Chapter 9- The Stone

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Chapter 9- The Stone

So…I was wrong. Well…There was this whole thing….and now Potter is in the hospital wing. I know this from what Albus told me. Potter had also suspected Snape. When he heard Albus was gone and along with other aspects that led him to believe this…he thought Snape was going to steal the stone that night. He convinced Weasley and Granger and they went through the trapdoor. Somehow they got through everything okay. Well at least Potter did. Albus told me that he found someone there but it wasn’t Snape. Qurirell was there, which I really don’t understand. He was so…weak. And well Snape...wasn’t. I still despise Snape. I asked Albus why Snape did the things he did. (he had explained he was protecting Potter.) But he wouldn’t tell me.  He also explained the whole thing about the Dark Lord and Qurirell. It was all confusing but oh well. I had, found a place to stay. Not too far from here. I would miss Hogwarts but I would be free from Snape’s snide comments for some time.

It was the time for the house cup to be awarded. The year has honestly gone by too fast.  Slytherin had won of course. Snape looked pleased and I couldn’t stand it. I may be a Slytherin but even I can agree with recent events taken into account that Gryffindor should win.  Dumbledore began announcing the points and where they stand. I didn’t really care.

“However I must take recent events into account.”

I looked up. Is he really going to? Snape looked up as well.

“To Miss Hermione Granger for amazing cleverness, sixty points.”

The Gryffindor table erupted with noise.

“To Mr. Ronald Weasley for the best played game of chest Hogwarts has ever seen, sixty points.”

Even more clapping and cheering.

“To Mr. Harry Potter, for outstanding bravery and courage, sixty points.”

The houses were tied.

“It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies. And even more to stand up to our friends. Therefore I award Mr. Neville Longbottom, ten points.”

I had no idea what that last one was about but I didn’t care. Gryffindor won. The Gryffindor table completely exploded. Snape looked pissed. I was pleased.

I was all packed. I was sad to leave but I would be returning soon. I walked to Hogsmeade with my stuff and Apparated to my new home.

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