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Frank P.O.V

I quickly dragged the woman into the kitchen, she didn't need to witness any more violence. She was cradling the baby doll, a small crack breaking out across its forehead. I beckoned her over to the sink, a cloth in my hand.

"I'm so sorry for what you've seen. Are you okay?" I asked, dabbing at the small scratches on her face. Her eyes followed my hand as it moved, still rocking the baby.

"Fine." She mumbled to herself. I washed the cloth in the steady stream of cold water, moving my head so that I was always in her line of vision.

"Is your baby okay?" I asked. I knew that the doll wasn't real, but it seemed to mean a lot to her. So I decided to play along with her, making her feel like she could trust me.
She looked down, noticing the small crack in her dolls head. She gasped, looking back up at me. I beckoned her over to a small first-aid box that I had found hidden in one of the old cabinets. I placed a bandaid on the doll's forehead. She thanked me over and over again, planting kiss after kiss on the doll's porcelain face.

There was a knock at the canteen door; Gerard. I opened it, he was breathing heavily. Uncontrollably. I grabbed him by the shoulders, moving him to one side so the woman could run from behind me. She scuttled out of the canteen and out of sight.

"Where's Sam?" I asked him, holding him so that he was in my eyesight. He was frowning, his arms hanging limply by his sides.

"Window." He shrugged, I rolled my eyes. I pouted, his frown disintegrating into a crooked smile. He picked me up, spinning me around, pinning me to the wall. He breathed lightly on my neck, nibbling gently on the skin.

"Gee, we can't do it here. Anybody can just walk in and see us." I mumbled through moans of pleasure.

"You're no fun." He giggled into my skin, nuzzling into my neck. He kissed my cheek, dragging me from the canteen, and back down the corridor towards our office.

Gerard had fallen asleep on the floor, curled up in a ball. I stroked his forehead, fishing inside my pocket for the phone number that Joseph had written down for me. I left Gerard a note to say that I had just gone for a walk- just in case he woke up before I came back. I took the key to his ward from his pocket, it was the only safe place that I could think of with a phone.
I made sure that the office door was closed, before jogging lightly down the corridor. There was hardly anybody around, yet I wasn't surprised. The minds of the mentally ill are a lot different to the minds of those branded as normal.

I twisted the key in the lock, as quietly as I could. I didn't want to draw any attention to myself. I locked the door behind myself, hoping that nobody had seen me. They would tell Gerard, and only God knew what he'd do to me if he found me in here- if he cared at all. It was difficult to see as the windows were boarded up, musty air finding its way into my lungs. Nearing the end of the corridor, I congratulated myself. Opening the door to the office situated at the end. Everything inside was untouched, a mug of cold, half-drunk coffee balancing on a pile of old newspapers from months gone. I sat down at the chair, pulling myself closer to the desk. I typed the numbers that were on the little piece of paper, listening to the dial tone.

"Hello?" The young woman on the end of the line asked, she sounded like she had been crying for a long period of time.

"Is this Joseph's wife?" I asked, crossing my fingers, hoping that I had succeeded in contacting her.

"This is she." She sniffled, her voice saturated with sorrow.

"Thank God. I'm Frank Iero, a patient at the hospital that your husband Joseph works at, he told me to contact you. To make sure that you're okay." I said quickly, my leg shaking with a sense of urgency.

"Where is my husband? I'm heavily pregnant and our child is likely to arrive any day." She sobbed, her calm disposition easily broken at the mention of her absent husband.

"He's here. In the basement- I didn't put him there. One of the other patients here is now 'running' the place. I can try to get him out, but I can't promise anything. But I'll try." I said, scrunching my eyes, hoping that her responses would come quicker.

"You will?" She asked, a sense of hope in her hoarse voice.

"Yes, I'll try. I'll try. Don't call the police. I swear, it'll mean my life and your husbands. You just have to trust me."

"Okay. Okay. Thank you, Frank?"

"Yeah, Frank. Just hold tight." I said to her, placing the phone gently back down onto the receiver. I hid the paper underneath the phone, just in case I would need it again. I would have to wait a day or so to tell Joseph of the plan. I couldn't afford to go now, as I had already been gone for too long. I made sure that the key was in my hand, as I walked along the dark corridor.
Song Of The Chapter- Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now by The Smiths

I have literally run out of things to say, seeing as my life isn't anything entertaining XD I'll probably end up writing another chapter today (: don't forget to comment and vote.

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