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Gerard P.O.V

I sensed that he was behind there; there was nothing like a staged, maniac's laugh that wouldn't scare him half to death. Joseph was looking for me, I had escaped from my room. He was scolding the petrified nurse for getting too emotional around me. They were both searching for me- it would take a lot longer as I hated lights, and complained so much about them that they had to shut them all off in my wing. I was sat against the metal entrance-exit to the regular ward. There were people on the other side, but pounding on the door would have given away my position too early in my little game. As I had the keys, I could hide them, and escape later. Maybe I could scare the shit out of the newbie; that in itself sounded like a good time.

There was no doubt that my section of the ward was on lockdown. The obnoxious, orange light in each corner of the room flashed. They shone into my eyes as I tried to cover them. I tucked the keys into the pockets of the flimsy, white pants that they had forced me into. I had no shirt on- the straitjacket lying on the floor was one of my only items of clothing. It was a small punishment on my behalf, I believed.

"Gerard, come on now. What did I say? Don't make me turn the lights on." Joseph called with a sigh, pacing up and down the short corridor. He was feeling the walls, looking for me, I heard the noise of his hands slowly dragging along the white brick.

"That would be giving the game away Joseph, that's called cheating." I cupped my hands over my mouth to make the noise louder. I heard him sigh, he wasn't quick enough to catch me anymore. To be honest, he was probably growing tired of trying.

That was when the lights came on. There were about five male nurses stood a few yards away from me, a new jacket in their hands. I screamed, the light blinding me. I covered my face, trying to block the lights out. I felt like my eye sockets were burning. I screamed and screamed as the nurses wrapped me up, pushing me into the cell again. I thought that it would be safe in there, but the light felt brighter.

"Make it stop!" I screamed to Joseph, who looked upset at what was happening. I had screamed so loudly that my throat grew hoarser and hoarser, yet I continued because I couldn't stop. He said something along the lines of 'I'm sorry', and I was plunged into darkness again. I felt the tears trickle down my face, the salt stinging my marble cheeks.

The meds were kicking in, I was feeling drowsy. I also felt that Joseph had betrayed me, he knew that I hated the lights. They scared me, they always revealed who I was. I hated that just as much. I was sitting in the middle of the room, rocking from side to side, listening to the voices in my head. They were all that I needed, even though some of them needed to calm the fuck down.

"Gerard, look. I'm sorry for the lights, but you know that you're not allowed out of your cell until you can prove that you're better." Joseph said, leaning against the door so that I could see him.

"Ssh." I giggled, I was busy listening to the little voices. They were making me happy, they were telling me their stories. Little stories about who they used to be, what they used to do.

"Anna asked about you. She hopes they you're okay." Anna was his wife, an apparently sweet young lady from the stories he'd told me of her. She apparently had long mousey-brown hair and blue eyes.

"Sssh." I said again, laughing a little louder this time. He sighed, shaking his head.

"I'm going home now. You sleep well, and I'll be back tomorrow to wake you up." He patted the door, seeing as he couldn't pat me affectionately on the shoulder. A true dad action, in my honest opinion. I didn't say anything, I was still swaying from side to side, jingling the keys that they had failed to find on me when they strapped me into the damn jacket. I found it difficult to stand with my hands behind my back, which was combined with the squishy padding of the floor- but I managed.

I was determined to find that patient, I needed a little chat with him. We had a lot to discuss, and maybe, just maybe, he'd go along with my plan. Then it would be complete. There's nothing that a little emotional blackmail can't do.

It was awkward standing in the middle of the room, trying to flail my arms to break through the old material of the jacket, but with a little effort it ripped in a matter of seconds. I cracked my neck, taking the keys from inside my underwear. It's a safe place, they're not allowed to check in there. I rattled the chain as little as possible, sliding the key into the lock, feeling very very accomplished.
Song Of The Chapter- .stitches. by Frnkiero andthe cellabration

If there's any spelling errors in this then I'll just go with it XD I'm too tired to edit atm, and I'll just leave it for a future hobby XD don't forget to vote and comment, because I don't bite

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