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Gerard P.O.V

I span in the chair I was sitting in, watching Frankie's image walking from monitor to monitor. Memories from the night that they had found me flooded my mind; through the broken mental-dams that had held them so well before. The members of the SWAT team dropping like flies, frantically running along one-way corridors, punching at doors with brick walls behind them. I giggled to myself, remembering the nostalgic happiness that had gripped me by the hair; forcing me to watch Frankie do the exact same.

"Better hurry up Frankie baby, I'm getting impatient." I sang, my voice ringing throughout the house, watching Frankie stop and stare up at the ceiling.

"Give me a hint." He sighed, hands on his hips.

"Warmer." A voice sang from inside myself I had never heard before. I felt a grip on my shoulder, a bony and pale hand. I looked up, his blonde hair now covering his face. It wasn't spiked up anymore.

"Go away." I said simply to him, prying his bony, now lifeless fingers from my shoulders. Leaving the asylum had certainly taken its toll on him. I felt like the ever-growing, mental weight was slowly lifting. Now that I was home. My home was my safe place, and nobody, not anybody, could try and take that away from me. Nobody could take my Frankie away from me. My eyes immediately returned to the monitors. Surprisingly, Frank was drawing closer and closer. I wished that he would hurry- I wanted him now. It wasn't part of the game to just go and get him- he had to find me himself, I was getting more than just a little impatient.
Frank P.O.V

I was growing cold, and tired. I was pissed off at Gerard because had just left me in the middle of his house. But- that was Gee. He was probably reliving the moments before he got caught. Sick bastard; I loved him with every inch of me. Bohemian Rhapsody was becoming more and more tedious as the seconds creaked by. I just wanted him to hold me, not taunt me with Freddie Mercury and never-ending corridors. In my mind I felt like I was drawing nearer to him; I felt the air around me getting colder, echoes of bullets and screams of terror for entering into my mind in confused storms for some reason. I frowned, trying to think of anything that would change the visions in my mind. My parents; when they could tolerate me. My childhood; when I could tolerate it.

I imagined him to be sat in a spinning chair; like the one back at the hospital. I figured that he adored it so much because it reminded him of being home. I couldn't blame him, I'd probably do the same. My hands dragged along the walls, trying to find any sort of hidden seam. Any sort of hollow wall that would take me to him. Nothing. I sighed quietly, wanting to scream for hours, days, weeks. The chuckle of his voice sounded throughout the house, "You're almost here Frankie, why are you being so bitter." He teased, knowing full well that I wanted to punch him in his stupid face.

"Stop with the shit Gee, just lets go downstairs and watch TV. Like normal people. I'm done with your shit already." My angst leaked from my mouth- I didn't mean for it to happen, I was just confused. I didn't understand what his motive was for making me amble aimlessly around his house. When he was hiding in the walls somewhere, watching and taunting me; the way he did his victims.

"What do you mean normal people." His tone had changed. It felt like his childlike innocence had escaped from behind his evil facade.

"You don't have to be like this anymore Gee, it's all in the past. We're not in the asylum anymore; there's nobody left to intimidate. There's only me- nobody else. We could just live a normal and happy life." I sighed through my hands, they were covering my face. I was getting tired, not just physically, but mentally too. I sat on the ground, my legs crossed. Cogs were turning inside his head, finally something was making sense. Finally life was making sense to him. He was realising that I was here for him, here to love him, not to mock him for being so damn odd. The wall slowly moved apart, darkness swallowing the empty space between wherever he was and me. He stepped out, his face pale with confusion.

"What do you mean a normal, happy life?" He demanded, towering over me. I refused to conform to his terror tactics. I simply sighed, making sure that I didn't make eye contact with him.

"We could be together, forever- if you like. We could get married- it's legal now. We could have children- there are plenty of women who are willing enough to give people like us a child. Just, a life other than this one, Gee. One where you can be happy." I said, trying not to cry. I was sick of the intimidation, and his constant anger. The constant reminders of the murderer that he was. It was slowly pushing me over an edge- an edge that I didn't want to go over. He sat down in front of me, his hands playing with themselves, his legs crossed. He was listening to what I had to say; and I was grateful.

"You wanna spend the rest of your life with me?" He asked, completely taken aback.

"Is it not obvious Gee? I've allowed myself to fall in love with you, I've allowed you to bring me here. I've had sex with you Gerard. Don't be stupid!" I said, waving my arms around. I was frustrated that he couldn't see my love, and the care that I had for him.

"I-I'm sorry. It's just that nobody's ever loved me as much as you do Frankie. Not even my parents. Not even myself. I guess it confuses me as to why you love me so much, but I admire it. And I do want to spend the rest of forever with you, I promise." He said, his hands taking mine from my face, dropping them at my side. He lifted my chin up, his purple eyes wide and for once seemingly understanding.

I opened my mouth to talk, but he shushed me, pressing his lips against mine. I finally felt loved, I finally had release.
Song Of The Chapter- Down By The Water by The Drums

So, as all good things must come to an end, so does this story!!! But, don't worry, I have another one ready to write....
I just need your opinions :P would you like another Frerard story, or (as this story is more suited to them) like an Evan peters/Tate Langdon type character. The concept of the new story would be more fitted to the latter, but again, I wanted your opinions XD

Don't forget to comment and vote, it helps me out a tonne :3

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