Twenty Six

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Gerard P.O.V

I hadn't been that excited in a long time, I could finally wear my own clothes. I prised open the rusting locker, the pent-up smell of blood filling the air around us. It made me feel some kind of way- I was glad. The memories came flooding back, delighting me instantly. I reached inside, pulling everything out. My clothes, my keys- I had missed them all so dearly.

"You would've thought that they'd have washed my clothes." I tutted, examining the bloodstains on my once white dress shirt. Frank chuckled, nuzzling into my chest affectionately.

I adjusted the collar of my coat in the mirror, Frank standing behind me. He was smiling at me, admiring me. He had his hood pulled up, I could hardly see his face.

"You look stealthy." I said, turning around to face him. He ran at me, wrapping his arms around me. I span him around, placing him  back down on the floor. He took my hand, leading me to the desk. He shoved the phone into my hand, staring at the buttons. Who did he want me to call?

"Call them, Gee. It's only fair." He said, his head cocked to the side. I frowned at him. I don't m want to- what if they catch us on our way out, I thought to myself.

"I don't want to." I pouted, still frowning. He held the phone out to me, it was getting closer and closer to my face. I snatched the receiver from his hands, placing into my ear. I punched in '911' grudgingly, listening to the dial tone for a few seconds.

"911, what is your emergency?" A woman's voice sounded over the phone, she was calm. That would probably last until she knew who was calling.

"Hello, it's the local psychopath murderer up at the asylum. If you haven't already heard, I may have taken over the entire building. I've decided to let you know that I'm leaving, and assistance may be needed to clear up the mess." I said with a sigh, rolling my eyes a Frank. He stuck his tongue out at me, whilst I listened to the woman on the other end stutter out instructions to me.

"Lady, I'm not staying anywhere. I just felt that you needed to be informed, good evening." I said, slamming the phone down on the desk. I took Frank's hand, leading him away from the office for the last time. He was happy, and so was I. Patients lined the corridors, wondering why we were leaving. Frank shoved a key into Ray's hands, imploring him to let the staff out. If it was my choice; I would've made them stay there to rot, like they intended for us. But, that wasn't crossing my mind. What was, was the fact that Frank and I were actually leaving. It wasn't just an idea in the backs of our minds anymore- it was real.

"What're you smiling for?" He asked, as we reached a stairwell. I kicked the door open, holding it for him to go through.

"I'm happy." I said simply- there was no other answer. There were already loud sirens and bright lights outside. They couldn't see us, though. We blended in with the night. There was a whole SWAT team with guns running across the courtyard, completely ignoring Frank and I. I shrugged, ripping a hole in the flimsy fence. I scratched my arm climbing through, finding it incredibly hard not to scream and punch the crap out of the dumb thing.

"Sssh Gee, I'll fix it in a minute." Frank said, pulling me away from the fence. He dragged me behind a bush, opening his pocket.

"It hurts." I hissed through my teeth with a frown. He shushed me again, wrapping a small bandage around my now red arm. He planted a kiss on it, helping me up.

"Now, let's try not to get caught." I said to him, dragging him up the small hill to the forest. There'd be no doubt that we'd have to sleep in the middle of nowhere- but it was just for one night. And one night only. I wasn't looking forward to it; considering that I could manage to kill people, I had always hated bugs and other nature-associated beings.

"Do you remember where your house is?" He asked, his sarcasm only playful.

"Oh yeah, because I'd totally forget where I built my very very expensive house, and the place where I murdered my own parents, of course." I said, pulling a face at him. He ordered me to put my face straight, as we stopped at the top of the hill. Below us was in utter chaos. They had rounded up a bunch of patients, herding them to the gang of awaiting ambulances. I swore that I saw one drag the half-eaten, decaying body of Sam from the dumpster. I caught myself giggling, hoping that they'd just toss his unworthy body into a bottomless pit somewhere- that's what he deserved.

"No need to get sarcastic with me." He said, resting his head on my shoulder. I reached up to stroke his face, his cheeks had flushed red from walking up the giant hill.

"Don't tell me what to do." I joked, nibbling his ear. After a while, I instead that we started moving. There wouldn't be long until they realised that I was missing, and there'd be a whole search party out looking for us. He was already tired, but still I dragged him along.
Song Of The Chapter- End Love by OK Go

It took me bloody ages to write this darn chapter XD there's not long of my school holiday left, and I'm kinda sad about that ): but, don't forget to comment and vote- because this story's coming to an enddddddd

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