Twenty Four

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Gerard P.O.V

I pinned him against the ground, trying my hardest to be serious. But I couldn't help but let out  the smile that was slipping from behind the stern visage. He giggled like a schoolgirl, watching my face twitch. I gave in, resting my head against his chest.

"I can hear your heartbeat." I said, listening to the steady thud emitting from inside his chest. He laid back, staring up at the ceiling. I still had him pinned down, not allowing him to escape from me. He was mine.


I was getting lost in the orchestra inside him, his blood flowing, his heart pumping. It was like a lullaby, lulling me to slowly towards a dreamless sleep.

"Gee?" Frank whispered, bringing me out of my daydream.

"Mhm?" I responded, forcing my eyes to stay open for a little while longer, in order to answer his question.

"Do you actually love me, or are you using me for your own personal gain?" He asked, I had let go of his hands hours ago, allowing his fingers to curl around strands of my hair; as usual. It was comforting to me, and in a strange way it made me feel loved.

"Stupid question." I said, slurring my words due to the sleep that was calling out to me. I could see the shadows from the trees waving at me, I closed my eyes.

"Why? I think that it's a perfectly answerable one." He said simply, breathing out heavily. I snaked my hand up from the side of my body, covering his mouth so that he couldn't say anything else that I seemed to be stupid. He rolled his eyes, biting my hand.

"You suck." I said with a yawn, holding onto him tightly. I didn't want him to escape again, he just couldn't.

"You would know." He chuckled, wrapping his arm around me. I nodded, my head rubbing against his shirt. Before long, his body's symphony had lulled me back towards my dreamless sleep.

A loud, threatening pounding on the door snapped me from out of my sleep. Frank breathed in quickly, waking himself up. I told him to be quiet, putting a finger to my lips, crawling over the door. I put an ear to it, trying to listen out for a voice to identify the knocking.

"What?" I viciously called to them, slightly annoyed that they had woken Frank and I from a sleep that we so deserved.

"I'm sorry Gerard, it's just that there's something bad going on in the courtyard. I don't know how they got there, they just did." A panicked voice said, their head also pressed to the door. It was Ray, I sighed.

"It's fine, Ray. Just hold on a second." I sighed, using the door to pull myself up. I looked over at Frank, my eyes asking him if he wanted to join me- not that anybody would want to.

"It's fine Gee, I'll watch from the window. Please don't get hurt." He said, hurrying over to me. I wrapped my arms around him, pecking him on the cheek before turning back to the door. I took the handle in my hand, twisting it slowly, listening out for the satisfying click. Ray was stood against the wall, eyes darting from side to side. He looked disturbed; who wouldn't be in a place like this.

"What's wrong Ray?" I asked, folding my arms, standing in front of the door. If it wasn't anything too important, I wouldn't hesitate to go back to Frankie.

"They've got at him." He said, a bead of sweat dribbled down his forehead, resting above his lip. He dabbed at it with his tattered sleeve, looking sickly and pale.

"What do you mean?" I asked, slightly confused as to who he was referring to.
Then- it occurred to me. Courtyard. Him. Sam. "What are they doing?" I demanded to know, Sam's body didn't deserve to have anything happen to it. Anything good, anyway.

"We ran out of food a day or so ago, and they've uh- they've resorted to eating him." He gulped, wiping more beads of sweat from his face. I closed my eyes, stomach threatening to heave, tension building up in the back of my throat.
I demanded him to take me to them, those sick, twisted bastards. It certainly was a good idea to leave the place, in a day or two. When we had ran out of food ourselves. Quite honestly I would've just left over night, but Frankie insisted on planning our departure.
Ray pointed to the metal door that had been left ajar. My anger had bubbled up into the back of my throat as we made our way down there. I kicked the door open, leaving Ray stood idly in the doorway. They had stopped moving, their hands full of decaying corpse.

"And what do you think you're doing?" I screamed loudly, shocking them. They dropped the meat that they had in their hands, standing up, hands up in surrender as they backed away from Sam's dead body.

"We- we're hungry. There's no food left. I'm starving." One of hem protested, his sallow skin glowing, fire-like in the threatening heat.

"I don't care if you haven't eaten in years. You never, ever, ever eat the dead!" I screamed angrily, watching them twitch with fear. They each ran away, pushing past Ray- who was well and truly petrified of me. I looked down at Sam's body, his cold, dead eyes looking up at me. As if they were mocking me. I screamed at his lifeless corpse, kicking it with every ounce of strength that I could muster.

I grabbed hold of his stained clothes, dragging him across the courtyard. I stuffed him into an old dumpster full of old medicines, slamming the lid down furiously. I sank to the floor, just wanting my Frankie.
Song Of The Chapter- You Know You're Right by Nirvana

I'm not entirely sure that I haven't used this song in a previous chapter before- but hey, Nirvana are kinda angry, and Gerard is v v v angry! This story is gonna come to an end soon, and I'm gonna either start on project #1 or project #2- each being a different story. I have an idea for both, and I'm confident that both will be very good (: Don't forget to comment and vote, it's helps out a lot.

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