Chapter 46- Missions and Suspicions

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Lyra pov.
I hated the way my steps echoed back at me. The emptiness of his chambers during the day engulfed me, threatening to drown me. I felt the pressure easing in on me, Dumbledore gone, Filch and Umbridge showing up at random, and the inquires. Those were the worst. I was never cruel or spiteful, but when asked about me I have no doubt a student would hesitate to tell her where they saw me last. Even if every student Umbridge had drilled into and threatened decided to not say anything, Severus told me she had been prodding him to provide her with a suspicious amount of Veritaserum. was doomed, whether by her finding me or this loneliness driving me mad. How many days has it been since I left? I have no idea. My hobbies had varied over the course of time in here, but it all bored me tears by this point. Severus returned every night, usually with papers and textbooks and numerous stories of the day, most consisted of Potter. Mondays were the worst. Each week he returned more frustrated, and I was of no help. I hadn't been able to master the skill either. I could hear the poisonous insults he spat; they almost drowned out the knock at the door. Well, to be fair it wouldn't have taken much. The tapping was as light as air, and I near opened it too. Such a knock couldn't mean harm. I fell back, scolding myself; if I kept up these follies I'd be gone for sure.
"Professor? I've sorted and restocked the ingredients, and graded what you told me." Even her voice was sweet as honey, but it was one I'd never heard. More footsteps and a small exchange was made.
"Who was that?" Severus had crept into the room, laying the papers atop his mounting stack.
"I didn't realize you'd be awake."
"Severus its barely past seven. "
"Oh, yes. Well."
"Why do you need someone to grade your papers? That was what I did."
"I didn't have much of a choice; the school is under a tyranny now. She appointed Miss Nagle and I obliged. "
"You could have just asked me to help if you needed it. I have a bunch of free time now, as you know."
"Professor Snape!" Draco called, and once again I was shoved into a small closet, door shut in my face.
"Sorry sir, but Professor Umbridge needs you. Montague has been found. He's jammed in a toilet on the fourth floor." Despite the situation, I couldn't suppress a small giggle. I could barely see them through the slits, but they weren't my main concern. A way down the hall stood the moderately sized girl, in wisping Ravenclaw robes, head afire and a spray of freckles across her pale face. She was absolutely beautiful and organizing the potion ingredients. Dismay crept over me; it was my job she took after all. I didn't like the idea of Severus working alone with this girl, not one bit. I suddenly felt very grateful for remaining here instead of fleeing.
* * *
That night had been the worst in a while. Severus came back irate, complaining about
Potter invading his pensieve and the end of their lessons. I soothed him with calm words and massages, but my mind was everywhere. Potter had needed Occulumency for a reason, so what was to happen now that he could not get it? Foolish worries peppered my mind as well about the girl, what would happen to me, etc. Each day dragged by, slower than the last. My worries faded after some time but never completely, especially as Severus explained all the goings of the school. Every move she made I wondered when I'd have to leave and what would happen. Harry couldn't even play Quidditch anymore. It had become more prison than school. By the time O.W.L.s came around I was a mess more than ever, my sleep had become disrupted and even when I did sleep, I had awful dreams. Most of the time I could hardly remember what they were about but thinking about it too hard made my left arm burn with a passion. My dark mark was inky and firm, as was Severus'. As testing grew near, Severus became less flustered with work, and less short tempered. I even saw him smile from time to time. That night as he returned from the Great Hall, I ambushed him. As he opened the door, I jumped on his back, wrapping my legs around him and arms around his throat. Most would have fallen, but of course, he caught me.
"Severus Snape you're going to take me out of this cave right now!"
"I've been here for Merlin knows how long, its dark and cold so it might as well be one."
"And how do you suppose I get you out of here?"
"You can't Apparate on hogwarts property. "
"Floo Powder."
"Umbridge has every fireplace sealed off, except her own. "
"Lyra you don't know how to fly."
"Gah I don't care! I'll even do the stupid toilet thing they do at the Ministry if I have to just get me out before I scream!"
"Where do you propose I take you?"
"Anywhere but here." "You're very specific."
"It's one of more admirable qualities." He smiled, just a bit.
"Lyra Ianthe, you will be the death of me. I'll take you outside for a few moments, if you promise to listen to what I tell you."
"Whatever." He shook his head, and tapped me once again.
