Twenty Nine

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Frank P.O.V

Ammonia had burned my nostrils from the dye he had changed his hair with; my head now resting on his chest as we sat in the lounge. The sun had bleached the walls a lighter shade, and the glare blurred the faces on the TV. But it didn't obscure the words coming from the speakers.

"One of America's most notorious, yet unknown, killers has escaped from the mental institution that had been housing him for close to five years-" Gee's ears pricked up immediately, he leant forwards. He was keen as to what they were about to say, and so was I.

"The young man has also managed to brainwash the mind of another young man residing at the institution. A young man named Frank Anthony Iero, Jr.-" My parents' faces flashed up on the screen shortly after an unflattering picture of myself.

"Frankie, if you can see this. We want you home, we shouldn't have sent you away. Come home baby, the door's always open." My mother sobbed, my stepdad's hand firmly on her shoulder. She looked far too glamorous to be feeling any sort of guilt or sadness in regards to my disappearance. Gerard sniggered, turning up the volume.

"Residents of the small town in the North, as well as the surrounding areas, are being advised to stay indoors after conventional hours, and avoid the forests entirely."
The woman reading the utter crap from inside the monster disappeared, instead a video of Gerard appeared. He was younger, dishevelled, his hair a little shorter. He was smiling a bright smile, and looked to be laughing, his clothes bloodstained. That must've been the day that they had caught him. The day he was put away for life. Yet- that inevitable fate didn't seem to trouble him, it was as if he already knew of his future- with me.

A loud, piercing, maniacal laugh screamed through the tv as a young Gerard was shoved hastily into the back of a police van. His pale hands behind his back, shackled together.
Present Gerard chuckled, his hands together. He was remembering what he had done; the fact that he found the murdering of his parents didn't seem to phase me anymore- at all.

"They've played this so many times, it never fails to amuse me. Wait for the Bohemian Rapsody part- it's the showstopper." He whispered at the end of his sentence, drawing my attention to the video more. The Queen song played through the footage- in the background of the video, past him now messing around in the back of the car. Pressing his face against the windows, smiling that psychopathic smile of his that I adored so well.

"Why the Queen song?" I chuckled, resting my hand on his shoulder.

""Hold on," He said, standing up. He made his way over to the door, "I hope that they didn't fuck with it." He muttered, leaving me alone in the room. The wind tapped at the windows, the clouds threatening to piss all over the land below them. The floorboards above me creaked as he walked to wherever he was going.
It took him a few minutes, then I heard it. Bohemian Rapsody. Loud enough to mute the tv entirely. It felt like it was coming out of the walls, out of the entire house itself.

"Let's play a game called "Find Gee". You'll win a prize if you find me." He chuckled, his laugh echoing throughout the house. I frowned with a sigh, looking up at the ceiling. "Don't frown Frankie, it doesn't suit you." He added, before leaving me- it was just the sound of Freddie Mercury and my breathing.

I hadn't really explored upstairs yet, so I figured that that was my go-to area. I jogged up the stairs, out of breath before I had even gotten to the top. I didn't really know what he was playing at- making me run all over the house to try and find him. My fingers curled around a doorknob, upon opening it I discovered another corridor, and another set of doors. I gave up, walking along the long corridor, casually humming along to the song that was growing louder and louder as my mind wandered.

"Frankie, honey, I don't see the desperation. You're missing out." He said, I could imagine the smug smile that had probably already spread across his beautiful little face. I hissed, opening every door that I cam across. I was growing tired of playing hide and seek.

"Gee." I whined, stumbling down the corridor.

"What?" He said, in the voice that he'd use when he pouted at me.

"Please." I sang with a louder whine, I just wanted to watch the tv. Was that too much to ask?

"Tut-tut Frankie baby, you're not very patient are you. I'm surprised that you haven't found me yet. You need to pay attention to the walls." He said, his voice disappearing again. I furrowed my brow, eyes turning to the wall at the side of me. Blood stains. Everywhere. I gasped, my hand voluntarily covering my mouth. The entire wall was pretty much a stain. An old, dark stain from years ago. I tried not to heave, moving away- only to realise that the other wall was the exact same. I continued to walk, not allowing myself to collapse. What was I doing? I was in love with a killer, a psychopathic at that. I couldn't leave now, would he kill me? Could I stand living with myself, knowing that I had aided a killer in controlling and escaping from a mental hospital.

"Warmer." His now ice-cold voice rang through the house, and my ears. I shuddered, carrying on on my merry way.
Song Of The Chapter- Bohemian Rapsody by Queen

So yeah, this chapter's deffo a pice o'shite. But I don't really care anymore XD it took me literally 6 hours to gather the motivation to even look at the story because of all of the revision I'm supposed to be doing...
Anyway, hope that you enjoyed the chapter. Lemme know what you think!!

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