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A.N #1
Okay, so this chapter will be my first attempt at smut- so don't judge me. I'll try my bestest, and if it disappoints you then WHAT DID YOU EXPECT?! I SUCK AT WRITING! XD anyway, of this sort of crap offends you, then don't bother to read the rest of the chapter- nothing much else happens...

P.S, I cringed so    Darn      Much     Whilst writing this chapter, so it probably gets a little shit after a while (when my mind was like MATE STOP WITH THE TOUCHING)
-------------------------------------------------------Gerard P.O.V

We were finally alone, nobody could disturb us. There was no doubt that they would hear us.
He had already locked the door, being one step ahead of me. I walked over to him, pinning him against the door. He whimpered as my tongue parted his lips. His cheeks flushed a deep red, I chuckled, trailing kisses down his neck, sucking on the skin. I left a matching hickey to keep the one that I had left a few nights ago company. He gasped, as I bit his neck, his hand tightly grasping my waist.

"What if people see us? What if they hear us?" He asked, pulling away. I pouted, wanting to kiss him to shut him up.

"They shouldn't be watching, they shouldn't be listening." I shrugged, pulling his chin towards me. I crashed my lips against his, moans of pleasure escaping from behind both of our lips.

"Have you had sex with a guy before?" I asked, subtly referencing his brief rendezvous with the ward nurse a few nights before.

"No, not a lot of people where I come from are okay with that sort of thing,"He pouted, I frowned, "have you?" He had paused monetarily to let out a moan mid-sentence.

"Many times. I'm quite the whore." I joked, nibbling his cheek, "maybe I'll teach you something." I added, pulling away. I grabbed him by the hair, pushing him down on the ground. He pulled my pants down excitedly, although he was unsure of what to do. He looked up at me for guidance. My fingers curled around his hair, pushing his mouth onto me. He gagged, his throat spasming around me; causing me to moan loudly. His cold mouth sent shivers throughout my body. I let go of his head; he knew what he was doing.

I was getting close, but I didn't want this moment to be wasted. I pulled myself out of his mouth, helping him to his feet. His eyes were red and bloodshot from gagging, watering all the way down his cheek. I grabbed hold of his cheek, twisting it my way. I kissed it; he was slightly disorientated, but that soon would change.

I made my way down his body, leaving small, purple bruises as a reminder of my love for him. Neck. Chest. Stomach. I reached a hand down his pants, my hands deadly cold against the pleasant warmth of his skin. I grabbed hold of him, his eyes opening wide. He slowly came back to reality, having never felt anything as good as this before. He was already rock hard, he blushed as I grasped onto him, moaning from the cold touch. I gently moved my hand up and down, looking straight up at him. His eyes were closed, feelings of euphoria taking their toll on him.

"F-fuck." He murmured, gasping as I took him into my mouth. I didn't gag, not because of the size of him, but because I wouldn't allow that sort of weakness to get in my way. I was a pro, and I knew exactly what I was doing. He was getting close, and I wouldn't allow that. I pulled away, stroking the freshly-bruised skin on his stomach.

"Why'd... stop?" He groaned disappointedly, finally opening his eyes. I looked directly up at him, shaking my head.

"Not yet." I whispered, tracing shapes on his soft skin with my fingers. I stood up, wiping my mouth, again pinning him to the wall. His arms above his head; he wasn't going anywhere.

"Are you ready?" I asked him, whispering into his neck. Goosebumps were emerging all over  his body from my cold kisses, his breathing heavily.

"What do you mean?" He stammered, looking me straight in the eye, fear flashing across both of his.

"Come on, I promise I'll be gentle. I promise." I said, gently nibbling his ear.

"You don't have a condom though, do you?" He asked with a panicked sigh, I rolled my eyes jokingly.

"You won't get pregnant, I'm not that irresponsible." I joked, smiling at him. He bit my arm, which was holding him down, in a playful way to tell me how done he was with my sarcasm. I laughed, hardly any light was flooding into the room. Just the sounds of excitement coming from the both of us.
I had had enough of teasing him, I was beginning to ache from the lack of touch. I led him over to the large desk, brushing everything onto the floor. I encouraged him to lie down on it; which he did tentatively.

I assured him that I would be gentle with him, after all he was my Frankie. I leaned over him, pressing my lips against his momentarily, one hand stroking his cheek, the other jerking him off. I thrust into him, catching him completely off guard. His toes curled, his face twisted. I kissed him again, telling him that he was okay. That I would be always be gentle. Always.

We lay panting on the ground, Frank finding it hard to breathe from the amount of pleasurable exercise we had both taken part in. He rested his head on my stomach, his pale leg wrapped around my body.

"People heard us, I know it Gee." Frank said, sitting up, resting his head in the palms of his hands. I laughed, wrapping my fingers around his hair again.

"Who cares? I'm the Director, and I may do with my right-hand man, whatever I wish."
He nodded, he didn't need to worry. What Gerard did in Gerard's office was strictly between Gerard and Gerard's right-hand man. Not anybody else, judging by the fact that they were all inferior to Frank and I.

Frank had fallen asleep, every so often I could hear the shout of one of the other patients. It would most likely be utter carnage out there, I didn't want to see the mess. Let alone be one of the ones sane enough to clean it up.
Song Of The Chapter- Break Your Little Heart by All Time Low

A.N #2
I'm still bloody cringing over this damn chapter, it's probably my least favourite- and it will no doubt remain that way. But hey, milestone reached. First ever smit written, and I kinda hope that you enjoyed it. If there's positive feedback- heck there may even be another later on ;) anyway, don't forget to comment and vote, it helps me out a lot (:

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