Chapter 11- Your powers are almost fully here.

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Lunch time. Since the assembly everyone knows who I am. It's either that or the new uniform. John said that my powers will fully be functioning but that does not mean that I can control them yet so I am going to have to be careful.

"Hey" Elle comes across the pavement and approaches me. Alex steps in front of her. I did tell him to follow protocol.

"Alex its ok and here comes Amanda so it's alright." He stands down.

"So what was that in the hall I didn't know you could do that." I think she is taking about the magic movie that was in the sky.

"I'm still getting the hang of it. But it's getting easier." I am starting to control it. However everyday I get a new power it's weird.

"She will get the hang of this." Fang is one of the few that thinks that i will be able to get a grip on these powers. "It will just take her some time."

"Well we shall leave the magic to you and we will do the smart talk." Amanda just knew how to make a joke from the most serious conversations in the world. I loved her for it. When I was down she would come out with a joke no matter what the situation was.

"Well I now have time to practice. I'm no longer doing languages."

"What but that's our mad hour with Morgan." Me, Amanda and Morgan have sat on a table together in languages for the last two years. It is so much fun but I now have responsibilities so that has to come first.

"It's not my decision. I can speak every language thanks to my powers and the UN are asking me to help with world security threats." I loved languages but this planet needs me now there isn't anything that can change that. "I know that it's going to be different but I can no longer put myself first I have to consider this planet in everything I do."

That was the truth of it why hide it. I have a duty now I can't hide from it.

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