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Frank P.O.V

He needed me? What did he mean? I didn't really care to ask- the vision of the nurse and I doing the thing was floating back and forth in my mind. I shivered, trying desperately to forget the one extreme that I went to to get into Gerard's ward. Gerard's dark, lonely ward. He didn't seem to mind the loneliness, it had become the norm for him. I was looking away from him, he moved his head so that he could see my eyes.

"I just need you, Frank. I know that I can trust you, we're kind of similar." He said gently, the last sentence a whisper. My eyes widened, jaw dropping.

"We are not similar! I didn't murder my family! That was you, and you're sick. Very sick!" I screamed in his face, attempting to stand up. He grabbed hold of my legs, flooring me. Crawling on top of me, pinning my arms to the floor.

"Don't make me hurt you Frank," he hissed, rage flashing in his eyes, his cheeks flushing a feeble shade of pink, "I just need somebody that I can trust. What I'm trying to do is take over this damn hospital. It's corrupted, the cracks are finally showing. I mean come on, their top priority patient has a guy in his cell, pinned to the floor." He looked me directly in the eyes, stifling his laughter. I was mesmerised by his insanity. There was no wonder why he'd landed himself in a padded cell, rather than a concrete one in a secure prison.

"That's ridiculous." I spat, my back sinking into the floor. It was comfy, but I wanted to get out of here, damning my curiosity for bringing me to Gerard in the first place.

"It's not ridiculous, its genius. You could be my right-hand man. You could help me bring justice to this place. You just need to live a little. Come on, Frankie. Come on, it'll be fun." His psychotic smile was back, it was oddly charming. It was drawing me in, and I couldn't help but stare at his red lips.

"What do you even want me to do?" I huffed, attempting to make it seem like I wasn't interested in his cuckoo-little-scheme at all. I was- I knew that I would give anything to be in the same room as him, I had realised that now. He was fucking attractive, and he was paying more than just a little bit of attention to me.

"Right-hand man." The smile lingered, eyes widening to express his happiness, as well as his intent.

"Ugh, fine. If it gets you off me, then fine. Fine." I shouted at him, watching the satisfaction fill his head. He was ecstatic, overjoyed. I had agreed to his stupid little plans, and he could finally initiate them. He had been waiting for years, for just the right person to wander in.
Clearly acting on a whim, he leant down. Pressing his forehead against mine, our lips locking. I didn't fight back. Nor did he apologise for holding me down. He eventually got off me, standing up. I stared up at him, he hadn't failed to confuse me. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, chest rising and falling from the sudden adrenaline rush.

"What was that for?" I asked, frowning.

"The perks of being my right-hand man." He shrugged, holding out a pale arm to help me up. I wrapped my fingers around his, his strength quite surprising for a pale, frail psychopath.

He stared out of the little window of the metal door, smiling at me. I held back a snigger, sneaking back into my room. Sam was still awake, staring at the ceiling. He looked catatonic, totally still. Not even a twitch. I closed the door gently, Sam immediately perked up.

"What did he say? What did he say?" His pedophilic smile threatened to make me gag, but, being the nice guy that I was, I sat down, saying nothing to offend him.

"Nothing, he just wanted to talk to me. That was all, it was nothing special." I kicked my shoes off, tucking myself up in the back corner of my bed. The blanket was already itching my skin, making it feel like it was on fire. My back ached from the change of lying on a soft, squishy floor to a rock-hard bed.

"What did he say?" He asked again, his tone more forceful. I turned over, the smell of his breath assaulting my nose. His head was a few inches away from mine.

"Alright. Jesus Christ Sam. He asked me to do something for him. And he kissed me. That was all. Nothing more, nothing less than. Now, can I please go to sleep?" I said quickly, Sam completely overwhelmed by Gerard kissing me. He was probably against my sexuality; who is in this day and age?

"He kissed you?" He scoffed, spitting everywhere. He started to laugh, not just a giggle. Hysterical laughter. Uncontrollable. He clearly didn't believe me. His obsession with Gerard as this pure being was beginning to grow tedious.

"Yes. Now shut up." I said, turning back to face the wall. I wasn't about to tell him that my main reason for shutting him up was his putrid breath. I closed my eyes, finally able to think straight. Well, I attempted to. Now my mind was replaying our moment, over and over again.
Song Of The Chapter- Planetary (GO!) by My Chemical Romance

Did I go too fast with the whole 'Gee kissing Frank' thing? I hope not, because I feel like that was a good thing ): don't forget to comment and vote, let me know what you think about the story so far XD

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