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Frank P.O.V

I picked at the food sitting in front of me, it was something that you'd feed to a teething baby. It repulsed me, and made me feel nauseous. I gagged, pushing it away from me. Sam, who had attached himself to me, was shovelling his into his decaying mouth. He told me that I'd get used to it, he was a lot more reasonable under the influence of whatever drug he was taking.
A tall, brown-haired guy slid next to me, purposefully sliding into me. His hair was frizzy, and had formed itself into an afro. His brown eyes smiled as wide as his mouth did.

"Hey, I'm Ray. Ray Toro, what would your name be?" He asked, his voice slightly gruff.

"Frank. Frank Iero." He seemed on the normal side, so I humoured him.

"New? You'll get used to this place, I've been here for years. People come and go, but this place never changes. And it never will. It's too far in the gutter to. Anyway, what landed you here?" He rambled on, looking hopefully at me for an answer.

"Depression. That's it." I felt like I was in a prison situation; if anybody found out that I was gay I'd probably get a nasty surprise.

"For me, it's drinking. It tastes so good, but apparently I'm not allowed to. Well, as much as I do. But, if you find a way to bribe the nurses and wardens, you get all of the perks." He tapped his nose, that information was meant to be kept secret. Under locks, but why did he want to share it with me?

"Why did you want to share that with me? I mean, we've literally just met. I'm nothing special, and I haven't done anything in return." I quizzed him, watching him look around for people overhearing our conversation.

"Because, he asked me to keep watch over you." He whispered behind his hand, and I froze. By he, I instantly knew who he meant. Gerard. My psychopathic, friendly neighbour. I scowled, Ray shrugged.

"What does he want with me?" I sighed, placing my hand over my eyes. I heard Ray shift in his chair, I removed my hand.

"I think he's taken a liking to you. But hey, that's just my opinion. I'm just an alcoholic, he's a criminal mastermind. A charismatic one at that. You should ask him yourself." Ray chuckled, his suggestion seemed impossible. There was no way that I would be making my way into his isolated ward. Especially as there were no lights, anywhere, and he could be hidden away in the shadows. Just waiting to attack- to kill me.

"Remember, perks." Ray whispered, tapping his hand on the table.

"How would I ask?" I had fought with myself in my mind, and had decided on facing him. All I wanted was to be left alone, but he wouldn't permit that. And I was angry, I had a few more months to stay, and it would be longer with him in the picture.

"That nurse over there, you do her a favour, she'll do you one. She's not that bad, trust me. I've done her many favours." He turned his head in the direction of the promiscuous, young blonde from earlier. She was already staring at me, her fingers curling in a ridiculous wave. I turned back to face the window, watching her reflection move around in the glass. It was as if she was already beckoning me over to her; I didn't like it.

"Dude, I-I can't. I'm not into that- I just can't." I shivered, just the thought of touching her made my stomach flip. The pitiful amount of industrial slop that I had eaten was already getting ready to march right out of my mouth.

"You want to see him, you have to do it. You never know, it might be useful."
I closed my eyes, standing up from my seat. I pushed it under the table, leaving my plate where it was. Sam had picked up the knife and fork, belonging to shovell the rest of the hardly-touched food into his mouth. Ray pulled a face, clearly smelling Sam's putrid breath.

The nurse had disappeared into a secluded room. Her legs were resting on her desk as she leaned back in a chair, cigarette in her mouth. I wasn't about to make a comment about her smoking, given the circumstance I was about to enter into.

"Can you do me a favour?" I asked with a sigh, my fingers curling into fists by my sides. She looked me up and down, sly smiles all around.

"What would that be?" She asked cockily, her finger lightly tapping the cigarette so that the burning ash spiralled to the floor.

"I need to get into his ward. I know it's probably a long shot, but-"

"What's my motivation?" She interrupted me, blowing smoke into my face. I coughed, unappreciative of the passive smoking.

"I don't know- anything you want, I guess." I was growing increasingly impatient. I didn't want to be here, in this room, in this 'hospital'. I wasn't exactly safe, the only thing that I wanted was to go back home. Where I could safely wallow in self pity.
She stood up, leaving the lit cigarette on the desk. She walked behind me, closing, then locking the door. There was no escape now, she had trapped me. I had to follow through with it. Standing back in front of me, she began to drop her clothes, until every inch of her tanned body was visible to my ungrateful eyes.
Song Of The Chapter- Rising by Son Lux

I'm not going into the details of what happened with Frank and the nurse- because you can imagine, right? Anyway, I'm gonna bulk write a bunch of chapters so that I'll have spare time this week, as it is bank holiday Monday in lovely Britain :3 don't forget to vote and comment.

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