Chapter 39- The Date

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Lyra pov.

I sat at the end of my bed, utterly confused.  I had a date before. That had never happened before. I wore black boots,  blue jeans , a black button up shirt and a leather jacket; muggle clothing.  But my etiquette didn't concern me. It was what this "date" would do to Severus if he found out. I had just gotten him to not hate me; I didn't want to damage anything. Then again...there wasn't really anything to damage. I heard a knock upon my door

"Lyra?" It was Severus' voice no doubt but it was softer than I ever heard it.

"Yes?" He entered, closing the door behind him.

"You look nice...” he remarked. It was casual but I was astonished. I had never heard Severus grant anyone a compliment.

"Thanks? I replied uncertainly. He didn't say anything for a while.

"So where are you going?" I stared at a loose string at the end of my dark blue blanket.

"I have a er...thingy.”

"Your elaborate descriptive abilities have always been intriguing.” I giggled a little; a high pitched giggle a school girl would emit if they talked to their crush. The noise was foreign to me. He smiled; another rare occasion.

"Listen I have something I need to tell you-" a sudden knock made him stop mid-sentence.

"Yes?"  I replied for the second time that night

“Miss Lyra?” called Viktor. Fuck.  Severus stood up abruptly

“I really should be going…”

“What is it you were about to say?”

“Oh its nothing. I was just being foolish,” He slipped out of the door, as he did so I slumped down onto my bed, questions riddling within my head. He had never acted so strange... Smoothing my hair down, I exited my room to greet Viktor. He was waiting patiently, with a bouquet of red roses in hand. Despite my lack of interest I was flattered and honestly a little impressed. He took my hand and led me out of the castle. 

“Have you evea been to Madame Puddifoots tea shop?” He asked politely.

“Well…no. I don’t think I’ve ever been to Hogsmeade actually.”  He cracked a smile

“Then allow me to show you.” He was good at small talk which worked out well because I turned out to be really bad at carrying out a conversation. I had always been really shy.

                The streets of the wizarding city were lit and crowded, people flowing in and out, bouncing from shop to shop. A lot of people gawked at Viktor as he passed by, a little boy of about ten even asked for his autograph.

“I play Quidditch for the Vratsa Vultures.” He explained

“Oh, that must be fun” He shrugged as we entered the tea shop. Inside it was small and cramped, and to my dismay full of couples. I HATED watching other people get all lovey dovey. I grimaced as a couple in the corner started snogging.  It was a tacky kind of frilly; with golden cherubs and pink confetti littering the floor and table. I took a seat across from him, he did resemble Severus in some ways; his nose was curved from former injuries, his skin was a light tone and his expression was almost set in a permanent scowl. This wasn’t that bad. I jumped slightly as he snaked his fingers between mine,

“So…Vhat is your favorite colour?” I giggled at the simplicity of the question.

“Persian Green” I replied. A waitress came over; she had droopy cerulean eyes, long silky brown hair and rather small ears. Her dark skin stood out against the light pink outfit she wore. Her gaze lingered on me for a moment but then her attention remained on Viktor, casting him flimsy smiles as he ordered for both of us. As the night went on everything went on I found he was really sweet and charming…maybe this was a good mistake… after all Severus was such a puzzle…maybe I couldn’t figure him out at all. I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life running through a maze only to hit a dead end. The grounds were deserted at this time as he walked me home.

“This was nice.”

“Vould you like to do it again sometime? I’m in town for a couple of weeks.”

“Sure.” I didn’t really consider it, but why not? It was then I noticed his intentions as he leaned in a little with puckered lips. As a final act of defense I turned quickly so he only got my cheek, and then quickly entered my chambers.

Third person pov.

Severus paced Dumbledore’s office.

“I cannot help you Severus.” Remarked Albus, his voice full of pity.

“I can’t lose her!” cried Severus.

“I know. You have to tell her.”

“There’s someone else now. It wouldn’t be fair to her to do so.”

“You’re making excuses. You should have heeded my warnings.”

“I know but….I can’t”

“You’re doing what you did with Lily Severus; you’re letting her get away.” He stayed silent.

“I’m afraid…”

“You aren’t afraid of love; you’re afraid of not being loved back. But you mustn’t let your fears cripple you.” He sighed

“I know…”

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