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Gerard P.O.V

I loved the way that I could make Frank squirm underneath me. He seemed to get more innocent as the days passed by, making me adore him more and more. We were sat alone in our office, the early morning sun streaming in through the windows. It coloured his face a pale yellow, his eyes watching the trees sway in the darkness.

"Gee?" He asked, looking up at me. He was sat on my knee.

"Mhm?" I answered.

"Why do you kill people?" He looked directly up at me, eyes refusing to turn away. For once, I couldn't answer. I didn't know. I loved the feeling of being in control, of being in the position of deciding who could live, and who had to die. On the other hand, I couldn't control myself. Any form of a threat just had to go. Whoever or whatever the threat was, it had to go.
I hesitated.

"I don't know Frankie. I guess that I don't particularly like people attempting to threaten me with their morals- that I deem to be incorrect." I nodded as I said it, mentally agreeing with myself that what I was saying was a good way of putting my outbursts into an easier way of understanding.

"What do you mean?" He pouted, I looked down. His hazel eyes were shining innocently.

"Being snobs. Being alcoholics. Pedophilia in general. You know, those type of things. Things that shouldn't be a quality in people." I said, I wanted the subject of conversation to cease to exist. That would've been great.

"And who, was it that you 'corrected', that fitted those criteria?" He raised an eyebrow, making light out of the fact that I was a cold, soulless murderer with many, many mental illnesses.

"Parents. My brother.Sam. Countless others." I said, counting them on my fingers. Frank rolled his eyes with a smirk. I pulled a face. He re-adjusted himself, resting his head against my stomach. Rising and falling with the pattern of my breathing. I was glad that the conversation had ended, I didn't like to dwell on the rigmarole of my past.

"Gee?" He asked again, my stomach churning, hoping that he didn't ask about my murders again.


"Will we ever leave here?" He wasn't looking at me this time, he was staring, blank-faced, at the forest. I understood what he meant. I didn't want to be stuck in this old mental asylum that had broken down.

"Yes. I don't want to be stuck here forever, do you?" I asked, he shook his head quickly. We could just wander off through a back door, climb the fence, then we would be free. Then the question was: 'Would he stay with me forever?' I didn't think that I would be able to cope without him. He was my everything, my entire life.

"Where would we go?" He asked innocently, his hand gripping my thigh.

"My old house. I wouldn't allow them to sell it; it's my house after all. I have millions of dollars frozen in my bank account. We'd survive. Get a different identity. Start anew." My mind was thriving with ideas of our future together. It was all flashing before my eyes, like the way your memories do when you're dying. It made me excited, it was something to look forward to. Me and my Frankie.

"I like that idea." His reflection smiled brightly in the windowpane.

"Oh you do?" I raised my eyebrow, cocking my head to the side.

"Oh yes. Who knows, maybe we'll throw some kids in there." He shrugged, biting the plain white fabric of my long shirt.

"So you're planning on getting pregnant sometime soon?" I said sarcastically, watching his face turn towards me, playfully glaring at me. I chuckled, he bit my arm that I had wrapped around him, holding him close to me.

"No, we can adopt them. All of them."

"All of them?"

"All of them." He said, pulling another face at me.

"You shouldn't pull faces Frankie, you're too pretty for that." I scolded him, tapping his nose lightly. He tried to bite my finger.

"You pull faces all of the time, and your too pretty for that. The rules still apply to you." He rolled his eyes at me, breathing out with a sigh. I lifted his chin up with my hand, so that I could look into his eyes properly.

"I mean it. You're too pretty to pull faces." I gnashed my teeth together, before pressing my lips against his. He moved away, squirming on my knee so that he was facing me. His neck was covered with hickeys- most of his skin was. I couldn't get enough of the cute little gasps he made when I bit him.

"Here's to forever." He said, smiling adorably. I grinned, my smile spanning from ear to ear. He leant forwards, kissing me gently on the lips.
I wanted to pick him up, spin him around and pin him against something so that he couldn't move. So that he couldn't escape from me. He'd be forced to love me, not that he didn't. But- I thought that I'd let him decide what we did, seeing as I always chose what we did. And that was always sex. His body was my favourite, and if I could I'd look at it for hours. Days. Months. Years. Forever.
Song Of The Chapter- Selina by Pete and the Pirates

I feel like I've been slacking, and I apologise if this chapter is sucky as fuck! I've fallen in love with two things over the past few days. 1. IT by Stephen King, Pennywise is my favourite.
2. The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Good God, it is the BEST and I mean BEST thing ever. The guy that plays Pennywise in the IT movie, also plays Dr Frank n Furter in Rocky Horror and his voice is just British and great.

Don't forget to comment and vote (: it helps me out a lot.

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