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Gerard P.O.V

My mind. The sounds ricocheted off my skull, running circles around my brain. I told them to shut up, covering my ears desperately. But that wouldn't stop it. It made me feel like I was standing in a public place, a million different conversations taking place all at once- all inside my head. My inner monologue had gotten lost amongst them. I had broken out of the straitjacket, and had tossed it into a corner maliciously. How dare they put me in there.
Alone, in a cordoned off zone of the hospital. It was corrupt- definitely an asylum. All that they cared about was the money that they would receive from the families of the poor souls that ended up there. Not me, I corrected them all- my family that is. It was the state that paid for me, they would continue to do so until I began to rot, dying alone in that damn padded cell.

I had to admit, the padding was incredibly comfortable. Other patients would wreak havoc on themselves to gain the attention that they craved. Me, I loved myself too much. I was too smart to waste my intelligence on hurting myself. That's not what I stood for.
There was a bang on the metal door, and the small window opened. A tallish, middle-aged man peered in. Joseph, the poor guy that they had hired to make sure that I didn't escape.

"Ten down, what is the chemical symbol for Arsenic?" He asked, brown eyes scanning the room in search of me. I crawled out of the shadows, sitting in the centre of the cell.

"A S." I spelt out. Wardens weren't supposed to befriend patients, but he had a soft spot for me.  If I eventually wanted to leave this place, then I would need him.

"Sure?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes, cracking my knuckles.

"Do you ever doubt me?" I asked sarcastically. He chuckled, thanking me, closing the little window. Again, I was cast into darkness. My eyes were well adjusted to it, and I was more than comfortable dwelling in it. Feeling like I was darkness myself, I was right at home.
I laid down on the floor, hands behind my head. If I could persuade the good Dr that I was at least a little sane, then I could have been integrated into the normal patient population. That would have taken the best part of a year to achieve, yet I had no problems with that.

I heard a conversation outside my cell, I sat up immediately. It was causal, no voices were being raised. I crept towards the door, pressing my ear against the cold metal. The voices were muffled, but I made out a few short sentences. Joseph had been asked to bring a new patient to the ward next to mine. They said that they needed a male warden to do so, after what happened the last time. Last time, a male patient, a sex offender with slight cannibal tendencies, decided to attack a female nurse who trying to take him to his room. Of course, hardly anything was done about it, and if it wasn't for my friend Joseph I'd be left in the dark about a lot of things.

Who would this new patient be? Would he end up in the same dark and lonely place that I was wasting away in? Probably not, that ward was dedicated for round the clock care of me.
Lying to get what I wanted was my forte. If I wanted to spend a minute out of the cell, I'd ask to use the bathroom. Then I would study the lock mechanism inside the door. During the night, I'd figure out how to open it, and roam around a while until they caught me. If I felt adventurous enough, I'd wander into other sections of the hospital, scaring the nurses shitless.

The one thing that I did know was that I had to find him. I needed to talk to him. To gain his trust, manipulate him a little, and get him to join me. They all saw the method behind my madness; being just as mad themselves.

"Hey guy, I've got to go and help a new patient. Do not get yourself into any trouble, because I'll be very disappointed with you." Joseph said sternly, in the parental tone he knew that I hated. But I would listen to him, because he cared about me. Even if it was just an ounce of care, that was enough for me to obey. Just this once. He said this whilst pounding on the door to catch my attention.

"Sure thing." I growled. I genuinely wanted to get out for a while. Even if it wasn't outside. To my luck, it was medication time soon. I liked to taunt the poor nurse that had to bring it to me. She was a dainty, doll-looking girl with long blonde hair that she'd tie in a bun on top of her head. I'd whistle at her, as hid in the shadows as she'd shake and tremble with a tray in her hands. A little white paper cup with an insane amount of pills in there. I'd come up behind her and take the cup off the tray, then laugh manically as she scrambled from the room.

I heard the click of her heels against the old marble floor. I heard the keys jingle by her waist, what a shame it would be if they went missing. I heard her sigh, taking them from her side, shoving a key into the lock. I retreated into the shadows, holding onto the padded wall to stay as close to it as possible.

"Gerard, I have your meds." She sighed again, trying to sound confident. But her voice wavered, and I knew that she was afraid.

"Come and find me." I giggled wickedly, edging a little closer to her.

"I really, really don't have time for this. Just take your damn meds. Or I'll tell Joseph." She threatened, by this point I was behind her. She had made a huge mistake of entering the room.

"Oh you're no fun!" I hissed, snatching the cup from from the tray, still standing behind her. I slunk back into the shadows, as she whimpered and ran away. She slammed the door, not bothering to lock it. How could she lock it, when I had the keys...
Song Of The Chapter- Message Man by Twenty One Pilots

Braaaaaand spanking new story, and I have the entire plot figured out (go me!!) Don't forget to comment and like and enjoy the chapter etc etc (: whatever floats your boat I guess ;)

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