Chapter 19- She's awake.

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Alex's POV

I'm absolutely drained I only slept about sixteen hours this week that's less than three a day. Something starts to stir. She opens her eyes and looks around.

"Hey." I say it quietly she looks like she has fallen off a bus. She's pale and for some reason has a black eye so yeah she looks like she has fallen off a bus.

"Hey how long have I been out." She's talking quiet to. She must feel weak.

"Seven days." It's been a long week.

"Have you been here all this time?" I didn't know what to say. She looks at me waiting for a answer.

"Yes. Except for loo breaks." I thought I would make a bit of a joke. She laughed. Her laugh is adorable.

"Thank you Alex." She smiles and puts her hands on mine.

"Well I'll go tell the doctor your awake." I leave to find a nurse or a doctor.

Amethyst's POV

I turn my head the other way once Alex has gone to see Elle, Amanda and Fang.

"Hey guys." Their smileing at me. God. What now?!

"So it looks like we don't have to set you up. You have done that by yourself. " Amanda is looking at me and doing the eye brow thing where you wiggle them.

"Shut up. We're friends I don't want to ruin that." They give me the "really" look. Then the doctor and Alex walk in.

"How are you feeling,your majesty?" The doctor is quite old but has a kind smile.

"Please, call me Amethyst. I'm feeling much better thank you. But I do believe I just maxed out my powers. I had the guns in the air, I had to stop bullets from shooting staff and I was holding up the chandelier from falling." They all looked at me amazed of what I am able to do.

"I had no clue you could do that." The doctor seems fascinated my me and my powers.

"I used to be able to do all sorts with out fail. However I've been out for an hour before when I maxed out not seven days."

"You haven't used your powers in years your highness. It's to be expected." Fang seens to knpw more about my powers than me at this point. With that said in an hour we leave the hospital and head home and now it is half term. Woo!

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