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Gerard P.O.V

I paced back and forth in my cell, waiting for the night to come back. Joseph wasn't talking to me, seeing as I had gone against his wishes. The soft squish of my bare feet against the padded floor was beginning to piss me off. I wanted out, and I wanted to initiate my plan as soon as possible. I could turn this place around, I knew that I could.

"Hey guy?" Joseph called to me, breaking the silence between us. I stopped pacing, head turning slowly towards the door.

"What?" I called back bitterly. Joseph sighed, I knew that I was about to receive a lecture.

"You do know how much of a strain on my job you are?" His face was peering in through the little window, blocking most of the natural light that was flowing freely through it. I frowned, expecting something much worse. Something to object to. I knew that I was a strain on his job, probably his life too.

"Yes." I said simply, sitting down in the centre of the room so that I could face him properly. Like an obedient dog.

"One day, you'll cost me my job. But, considering I hardly ever get paid on time for working here, that would be a godsend. This place quite honestly is turning me insane." He tapped on the door, eyes totally concentrated on me.

"What do you want me to say?"I frowned, the lines on my face expressing my confusion. I didn't know how he wanted me to react, and quite honestly I didn't know how to react. Did he want me to get on my knees and beg for forgiveness, or did he want me to piss around, eventually getting him laid off? That wouldn't be a good idea, with a pregnant wife. A little baby on the way.

"Nothing. I just wanted you to know my frustrations. You frustrate me, you use your intelligence in the wrong ways. You're like having another child, trust me." His gaze didn't leave mine; I knew that he cared about me. I had always known that, anyway. He helped me to adjust to staying alone for so long, he'd talk to me about random crap- not that I cared about the crap that he'd say to me, but he was fatherly to me. And that was all that I needed. After getting rid of my own parents, he was there to keep me company, even if I didn't want it.

"I'd apologise, but the word needed for it isn't necessarily in my vocabulary." I said cooly, watching his eyes curl into the smile that they always did.

"You don't have to, don't worry. I know when you are." He chuckled, turning back around. The natural light streamed back in, and for once I had missed it. It wasn't the artificial light, the one that burned my skin, blinding me no matter what I did to try and stop it.

"Oh, by the way, the minister wants to talk with you later." He added casually, he had crossed his arms. I rolled my eyes, what did the minister want with me now? He surely didn't want another hospital stay? I did bite him quite severely, and I did try to kill him- I have to admit. But, as those wacky bible-bashers always did, he had no doubt forgiven me and forgotten about the whole ordeal. I couldn't, on the other hand, because I thought that the whole thing was rather amusing.

Three light taps on the door, me growling from being disturbed. It was the first time that I had fallen asleep naturally, and I was being disturbed. Sitting up, I felt my face twitch with anger. Joseph said something to the minister, before the door swung open. I covered my eyes, backing into one of the dark corners of my cell.

"Good afternoon, Gerard. I hope that you've had a good Sunday so far." He said, Joseph shut the door behind him. Jacob sat down, cross-legged in front of the door. Probably for two reasons: so that he could escape if I attempted to kill him again, or, to prevent me from trying to run away from his patronising sermons.
I mumbled something that even I couldn't understand, before crouching in the corner. His presence made me feel nauseous, probably because he was a man of God, and I was the polar opposite.

"I've come to have a little chat with you. On a topic that you, no doubt, will have no objection to. Seeing as you've already taken a liking." He smiled a wicked smile. "The new patient, Frank, tells me that you've visited him already. From what I know, you made an excellent impression." The sarcasm threatened to singe my confidence, but I wouldn't let it.

"He was the one that was unforgivably rude to me. He'll get what's coming to him." My words bounced off the tip of my tongue; I wouldn't expose my plans to him, just yet. Maybe when I had safely trapped him inside his little chapel, then I might have taken the time to write a letter.

"You were the one appearing out of nowhere, sneaking into his room." He raised an eyebrow, I felt myself get hot.

"Shut, up." I hissed, holding onto my legs with a little more force than intended.

"Just, try to stay away from him Gerard. He's fragile as it is, he doesn't need your additions." He had finished talking to me, standing up, facing the door. He knocked three times again, Joseph opening it for him. I growled, slowly creeping after him. When the door was closed, I slammed myself against it- hoping to scare the fuck out of him.
Song Of The Chapter- 20 Dollar Nose Bleed by Fall Out Boy

I've had a wee obsession with Fall Out Boy all day, and because lil Beebo Urie sings in this song it made it a little more emotional XD anyway, I hope that this chapter was okay (it sucks.) Don't forget to vote and comment, it helps me out (:

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