"Follow me. Don't come close to anyone else." I did exactly as he said, trailing after him, up the stairs and through the halls. I had grown accustomed to the poorly lit dungeons so the Great Hall came as quite a shock to me. As my eyes adjusted to the numerous candles, I nearly lost him in a crowd of third years. I crept along the wall, praying not one of them took a step back. Everything was as I left it essentially, except for the fact everyone seemed drained of all spirit. The majority of the wide halls were empty, except for the surprisingly chatty portraits. They ensured that if anyone was pursuing us or wandering, we wouldn't hear them. I sincerely hope portraits can't see through the Disillusionment charm, or this would be a bit awkward. I noticed that the ghosts could. The Bloody Baron was engaged in small talk with Nearly headless Nick, blood stained silver and as ominous and foreboding as always. He gave us a curt nod while Nick carried on, looking rather conflicted. We had to double back and take the long route after a while. We heard a loud crash and Severus spun around, saying Peeves was near. The exit was in sight when of course, I nearly tripped over that god forsaken cat. Her eyes seemed aglow as she let out an accusing meow. She waved her tail playfully, stepping under my feet after every step I took.
"W-what is it?" wheezed Filch, appearing from another corridor. "Oh-h. Professor."
I desperately tried to sneak around the cat, but only managed to nearly trip.
"Go on Filch. There's no one here."
"But Mrs. Norris has something."
"Then I'll patrol the area, there is really no need for you to stay."
"Professor Umbridge says—"Becoming increasingly fed up, I stomped on the cat's tail- hard. When she let out the high- pitched yelp, I almost felt sorry for her. But it was either her or me, and I was sick of my heart thumping louder than a jackhammer.
"Looks like it was really nothing at all." Remarked Severus as she took off down the corridor we came, Filch in pursuit. I sighed in relief and continued outside. It was an intermission between afternoon and night, the sky tinted a deep purple and dotted with a few smoky clouds. Cold air nipped at any exposed skin but I welcomed it, letting the last whispers of winter embrace me. The grass was stiff and yellow but the plants were slowly goring back. Trees that were once balding now had dozens of buds and leaves sprouting in place. Even the twisted and warped forest was a pleasure to see. I treaded as lightly as I could, just in case anyone was lurking around the corner. Everything was silent except for the occasional howl of a rogue wolf in the distance, it smelled of hope and moisture as I carefully took a seat on a low to the ground rock, wary of the grass wet with slush. The lake was absolutely freezing as Severus came to stand next to me, poking me with his wand. I felt the spell lift, which I thought was cutting it pretty close since we were still relatively close to the castle but said nothing.
"Your robes match your eyes." He stated, I glanced down at the robes Dora had bought me, shimmering brilliantly. He took my hand in his, both cold but soft, and gave it a soft squeeze.
"I suppose they do." I glanced up; the stars had started to pop out, one by one, illuminating the night. "I have a stupid question."
"Don't you always?"
"Oh, quiet. What's the girl's name?"
"Which girls name?"
"What do you mean which girl's name, how many girls do you see?"
"Several. Do you have any idea how many classes I teach a week of all years? And that would be excluding the other women within the building."
"The one with the red hair."
"Ah. Velma Nagle. She's a seventh year and receives good marks in Potions, so she was appointed as my assistant. That's all there is to it." Even as he said it, he had this faraway look in his eyes, a glint of a memory. Perhaps I was paranoid, but the explanation did not put me at ease. To be honest, I hadn't a clue where my worries stemmed from, or even what they were. Severus, excluding me, was hardly affable or admirable and had never provided me with a reason not to trust him. The girl seemed as innocent as could be, and showed Severus no more love than need be, so why did the thought of her taking my place make me so uneasy?
"Promise there isn't anything there?"
"Lyra that's repulsive, she's a student!"
"Well yes but how much longer? Two months? Just promise?"
"Of course I promise. Have I given you reason to doubt me?"
"No it's just...I don't like being without you." I felt my face heat up as my eyes sank to the ground. He wrapped a arm around me, hugging me close and gentle pecking my forehead. The scent of peppermint was so strong it stung my nostrils in the cool breeze. This was the same spot I kissed him after he saved me from the dementors. It was the best mistake I made, even if it took me this long to see it. I hadn't kissed him since then. The thought was enticing, but something warded me off. I felt giddy at the thought, but I still felt dreadfully nervous. As if he might push me away at the last moment in disgust, as if this was just too serious. I had pecked his cheek hundreds of times maybe, but his lips seemed forbidden. He looked down at me resting at his chest and suddenly, his ebony eyes didn't seem so cold. He slipped an arm under my back and leaned in slightly. I didn't hop away, in fact I didn't really process what he was about to do until his lips met mine. They were still soft, just as they had always been and my face was afire again. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing back with passion. He pulled away suddenly, a smirk upon his face.
"Lyra. I have to ask you a favor. Not just me, but the Order. I can't explain now. But it has to be done. You seem to be the only one who can do it." 

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