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Gerard P.O.V

I wanted to destroy him. How dare he refuse my friendship. He didn't realise how lucky he was to have somebody of the same intelligence to talk to; especially since his roommate was a renowned sex offender with no brain cells. Sex Offender Sam.
I slammed the door to my ward shut, utterly pissed off. An older nurse, probably forty-five, slid around the corner. A can of pepper spray in her hand, her bony fingers wrapped around it.

"Oh come on." I sighed through my teeth, leaning against the cold metal door. Her breath rattled against her lips, they quivered. She was already backing away; I hadn't done anything. I was the one trying to keep my distance. Therefore, there was no problem on my behalf.

"Where is your jacket? Get in your cell!" She yelled, trying to muster up an ounce of courage. I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms.

I cupped my hands over my mouth, "No thank you, I'm okay. You're missing your television programme, Nancy!" I looked away from her, allowing my eyes to trail around the small corridor. Boarded-up windows; a quick decision, as I had smashed one in a fit of rage. As a small side note: I did try to escape from it, however, Joseph my little saviour had 'rescued' me.

"I'll call Joseph, he'll have you locked away for weeks." She smiled with delight as the idea flooded her mind. She hated tending to me at nights, sometimes I would scream, or sing loudly to ruin her lonely nights. I could assure her that her little plan would never happen, they didn't know that I had a key to my own cell. All thanks to my meds lady. I had hidden them under a corner of the padded floor.

"Oh I don't know about that, he works long hours. His wife is pregnant, and he wouldn't want to drive all of the way up here." I purred, smiling smugly.
She huffed and puffed at the end of the corridor, knowing that she was well and truly fucked. I sniggered, leaving my spot at the door, slowly walking along.

"Don't even think about it." She threatened, words doused in desperation. I raised my eyebrows.

"What're you going to do, season me to death?" I wiggled my fingers at her, my words echoing in a ghostly manner. My eyes smiled when she knew that, again, she had no power over me. She never would have had any. I was a solid 5'8, her a measly 4'11.
She admitted defeat, leaving me be.

I could finally get back to the matter in hand. The new guy. I didn't know what I wanted to do with him. Break him emotionally, or break him physically. Once I had done that I could use him in my plan. I had been planning it for a year or so, mulling over the probable success of it. Considering the amount of corruption; it would be more than successful. My own legacy. Controlling the hospital, locking the staff away. Roaming free.
Or, the alternative was, that I could lure the new guy in. Emotionally. Give him the love he so wanted, and maybe even deserve. Not that I cared. I knew that he batted for my team, and it would be easy to get him to fall for me.

I retreated into my cell, closing the door. I had to pretend that I hadn't escaped, otherwise Joseph really would keep me locked up in there. I'd be pissing in a bucket for seven days- not a desirable situation, trust me.
Sitting in the centre of the room, crossing my legs, fingers resting in a gun shape. My thinking pose. His parents had put him in here for his sexuality, for a deep and dark depression. I knew exactly how he felt, and I would play that to my advantage.
Unsupportive parents, sexuality kept secret from the world- it was my life. I had never loathed those two people so much in my entire life, and what they had gotten was just what they deserved.

The door to my cell rattled, the warden peered in.

"Fuck, off." I hissed, waving her off. She scoffed, jingling the keys on her belt. I cocked my head to the side, fringe falling over my face. She couldn't see my expression, but I could see hers. She believed that she had trapped me in here, unable to wander around as I normally would. But oh no, keys keys keys. In my left hand.
Chuckling to herself, she felt like she had finally achieved something over me. I had to get the last laugh, I had to torment her in some way. She was still watching me from outside, looking awfully pleased with herself.

I started to get up, cracking my neck as I did. I drew a deep breath in, holding it until I felt dizzy from oxygen deprivation. It sort of got me going. I shook my head, my own sweat splattering against the walls. She couldn't hear it, but my overactive ears forced me to.
I crept over to the door, she couldn't see me clearly from the darkness.

I slammed my hands against the door, laughing my manic, demonic laugh. The one I knew would strike fear into the hearts of anybody. She screamed, running from the room. I screamed until my throat got hoarse, and until she was out of my sight.

I giggled, cracking my knuckles. All in a day's work. Madness was my everything, I loved to share it.
Song Of The Chapter- Reprise by Pete and the Pirates

I don't know if this chapter is good, at all, but what I do know, is that I'm in love with Gerard's character in this story. I feel like I connect with him way too much XD I adore him. Don't forget to comment and vote etc, it helps me out (:

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