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Gerard P.O.V

Joseph had gone home, and he had locked me in my cell. I had the key, but I had every confidence that I would have a visitor any time soon. I was muttering to myself, under my breath. Lyrics to a song- probably.
I crouched down in the dark corner, facing it. I had to think of what I was going to say- it had to be a strong warning. Yet, it had to lure him in. I was excellent at doing that.
After an hour or so of complete silence, nothing but my laboured breathing, a metal door creaked open, shutting gently. Soft, steady footprints leading to my room. I heard a sigh, they were- he was looking for me.

"I believe that you've found the one that you're looking for." I said, turning away from my corner. I couldn't see him, I couldn't see anything. There was a tiny slither of moonlight coming through a hole in the boarded window.

"I can't see you." He sighed, coming close to the little window in my door.

"Too bad, you're missing out." I said sarcastically, standing up, stretching my legs. I waddled over to the door so that we could talk properly. I hated being improper.

"What do you want from me? All that I want is to get through my time here. I already hate it, and I want to go home." He moaned, leaning against the door. I wasn't capable of feeling sorry for anybody, but I probably would if I could. There's no use in feeling sorry for yourself, it gets you nowhere.

"I thought that you could use a friend. Or not. I wouldn't want to waste my time on somebody ungrateful. Not with all of the little tricks that I've given you for free." I hissed, I heard him flinch.

"Dude, I had sex with a nurse to get in here. I don't even like women, they repulse me." He sniffled, he was crying. I hated when people cried, I had always remembered telling people off for crying when I was little. It showed weakness, I hated weakness.

"There's no use crying about it, is there? You did what you had to do to get here, at my door. There must be something that brought you here. Otherwise you would've ignored Ray, and just continued on with your wallowing. Like anybody else." I shrugged, I was leaning against the wall by the door. I didn't really want to look at him, with him crying and all. That, and I wasn't really in the mood for acting.

"Don't lie to me. I know that there's something else with you. You don't just want to be my friend, you want something else from me. To suck my life out, to kill me. Just what?" If he could've been any louder, the nurse would have shown up.

"Look, stop crying. You'll get us found out. I'd let you in, but given the circumstance- you not trusting me, I don't think that it's wise." I sighed, knowing that I had bitten off more than I could chew with him. He was more fucked up than I had realised, however that would made him easier to obtain.

"Why should I trust you? You're here alone, in a dark room! You've not really got any appeal have you?" He whisper-shouted at me. This was too dangerous. I slipped the key out of my pocket, twisting it in the lock. I opened the door, grabbing him by the collar, pulling him inside. I quickly shut the door behind us.

"You could get us caught. How many times do I have to tell you." I hissed, through my teeth. He was rubbing his eyes, I heard the little splashes of his tears against the plastic. God, I mumbled, sitting down where I was. He was sniffling and crying, and I didn't like it. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't hug him, my ego wouldn't allow me to.

"Well what do you want me to say?" He asked, wiping his eyes to no avail. The tears kept coming. There was nothing that I could do to stop them.

"Alright, alright. I don't know what I want you to say. For once, I do not know. But what I do know, is that I need you. You're a key part in something that I'm working on." I spoke quickly, probably unintelligibly, but he stopped crying. Well, the tears still fell- there was just no noise.

"What do you mean?" He asked, confusion sweeping across him like a plague.

"I just need you, okay? I just do." I said slowly, sinking to the floor. I crossed my legs, he walked over to me. Sitting down in front of me, I saw him properly. Dark brown hair, deep hazel eyes. He was pretty. More than that. The best thing I had seen in a long time.

"Why do you need me, Gerard. Why?" He croaked, voice hoarse. It took me a long time to answer, I felt uneasy from his stare- it wasn't as piercing as my own, but it was enough to throw me off my course.

"I need you." Was all that I could manage to say, I was mesmerised by his eyes. The moon's soft light was distorting my thoughts. They weren't about murder, or something sinister. Instead, it was love that clouded my mind.
Song Of The Chapter- Flickers by Son Lux

And we're finally on track for the plot to the story!!! The other chapters were just building up to this wee part, and I hope that you've enjoyed the story so far (: don't forget to vote and comment (:

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