Twenty Five

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Frank P.O.V

I watched from the window, elbows touching the glass. I waited to see his black hair appear; instead I heard his voice. He was so angry. He was screaming at whoever or whatever was down there, waving his arms like a madman. After the other patients had scarpered away, he looked down at the heap on the floor. It was Sam. I gasped, watching Gerard scream at the top of his lungs at Sam's lifeless body. He kicked the body, screaming louder and louder. I could see his chest rising and falling quickly, his hands mercilessly grabbing onto Sam's tattered clothing. I watched him drag the body away, hold it in the air like a trophy, and toss it into a dumpster. He slid onto the floor, staring onwards. He wasn't moving, for the first time I was truly afraid of him.

He hadn't moved for hours, he just stared. I watched him for every one, after Ray had come to tell me that he was out there. I thanked him. I wanted to go out and comfort him, to try and calm him down. But quite honestly, I didn't want to end up in that dumpster with a dead body. I decided to wait for a while. If he wanted to come back, he could do it of his own accord.

I had sat at the window until it grew dark out, then I had grown tired of waiting. I span around in the chair, to see him standing there. He wasn't moving, his body stiff with anger. He was watching the chair, waiting for me to turn around. His eyes belonged to a different person, and my brain told me to leave.
I didn't know what to say, this Gerard was different.

"Gerard?" I asked, hoping that the Gerard I loved would come back to me, would stop being so angry and love again. His eyes twitched, like they didn't belong to him. I stood up, slowly walking towards him. I wanted him to act as if it was a joke, a pathetic joke. I wanted him to jump at me, kissing my cheek. Instead, he just stared ahead. I cupped his cold, clammy cheek with my hand, rubbing my thumb across his skin. His eyes looked down at it, he knew that I wanted him back.

"Come back to me Gee, I don't like you like this." I admitted, moving my body so that I stayed in his line of vision.

"I don't like this." He mumbled, staring dead ahead. The hazel in his eyes had almost completely changed; into a dark, and evil colour.

"You don't like what?" I asked, trying to bring him back to me. He finally made eye contact, a scared look in them.

"This." He hissed, his arms growing stiffer. I was scared of another outburst, so I let go of his cheek. I backed away, crossing my arms. I refused to let him hurt me. He wouldn't get away with it.

"You want to leave?" I asked simply, I hoped for a little more than a one-word answer.
He nodded, eyes searching for me. It was final. We would leave. Maybe we could alert some member of authority, then they could collect all of the sorry cases that were still alive. Joseph could go home to his wife, his baby. We could all live happily, ever, after. I nodded, dropping my arms to my sides. He regained control of his body, shuffling towards me. He put his arms around me, resting his chin on my shoulder. His breathing was normal. His grip- normal. He was coming back to me.

"We need to go down to where they keep all of our crap." He said, I was sat on his knee in the chair by the window. He was his usual, macabrely chipper self. I looked up at him, he was smiling.

"And where would that be?" I asked.

"Where you came in." He shrugged, helping me stand up. He took my hand, eagerly dragging me over to the door. His grip on me was firm, but gentle. His boyish charm had returned to the front of his agenda- that's what I wanted to see. The corridors were as vacant as usual, I suspected that the other patients had become terrified of Gerard, mostly because of his outburst in the courtyard. He shoulder-barged into a door, a cloud of dust erupting into both of our faces. He chuckled, running off into the darkness. I flicked on the switch, just catching a glimpse of his pale, grinning face disappear behind a bunch of lockers. I looked around, each locker had a number, a name. I had long since forgotten my own number, before I heard Gerard call to me from the abyss of lockers.

"Frank Anthony Iero," he read loudly, "Jr." He giggled, the jingle of keys in his pocket growing louder and louder as I grew nearer to him.
I pushed him playfully for making fun of my name. He twisted the key in the lock, I opened it. My own clothes, my wallet- everything that I needed. I smiled, scooping everything out into my arms. I looked at Gerard sarcastically, before running off to find his locker.
"Stop running!" He laughed, as I weaved in and out of the sea of grey. Before coming to a halt. Number '0001'. It was chained up securely, it looked like we wouldn't be getting in there any time soon.

"So you've found it." He giggled, standing behind me. He rested his chin on top of my head, reaching around me with the key. He twisted it in each lock, prizing each of the heavy chains off the metal.
Song Of The Chapter- Favourite Record by Fall Out Boy

This story's gonna come to an end sooner than you or I may expect. But! I have two stories under my belt that can be written after this one ends. I'm not quite sure which one yet. Maybe I'll let you guys choose which one I post first, that I'm also not sure about :P don't forget to comment and vote!

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