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Frank P.O.V

Having been promptly shepherded into my room as soon as the clock struck eight, I found myself staring at the cracks in the ceiling. Sam the sex offender was muttering to himself, I didn't care for what he was saying. Probably reliving his scandalous crimes.

I heard the soft 'click' of a key turning in a lock, then the gentle sound of it opening and closing. Expecting it to be a warden, I turned on my side to face the centre of the room. Sam was right in my face, the rotting smell of his breath stung my nose. I tried not to throw up, as he opened his mouth to flash those putrid yellow teeth at me again.

"He's coming." The child-like tone in his voice made him seem like something directly from a horror movie, and I wanted to turn away. But the slow turn of his head, and the dark shadow now covering the little glass window in the door, signalled the arrival of whoever 'he' was. Sam jumped up off the floor, scrambling over to open the door. I didn't like what was happening, so I slid the itchy covers over my body, turning to face the wall.

"New guy?" A cold, charismatic voice asked. I could feel the malice festering inside his words, for the first time in a long time- I was afraid.

"Yes." Sam said, he was hopelessly devoted to whoever was at the door, and he wasted no time in showing me off. I heard them pad towards me. The visitor poked me hard between the ribs, I felt the need to turn over and punch them right in the jaw.

"What?" I hissed through my teeth, unable to see him clearly. He had long, greasy hair, with dark circles under his eyes. I struggled to make out any real details. His eyes gave him that manic, feral look that I wasn't too sure about.

"Hi, I'm Gerard. I'm your friendly neighbour." He said sarcastically, holding out a pale arm that he wanted me to shake. I scowled, sitting up in my bed. I didn't want to shake his hand, in that place it was impossible to tell what tendencies people had. He looked slightly cannibalistic, like he hadn't eaten properly in a few decades. Like he wouldn't have any objections against killing and eating somebody on a whim.

"Can we not do this in the morning? During conventional business hours?" I whined, just wishing for him to leave. Sam was snivelling in the corner, scratching at his arms. This Gerard certainly had his ways with the other patients. He certainly wouldn't be able to have that effect on me.

"I won't be here in the morning." He hissed, his tone dark and menacing. Like a growl from a rabid dog, as if he wanted to harm me for not following his instructions.

"Shame." I yawned, giving up on the conversation entirely. I smiled slyly, watching Gerard's face curl into an angry frown. He looked as if he was going to throw a tantrum because I had completely disrespected and ignored him in front of somebody with a lower IQ than the both of us.

"If I were you, I would think about the way that you speak. You should be careful. Who knows what could happen," he hissed again, if he would've gotten any angrier, a vein would've popped in his forehead, "give me that." He added, turning to Sam with his arm outstretched. Whilst Gerard was trying to intimidate me, Sam had stolen the keys from his pocket, and was playing with them in the corner of the room. He muttered something like 'sorry', and gently placed them in Gerard's hand.

"Better be." Gerard flinched, his back towards me. He sighed disappointedly before turning back to me, eyes darting around the room.

"It's a shame that you don't want to make my acquaintance, you're missing out. You're missing out. If I had a business card, I'd give one to you- but given the circumstances, I'm low on resources." He said sarcastically, chuckling at his own joke. "Goodnight." His final tone was totally different from how he had just spoken. I ignored him, waving him off. He slammed the door behind himself, before slamming the door to his ward.

"Isn't he great?" Sam whispered. He wasn't disappointed from my lack of an answer, he was probably used to it. Instead he paced the length of the room for a few minutes or so, before slipping into bed and proceeding to sleep.

Being able to think without interruptions, I stared up at the ceiling. How did Gerard hear about me? Surely he was completely alone in that wing with only a few wardens and one or two nurses. Although, he seemed very high maintenance. Breaking out of his cell, possibly breaking out of the restraints that were supposed to keep him confined to his own room- away from the other patients. His influence wasn't healthy, and was enough to push anybody over the edge. But, I wouldn't let him control me. Despite being locked up in the tiny room, I could control my own mind; even though I had had a few breakdowns over the past few months, which had landed me a place in the hospital in the first place.

I wasn't that easily persuaded, I wanted to see him try and break me. It would be fun, it would be entertaining.
Song Of The Chapter- The Captain by Biffy Clyro

I've written a few chapters in bulk, and I apologise if I've again missed out words, or things aren't spelt right etc etc, it's just because I'm mega super ultra tired, and all I wanna do I sleep for a few years XD don't forget to comment and vote (:

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