Chapter 29- First Task

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Lyra pov

I had become rather...jumpy lately. I had never told anyone about my eigth birthday. I always wore long sleeves and Severus had only seen my right forearm. He had actually helpedme to stop...I wore bracelets to cover my scars and though i never let him see nor would i ever tell him, his name was written on my arms. I knew Harry had been practicing for the frst task. I would occasionally hear him attempting summoning spells in empty classrooms. Thats good. I frankly never really liked Cedric. He had everything handed to him because of his looks and i didn't like that trait in anyone. I couldn't stand the Beauxbatons students. I choked on the strong, sickly sweet perfume they wore and the were all (even the boys, thats what kind of concerned me...) very girly. Most of th boys reminded me of Lockhart and honestly made me uncomfortable. I had heard alot of rumors from the students  about what the first task, most very unnerving. It was times like these i was ashamed to be a Slytherin. They were (especially Malfoy) all very rude to Potter. The day of November 24th arrived quickly. I sat with the rest of the staff, next to Severus. I kept my mind elsewhere, a crisp Autumn breeze blew and distorted my hair. I smoothed it and looked off further into the distance. The trees were fading from the healthy green to varying shades of red, orange, brown and yellow. I watched as they flew around waiting for something to happen. Even whe Cedric stepped out, my mind stayed elsewhere, only this time,a different elsewhere. There was a bit of sunlight leaking from behind the puffy white clouds. Sev's skin nearly glowed in the dim sunlight. It was quite..captivating. I didn't watch any of them face their dragons, as Viktor stepped out i layed my head on Severus's shoulder and sighed. His cloak smooth, comfortable. My hand brushed his, i felt myself flush a light shade of pink. I closed my eyes and quickly but gentley grabbed his hand. I held m breath, waiting for the moment he'd yank his hand away and demand to know what i was doing.  Hand holding wasn't the kind of thing he would do. But he never took his hand away. He didn't really react, besides giving me a questioning look.

"I'm just...really really tired"  i replied, nuzzling him a little. It wasn't a lie i hadn't been sleeping all too well at night for a long time now. He smelled nice..peppermint standing out strongly. After four years it smelt homely....normal. He took off his cloak and wrapped it around me in a comforting sort of way. I smiled and closed my eyes for a moment, taking in the perfection of the moment. I was suposed to help stuff in the potions room today i'm not quite sure what i was suposed to do. To be entirely honest i wasn't really listening. I cudddled him for a while, funny how no one really seemed to notice. He nudged me slightly as everyone was rising and leaving. I looked around. Oh shit is Harry dead? No, no there he is. Alright. I slowly walked back to the castle and headd for the dungeons. Sev was just leaving and...locking the potions room.

"I thought you needed my help?"

"Grading papers. Come along."

He grabbed my arm gingerly and led me to his chambers. It was nice and dark in here. I rubbed my eyes and sat on the couch.

"What do i do?" I asked. He tossed me a blanket.

"You lay down, and you take a nap while i grade the papers."


"Don't make me give you a sleeping potion."

Not wanting to be completely unconscious i obediently layed back and closed my eyes.

Severus pov

Lyra had been acting quite different lately. It was strange...



"Do you fancy me?" It was very unlikely but it seemed a logical explamation.

"Don't be stupid." She replied sleepily. I nodded though i admit it was a little disheartening...i almost hoped she had.

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