Twenty One

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Frank P.O.V

I had waited until Gee was asleep, his hands gripping mine tightly. I prised his fingers off mine, watching his face turn into an unconscious pout. I kissed him lightly on the cheek, quickly running my fingers through his black hair. I slowly twisted the doorknob, gently, carefully listening out for the click. Shutting it behind me I saw the moon's light slithering in through the covered windows.

I had to go and see Joseph, to tell him that his wife and unborn baby were completely fine. I walked along the corridor, trailing my hands along the walls. People didn't seem to emerge from their rooms as of late. Maybe the novelty of freedom had worn off for them? It certainly hadn't for Gerard and I. I opened the door to the basement, making sure that Gee hadn't bothered to suddenly wake and follow me on my traitorous travels. The staff were wheezing, crying, sighing.

"Joseph?" I called through the little window in the door, his small brown eyes appearing in the small hole.

"Haven't seen you in a while, guy." He coughed into his hand, the matted mass of brown hair almost covering his face.

I laughed nervously, "Your wife is fine, your baby is fine. She just wants you home."

"If only it were that simple," He sighed, wiping the sweat from his brow. His beaten, sad little face made me feel sympathetic towards him, " Listen, I know that you don't want to betray Gerard, I can see it in your eyes. I know that you love him, and I know that he loves you. But, that boy is mentally sick- he has killed his own parents. You just need to do the right thing."

"I don't want to hurt him, more importantly I don't want him to hurt me. I can't let you out- yet anyways. You'll just have to wait." I panicked, the thought of what Gee would do to me if he knew that I was planning to betray his trust in me. The most powerful person in the entire building- I'd end up like Sam. A pile of broken bones on the floor.

"Your choice." He said, a weak smile spread across his face. He sank down to the floor, crossing his legs. I knew that he was missing his wife, but there was nothing that I could do...

"Honey?" A young woman's voice called, it was somewhat familiar. I had turned around to walk away, but the woman had grabbed onto my shirt. Her chipped, red-painted fingers curled around the material, her nails digging into my skin.

"What?" I growled through my teeth, turning around on my heel. It was that nurse, the one that had forced me into doing something I wanted to expunge from my memories.

"Please, let me out? I'll do whatever you want. Whatever you want." The word 'whatever' vibrated in her exhausted tone. I scoffed, picking her fingers off me one by one. She let out a cry, falling to the ground. Nobody rushed to help her, they were all beyond it. Unless Gee had a change of heart and decided on our departure from this place. It was his choice, he was the one that made all of the plans.

I casually strolled along the corridors, kicking random bits of rubble that got in the way. There seemed to be more people appearing, looking around like a frightened deer in the headlights of  of a car. Their bulbous eyes struggling to cope with even the smallest ounce of natural light. Their grotesque, bony figures never ceased to creep me out; a byproduct of years of isolation. Ray was stood outside our door, his ear pressed to the glass. I frowned, cocking my head to the side in confusion.

"Ray?" I called from down the hallway, I hoped that he wasn't trying to see anything in particular.

"Frank! I think there's something wrong with Gerard. He's been screaming on and off again for the last ten minutes. Where have you been?" He asked, grabbing hold of my shoulders, shaking me. I was confused, failing to hear any screams coming from inside our office.

"I was feeding the staff again." I lied, hand curling around the doorknob- slightly afraid of what I would find lying inside. I didn't want to know, yet I wanted to know if my Gee was okay.

Inside looked like a scene from horror movie. The chair we had spent so many hours in, just spinning gently, watching the forest sway in breeze; it lay lifelessly against the far wall. The desk was upturned, the wood creaking and screaming in pain. But where was Gerard? A metallic smell, the wind hurling itself against the window.

"Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop." I heard, his voice, now a dull and tormented monotone. I squinted, trying to find him. A slow, loud, thudding noise accompanied his words. I fumbled through the dark room, finally finding him. I forced him down to the ground, cradling his head in my hands. The only word managing to escape from his lips was 'stop'. He had wrapped his arms around me, pressing his face into my chest shortly after realising that it was me that was holding him. Not the boy in his head. His lips would part, then close again quickly. Like he was dying to ask me a question, but was much too afraid to ask me.

"Why did you leave me?" He asked with a sob, squeezing me so hard that it was proving difficult for me to breath.

"I'm sorry." I said simply, gently rocking him from side to side, trying to distract him from whatever he was thinking.
Song Of The Chapter- You Don't Know Me by Son Lux

My love for Rocky Horror has grown a heck of a lot larger, and I can now say that I'm totally obsessed. I was toying with the idea for a new story, and I think that I kinda like it- I really do (: I just kinda need to write it down!!
Don't forget to comment and vote, it helps me out- maybe if you'd like I could let slip a few details of my idea??

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