at you, seeming to determine what to do with you. Backing away slowly, the form followed you, its arms draped casually at its sides. Reaching the end of the aisle, you heard something fall right next to you. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the javeline like object coming straight for you. Having no time to dodge, you waited for the weapon to come into contact with your head. However, to your surprise your death never came, but the sound of metal colliding with metal ringed next to you.

"Found you Miss _____".

Making eye contact with Diamond, you didn't know whether to fill happy, or extremely concerned, or both. He just saved your life, but only so he could torment you later. Thus you continued to look at him wide eyed not knowing what to do. Diamond just smiled kindly at you, placing the weapon back against the wall. Once the weapon was back in its proper place, he seemed to finally take notice of the approaching form. With saber in hand, Diamond neared the form, giving you the slight opportunity to get away from both Diamond and the form.

Getting your legs to work, you bolted for the door that was opposite from the aisles. You heard a high pitched scream behind you, knowing that Diamond had killed the form. You had only a few seconds left and with the small amount of time left you twisted the door knob, leaving the room and a smiling Diamond behind you.

Back on the cobblestone street, you headed further into the town. Glancing around for any hiding place, you saw out of the corner of your eye Heart, whose back was currently turned towards you. You needed a place fast and not having many options presented to you ran for a broken window. Just as you jumped through the window, Heart turned around, noticing your vanishing form. Smirking, he made his way over to your new hiding place.

Knowing that time was not in your favor, you quickly examined your surrounding, only to find a giant hole in front of you. There was nothing else in the house, but looking down the hole you could see nothing; just darkness. Hearing Heart's footsteps nearing you, you edged your way over to the gaping hole.

"I wouldn't go down there, my dear lady. Only nasty spirits live down there. Honestly, just let me win. It will be better for the both of us".

Just seeing Heart's smiling face made you want to gag in disgust. His hand extended out towards you and you knew what decision you had to make.

"I would rather take my chances with the spirits than with you" you stated before you jumped into the abyss below.

Focusing on the brothers:

"Tch, this isn't good and I was hoping I wouldn't have to fight any spirits" Heart muttered.

"So she went into the underground of the village, looks like we'll have to go after her. Of course brother if you want to avoid fighting spirits you can always stay behind" Diamond stated.

Heart glared at his brother before he began smirking. There was no way he was going to lose to his brother. If fighting countless spirits meant winning and claiming you, he would go head first into the fight that was waiting below.

"I don't think so, dear brother. Let's see who can find her first" Heart said. 

With no further hesitation Heart jumped into the hole, letting the darkness engulf him. Diamond followed soon after, determination coursing through his veins.

Back to You:

As you fell down the hole, air pushed your hair back, as you waited to make impact with the floor below. At last you hit something soft while a giant cloud of dust arose around you. Waving the dust away, you found an illuminated tunnel in front of you. Blue and red light highlighted shadows all along the stone tunnel and allowed you to see that you had landed on a pile of sacks filled with hay. Knowing that Heart would soon come down, you hopped off the sacks and went down the tunnel. You could see that it broke off into two separate paths up ahead and upon reaching the break, you went down the left path, which only had torches burning with red flames.

Behind you, you could hear another person land on the sacks, which you were certain was Heart. However, another person soon landed afterwards, indicating that Diamond was now down in the tunnels as well. As you traveled down the red tunnel, the tunnel made several turns, which hid you well in case either brother took the red path. On the seventh turn, a breeze shot through the tunnel and you knew that spirits would be on you soon. On cue several spirits appeared in front of you. They swayed in the light breeze, as they blocked your path. Behind you several high pitched screams sounded.

Not knowing what to do, you grabbed one of the torches from the wall. Holding it front of you, you waited to see if the spirits would react. To your relief they moved to the side, allowing you passage. With caution, you proceeded past them and quickened your pace, as you heard footsteps coming closer to you. Cursing, you pressed on, hoping that soon you would make it out of the tunnels.

Sadly only more spirits blocked your path, but these ones were much more aggressive than the last ones. One of them quickly flew at you, making your torch go out, as it swept past you. When you tried to grab another torch, the spirits formed a circle around you. They began to spin rapidly around you, not stopping for even a second. Getting quite dizzy, you closed your eyes, wanting it to be over. However, even with your eyes close, you could still hear their stomach turning action. This seemed to press on for minutes before a numbness started to wash over your arms and legs. Opening your eyes, you saw ghost like hands clasped around your arms and legs.

The energy in your body seemed to decrease, as the numbness spread throughout your body. Collapsing , you lay on your side, as all feeling in your body vanished. You could feel your mind fading and heart slowing down. Before losing consciousness, you saw black heeled shoes, which had blue bows with red and gold embroidery at the front of the shoes, approaching you. Red light reflected off of metal and you knew one of the brothers had found you. There was nothing you could do against them, your vision was vanishing and your body numb. With your eyes now closed, you heard metal ringing and multiple high pitched screams echoing down the long tunnel until you went unconscious.

The brother picked up your unconscious body bridal style and carried you triumphantly back to the other brother, wanting to show his victory. Excitement gleamed in his eyes, as he went over the plans he had in store for you. Torchlight flickered, as he left the red tunnel behind him.  

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