Twenty Three

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Frank P.O.V

I had never seen Gerard so happy before. He was smiling- instead of scowling. He even allowed me to turn on one of the lights, even though it made him twitch. He would tell me that he loved me; the times had changed.

"Can we leave yet Frankie?" He asked, his hands placed firmly against the window. His breath fogged up the glass.

"Gee, we've got to plan it first. We can't just walk out of the front entrance, God knows who'll be waiting out there for any one of us to try and escape." I sighed, putting my hands to my face. I loved his enthusiasm, I really did, but I didn't want it to get the best of him. He could die, and I wouldn't he able to live with myself if he did. I moved my hands away from my face to see that he had written 'Please' in his childish scrawl. He was pouting, adorably.

"I know Gee, but what about everybody else in here? They would probably follow us- which is why we have to plan it." He growled at my mention of the others, primarily Joseph. His wife was probably near to having their baby, she would need him.

"I don't care about them, though." He said, kneeling down so that he was in front of me.

"I know you don't, neither do I. But it's the least that we could do for them. We could get them to let the staff out- something like that." I suggested with a shrug. He rolled his eyes, crossing his arms stubbornly.

"Gerard Way, don't you get stubborn. We brought them into this thing, and we have to let them out." I scolded him, pointing my finger at him. He tried to bite it. I raised an eyebrow at him as he scowled.

"We'd have to go down to the 'belongings room' to find the keys to my house. I suspect that they're still there, unless one of the staff has decided to steal them." He sighed, turning back to face me. A part of me was dying to go to his house. The scene of his crimes, where it all happened. I was intrigued as to what really drove him to do it- that, and I really wanted to see what it looked like. I imagined a grand mansion filled with old, expensive furniture.

"Is it your house, or your parents' house?" I quizzed, leaning forward so that we were closer to each other again.

"Oh, it's mine. I had it built especially for the occasion." He smiled, thinking back. I'm sure that he had a fair reason for doing what he did, but there would always be that little immoral twist. I smiled, as he reached a hand up to grip my thigh. He used it to stand up, then he grabbed hold of me, pressing me against the window.

"It actually has two purposes." He admitted, planting a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Oh really?" I asked, my voice quivering slightly. I usually got distracted when he kissed me, I couldn't help myself.

"Number one," he said, holding up one finger,"Was to hide me when they were searching for me. I think that it took them at least six hours to find me." He said, looking very pleased with himself. "Number two," he whispered, goosebumps appeared all over my body," To hide me and whomever would want to spend the rest of their life with me, so that we wouldn't have to blend in with the 'normies'." He chuckled, nuzzling into my neck affectionately.

"So, you want to spend forever with me?" I asked, completely taken aback. People rarely wanted to spend five minutes with me, let alone the rest of forever.

"Well, I've decided that you've got no choice and that you've got to put up with me. Because I love you, and you're mine." He shrugged.
Fair enough, I thought. I truly didn't mind spending forever with him. He loved me, and I did love him. We could live out our lives in his giant house, with nobody to tell us what we could or couldn't do. No meds, no objections. No parents.

"We'd have to change our identities though." I reminded him, he frowned.

"I'm thinking red hair and a moustache." He said, pouting his lips as he thought.

"Red hair, no moustache." I raised an eyebrow.

"What's up with moustaches? They make people age like a fine wine, or make them look even handsomer then they are now." He winked at me, getting delight from my negative reaction.

"You'd look like a pedophile, and I'm not going to love one of those." I said, my cringing mind instantly jumping to the memory of Sam the sex offender. I shivered, completely glad that his sorry existence was well and truly over.

"I'd look hot." He flashed his teeth at me playfully.

"Sam." I said slyly, waiting for him to notice. He paused, scowling at me again. He cocked his head to the side.

"Don't call me that." He said, his voice threatening in a harmless way.

"Sam." I smiled, knowing that he didn't like it.

"If you call me that again, I'll have to pin you to the floor. I just won't be able to help myself." He shrugged, sarcasm echoing in his voice. I didn't mind being pinned to the floor, especially by him, I thought. Smiling from ear to ear.

He interrupted me by picking me up, spinning me around, pinning me to the floor. My arms above my head, him kneeling over me.
Song Of The Chapter- Where Did You Sleep Last Night by Nirvana

So, as I have a week's holiday from school, and I have little to no friends left- I shall be able to update a lot lot more. I'm also currently in the process of editing one of my other books so that it has no errors or anything :P don't forget to comment and vote (:

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