Maddening (Naomi POV)

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“Give it to me, Naomi!” Shredder growled at me.

I hid the object behind my back. They found its hiding spot again for the third time within the past few days and luckily, Karai had been the one that kept finding it so I had always read her mind and hurried in before she gave it to Shredder.

“No!” I growled. I shuffled the object behind my shell again. It was smooth and the cloth on my fingers weren’t helping in my case. “You’re not having this till later!”

“You will give it to me now!” Shredder growled, taking a step forward.

Inwardly, I gulped and I had to think quick or he’d kill me and break the object I was protecting. “I’ll give it to you, but you meet me halfway…”

“I already met you halfway, once…” he growled, this time his blades sheathing out from his wrist. “Now give that to me.”

I growled and we talked back and forth for a while, me keeping the object behind my shell. Near the end, he had me up against the wall, threatening to break the thing behind my back, so I had to stop the fighting.

“But I’m not giving you this till that device is done!” I snapped.

“Fine, if you won’t give it to me…” he trailed off and I was a bit scared of what was to come.

Karai ran from nowhere and snatched the thing out of my hands, running up to Shredder. I couldn’t beat Shredder, but Karai was an easy target any day. Growling, I ran at her and I felt a shift in my attitude as I tackled her.

The object stayed out of harms way thankfully and I had Karai on the ground with an angry scowl on my face. Her face showed pure terror and I could see why… My anger broke out again.

Yes, it’s happened before and I broke out on Mikito without knowing. When my anger breaks, or snaps, my eyes turn black and my fists and feet grow into dangerous black flame that could pretty much melt anything. Only Mikito and Mii-wa have seen this, and me and Mikito continue warning the guys not to make me mad because this is why…

“Give it back,” my angry voice growled. Mikito said I sounded like one of the devil’s hounds.

Shakily, Karai gave me the object back and when I touched it, the flames on my hands licked around it, but didn’t harm it. I could control the black flames enough to hurt what I wanted to hurt and protect what I wanted to protect. It took a few times, but I eventually got it down.

Standing up, I glared at Shredder and he looked at me shocked. Growling, I said, “You will get this when that device is done. Until then, it’s in my care because I know what the shell to do!”

Both Shredder and Karai, who was up by now, took a small step back as I walked to my somewhat room and hid the object for the fourth time this week. Reiley was looking at me crazy-like and I just stood there near the wall, leaning against it, trying to calm down.

That’s the one thing about my anger when it snaps, I found out it takes an average of a week to calm me down. This time, though, I had to control it faster than it usually did. I didn’t want anyone more seeing me like this.

Finally, after meditating for a few hours, I look at my hands and they were back to normal. Sighing out, I looked up and Reiley was staring at me.

“Dude? What was that?” she asked.

“My anger…” I said, looking away and walking past her. “You’re lucky you’re all still alive…”

“Is it because of that?” Reiley asked, pointing at the place where I hid the object. I nodded and she raised her head in understanding. “So why loose your anger?”

“Because it’s mine…” I turned to her. “I’m the one that wants to protect it. I’m the one that wants to see it grow. I’m the one that made this choice.”

“To join us?” Again, I nodded. “But why?” Reiley asked.

“I don’t give information away, yet Shredder trusts me because I’m witty and quick to react.”

“Yeah, I noticed that when you fought Bradford.” Reiley scoffed. “Then him and Xever along with Karai all together… You’re crazy!”

“If I can fight four Turtles without my staff, then yeah, I’m on the verge of crazy.”

“What are you then?”

“Insane…” I muttered, looking at the object. It’s pale color sparkled in the dim light. I still couldn’t believe after all this time, I literally handed it over to Shredder without anybody but Raph and probably Splinter knowing about it…

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