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Gerard P.O.V

I kissed him. I kissed him. Never had something felt so right. I had spent the last hours of the morning just reliving the moment. For once I didn't want to be alone, I wanted to be with Frank. He was beautiful, he was wonderful. I rolled over on the floor, contemplating whether or not to leave my ward and try to see him again. But it was growing lighter outside, and I knew that Joseph would be back soon- it was a hopeless endeavour.

A few days later, I heard a shuffle outside my door. I had sat idly, waiting for Frank to come back to me. I needed to talk to him about my plan, him being my right-hand man and all. There was a knock on the door, it swung open. The moonlight flooded in; Frank was standing in the entrance. He looked flustered and was sweating profusely.

"What's wrong?" I asked, frowning at him. He huffed, closing the door behind him.
He laid down, resting his head on my legs. I found my fingers curling around locks of his hair.

"That damn nurse has been pursuing me all day long." He said, completely collapsing onto the floor; onto me.

"Maybe she's pregnant." I said with a sly cough. Technically, it could have been a possibility. A terrible one.

"Just what I need." He mumbled, looking up at me. His eyes screamed sadness, and I didn't like it. I wanted him to smile, like he did when I had kissed him in our first proper moment together.

"Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about my plan, right-hand man. Everybody else on your ward is in, it's just you," I said, tapping him lightly on the nose. His didn't stop staring at me, he was listening. "Okay, we'll do it tomorrow night. All that I need you to do is, make a scene. Make the biggest scene you can possibly manage. You need to get yourself thrown in here, one of the padded cells. The vents are already filled with sleeping gases, and in a matter of moments, everybody that comes to help you will drop to the ground. Then, we drag them all the way to the basement, and we lock them up in there." I said, all in one breath. He seemed intent on following my order, I was thankful for that.

"What do I do?" He asked, biting his bottom lip. It was making me feel some type of way.

"Scream. Shout. Punch Sam. Accuse Sam of trying to touch you. You aren't exactly an adult yet, I'm sure there's a little piece inside of him that wouldn't mind copping a feel." I said bluntly, he shrugged. I wanted to kiss him, to take advantage of him. But, that would have to wait. Until everything had followed through. Fuck, we would do it in the director's office. I smiled, evilly, just imagining what would happen.

"Why are you smiling?" He chuckled, reaching an arm up to touch my skin. He was warm, the pleasant kind of warm. Myself, I was colder than a rotting corpse. Inside and out.

"Nothing." I nuzzled into his hand, this boy was changing me.

"Are you imagining me naked?" He joked, completely unaware that that was exactly what I was thinking. I couldn't wait, the excitement was primitive.

"Well, you should ask that nurse. She seemed to be very impressed by what she saw." He sniggered, my skin warming from his embrace.
I leaned down, pressing my lips to his. The soft skin comforted me- from a lot of things. Mostly myself. He pulled away, causing me to frown, the lines on my forehead deeper than any chasm in the earth.

"What if we get caught?" He whispered, seemingly concerned to be in the presence of a murderer, a killer.

"They shouldn't be looking." I said simply, Frank nodded, grabbing hold of my chin to pull me back to him.
I couldn't help staring into his eyes, it was like I was staring into his soul. His moderately innocent soul. I stroked his cheek, coming across a small freckle. I hadn't noticed it before, but I kissed it anyway. I kissed his neck, sucking on the skin. His breathing told me that he was surprised, yet in complete euphoria. Pulling away, I made sure that I left a huge purple hickey.

"I have a question," He pulled away from me. I groaned just wanting to kiss him, to feel his skin against mine, "What will people think about us? I'm sure that they'll find out as soon as we finish what we're going to do tomorrow." He said. It seemed like he didn't actually want anybody to know about his sexuality, quite frankly, nobody knew about mine.

"Maybe they'll think it's hot. I think it's hot, I want to kiss you right now," I said, my lips returning to his neck, I had his skin between my teeth, "I could kiss you all day."
He chuckled; I had already distracted him from himself. It seemed like it would easy to distract him, which was a good thing. If his sexuality was a problem for him, it was best to distract him. It wasn't a problem for me, as I was exactly the same.

"Good, because I could do the exact same." He said, grabbing hold of my collar. He pulled me to the ground, pinning my arms behind my head. I laughed, as he pressed his forehead against mine.
Song Of The Chapter- Valentines Day by David Bowie

Well, it seems like Gee and Frank's teenage hormones are raging, and I'm sorry if people get offended by that sort of thing (but it's a Frerard fanfiction, there's always some sort of thing between them ;) ) Anyway, I'm starting to love this story even more, and I can't wait to unveil what I have in store for it. Don't forget to comment and vote, it means a heck of a lot to me :3

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