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Gerard P.O.V

Blood dripped down the side of his mouth from where I had bitten his lip. He breathed in heavily, it was hurting him. But he was my right-hand man and had to do what I said. Whatever I wanted. And right then, right there, I wanted him.

"But Gee, I'm still hurting from last time." He whimpered, pulling away from my lips. I showed him my teeth, before kissing him again.

"I'll be gentle." I said, his own blood dripping down my chin now. I picked him up again, placing him gently down on the desk.

I sat back in my chair, facing the window. He was sat between my legs, my fingers curling around his hair. It helped to keep me calm, and he seemed to be enjoying himself. He leant forwards, turning around to face me.

"Gee?" He asked, placing his warm hand on my bare thigh. I looked down.

"Mhm?" I asked, moving his fringe out of his eyes.

"Why do you love me?" He asked, his eyes searching mine for the answer to his question. Which I didn't know. I just did. He was the only person capable of holding an intelligible conversation. He batted his eyelashes, his fingers gripping my thigh tightly.

"Because, you're beautiful. And in some ways more than others, we're alike. We both know what it's like to be unsupported by people we love- except, I kill those people; which is where we differ," I looked up again, concentrating on the trees. I half-expected some authority to be lurking there. It actually surprised me that nobody had bothered to come and find out anything. "Why do you love me?" I asked, grinning at him. He blushed, crossing his legs underneath himself.

"Because, you're charismatic. You're more beautiful than me. You make more sense to me than this dumb world, you make me happy." He grabbed hold of my hand, holding it against his face. I smiled, he had cheered me up.
Somebody knocked loudly on the door, making Frank jump. They lingered outside, dithering, unsure of whether or not to open the door; they made it seem like there was a sense of urgency.

"Yes." I called to them, my teeth barred together angrily. I was trying to spend time with my man, I didn't want any interruptions

"Uh, Mr- Mr Way, sir. There's a thing going on. And we need you, to fix. It's quite bad." Somebody hesitated, their face pressed up against the door.

"Out in a minute." I hissed, stroking Frank's cheek. He looked just as disappointed as I was. I stood up, made sure that I was completely clothed, him too.

"Come with me." I said, holding my hand out to help him up. He pulled his clothes back on grudgingly, taking extra time to tie his shoelaces. That's why I never wore shoes. That, they made me feel uncomfortable. I opened the door to a small, snivelling man. He seemed to be about our age, but without an ounce of stubble on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked him impatiently, he seemed to be terrified of me. Good.

"Sam's throwing things around the canteen, he hit a woman. You know, the one with the baby doll?" He walked along the corridor with us, or seemed to hobble. He didn't scream insane, but there was something odd about him. I didn't really care to ask; I wasn't bothered.

I could hear the crashing of metal and old wood against walls, floors, other patients. I won't tolerate that, I'll exterminate him, I thought. There were various people dotted around the room, some cheering him on, some completely captured by a mixture of awe and fear. The room stopped as soon as I stepped through the door, the creaks of the building in the wind were almost as deafening as the silence in the room. Sam saw me enter, his already battered body looking fail. I would finish him, I thought to myself again.

"What are you doing?" I screamed from the door, his disgusting grin meeting my anger square in the face.

"Nothing that concerns you, or that pretty boy of yours." He said, motioning his head towards my Frankie.

"Frankie, will you take that lady over there into the kitchen? Look after her and her baby, would you?" I asked Frank, wanting him to be as far away from me and my anger for the duration of Sam's impeding death. He nodded quickly, shuffling towards the woman, helping her up. Her baby doll lay limply in her arms, a huge crack in its beautiful, porcelain face. I heard him close the door, then I could finish.

"You know Sam, I did believe that I had almost killed you the first time. I was planning on shoving you down the garbage chute, but my 'boy' told me to be more kind." I said, squaring up to him. I towered over his small frame, I fought the urge to pick him up and launch him against wall. As hard as my strength would allow me, but, I had already decided on hearing him out.

"Your 'boy' has a beautiful face. A beautiful scream too, I heard you both up in your office doing whatever. I wish that I could've seen the look on his little face." He smiled slyly, I refused to let him know that I was bothered about the fact that he had been listening to Frank and I. I walked slowly over to him, him cackling a disgusting, mucousy laugh. I cringed, only slightly; nothing too obvious.
I picked him up by the collar of his grubby shirt, walking him over to the window behind us. His breath was rotten. Him dying was one of the good things to happen to the earth. Holding him against the wall with one hand, I used the other one to pick up a chair. The glass of the window smashed into a millions of pieces, Sam still cackling.

"Goodbye Sam." I sighed, launching him out of the window. His eyes never left my gaze, his creepy smile piercing my mind. He was waving at me, before his body hit the ground with a sickening, yet delightful crunch. He had stopped moving, his mouth ajar, blood pouring out of his ears. I shrugged, pulling the blinds down. It was best to pretend that the entire inconvenience had never happened.
Song Of The Chapter- The Anthem by Good Charlotte

I literally have nothing to say, I'm just that boring XD I hope to think of a way to end this story (but don't worry, it won't be for another month or so- possibly more!)- so don't panic (: Don't forget to comment and vote (:

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